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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I hope you enjoy the book; it's an excellent read.
  2. :grouphug:I'm sending prayers your way.:grouphug:
  3. :seeya: I hope you'll pop back in and visit from time to time, and update us on how your family settles in.
  4. I'd lean towards calling or e-mailing the manager later or on the way out; I wouldn't cause a scene at the restaurant. In all honesty, I'm not sure I'd be all that creeped out by them.
  5. No way. Drinking to fit into a crowd is not a good idea in my book.
  6. :grouphug:You are still going to be an awesome mom, you just need to relax a bit and not let his normal growing pains bring you down. I promise he is going to grow up into a wonderful guy. :grouphug: I've got two, and dh and I both had to let go a bit to allow them to feel their way through the rocky road of being a hormonal teen.
  7. Oh, I'm so happy you went in, and wish you a full recovery.:grouphug:
  8. I've always understood it to mean...the room is off limits & don't come in.
  9. I was advised to give up soy; I did and my symptoms pretty much went away.
  10. My floors needed a lot more attention when my kids were little and we had a dog. Now they get cleaned out of habit vs. need.
  11. No, I've always followed the proctoring the test guide and I've never had one that prompted a student for anything other than basic instructions like use a #2 pencil, fill in the bubbles, etc. My two have taken the CAT, and ITBS tests.
  12. Ticonderoga pencils Black Warrior pencils vis-a-vis WET erase markers Prisimacolor colored pencils Rival pencil sharpener
  13. :grouphug:I hope you'll stick around and lend us your experience homeschooling and entering a new paradigm.
  14. I never set out to be a co-sleeper, but after too many nights of little to no sleep (while my co-sleeping neighbor rested away) it just happened. We never bothered purchasing a crib for my 2nd. Poor little fellow just snuggled in with us from day one. By then, I'd grown a deaf ear to all naysayers. I say, sleep how and when ever you can with a little one. Unless you are using alcohol or drugs of course.
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