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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Don't want to hijack the thread, but it seems many of our kiddies are in the same situation. My dd13 has high functioning Autism and would be so excited to have an email/penpal if anyone is interested. Just send me a PM:)
  2. I can completely relate. My dd13 (high functioning Autism) does not have a single friend. And it breaks my heart. She wants friends, but just doesn't know how to develop or maintain a relationship. It's a shame you aren't closer.....Would your dd be interested in a penpal or email pal. One that can totally relate? PM if you would be interested. I know my dd would love it and it would be nice for her to have someone other than me to share things with! ETA: Just saw you had quite a few pen pal offers:) Yay!! My dd would love this if yours is interested!
  3. I went to a local university, but had many friends move away for college. I can think of only a few instances where they did so for academic reasons. Most went for fun. The excitement of living on campus, doing as you please, etc. None of my close friends came from bad homes or had over-protective parents they were trying to escape from. They just wanted that "college" experience.....which for most meant sororities, parties, etc.
  4. I can do nothing but commiserate, sorry:( I had to take Geometry 3 times in high school. Guess what? I NEVER understood how to do proofs. I think the teacher finally passed me out of pity:tongue_smilie: Had he not, I wouldn't have graduated despite being in all honors classes otherwise. I wish you much more success than I had!
  5. Ahhhhh, yes. We did this a few years ago and it drove me crazy. We were holed up in my room for days. Hang in there....it will be worth it:)
  6. Yeah, I think it would have been creepy as a child to feel like a little elf was watching me all day:). However, I can see how it could be fun if you used it just as a little toy you hid each day.....without the whole stalking aspect. My bigger problem with it is the price.....$30?!?!? Am I the only one that thinks it is WAY overpriced?
  7. You can always click on your name, go to stats, and click on posts. In the future you can always subscribe to the threads you have posted on or are interested in:)
  8. Yup, nothing that I want or need here. Dh and I aren't exchanging gifts this year. Although I wouldn't be mad at him if he got me some super warm slippers;)
  9. I am making cream cheese cookies with the cookie press. Topped with a maraschino cherry, of course. It's my grandma's recipe and my all time favorite cookie. I am also baking an Apple Cinnamon loaf for a little breakfast buffet the moms are secretly arranging for our dd's gymnastic coaches. Seriously, it is the best loaf. Ever.
  10. We have a real tree. And it is decorated with all sorts if homemade and character ornaments. No department store looking trees around here!!
  11. My brother used to have night terrors. Sounds very similar to what you describe. I remember one time he was shaking all over and beating on his second story window as hard as he could. Scared me and my parents so much!!! He eventually outgrew them. Hope this is all that it is. I would still see a doctor, just to ease my mind.
  12. Funny, it has the opposite effect on me:lol:
  13. Oooohhhhh, fireplace school!!! Sounds cozy. Maybe we'll do that tomorrow:) today wasn't a great day here. Youngest is sick and her Asthma flares when she is:(. Poor little thing...
  14. :lurk5: I would love to know too. I just finished reading it for the first time last night:)
  15. Nope, I'd never heard if this until yesterday! A neighbor boy was telling ds to leave his shoes out so they would be filled with candy. Fortunately ds didn't seem too excited by this since I don't have any candy to put in it!
  16. I'm in!!! I have been making a point to read more lately. I hate failing so maybe this will keep me accountable:)
  17. Mine has a self cleaning feature. I have no idea how to use it. Just push the button? Will we explode? It's been 5 years now......
  18. I had a friend post that they donated money to a child abuse prevention program instead of changing their profile picture. I liked that:)
  19. I'm not familiar with MN law, but I would simply to avoid any potential harassment.
  20. I could not bring myself to spend that kind of money on something I throw on the floor and is filled with all sorts of junk from receipts to crumbs (no idea how they get in there), and dirty coins. I guess I just don't take good enough care of mine:)
  21. You HAVE to know the theme from Flashdance. Or every song on the soundtrack like I do!
  22. Mine was "I'm Your Boogeyman" by KC and the Sunshine band. Yuck. In the UK it was "The First Cut is the Deepest" by Rod Stewart. Yuckier. In Aus it was "Don't Cry For Me Argentina". My poor little baby ears were traumatized by such music:)
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