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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Alright, I'll go ahead and embarrass myself. A few years ago we were flying home from CA. I started to get a headache on the flight. By the time we landed and were waiting to get our luggage, it was a full blown migraine. I made it to the car and it was all downhill from there. On the drive home I started throwing up in a Target bag. My kids, my mom, and dh all in the car. It wasn't pretty and surely was not giving the car a pleasant smell. We stopped at a store for aspirin and I got out of the car, only to throwup all over the parking lot. My kids were horrified. Get back in the car and continue to FILL up the bag. Everyone in the car started to look sick as well. All of my pride went out the window. I'm sure dh was not finding his wife throwing up in a Target back for an hour ling drive attractive. Sadly, this was not the last time this happened:(
  2. I can completely relate!! I about lose it watching the kids decorate cookies. I think the crossbars factor gets me more than anything. I always hide a few "safe" cookies for dh and me. On a similar note, I tried making a no sew fleece blanket with the kids the other day. I turned on the Christmas music and the vision I had was quite similar to yours. Instead I almost pulled my hair out trying to help a stubborn 3 year old cut fleece.
  3. I love laminating stuff!! We have made bookmarks, file folder games, bingo cards, mini-placemats for the kids, recipes, etc. I have also laminated a ton of pages with mazes, hangman, tic-tac-toe, mad libs....all sorts of little games that they could take in the car. Then I just give them some dry erase markers and it keeps them busy for a while:).
  4. It makes me anxious just reading about it. I don't think I could handle the movie.
  5. :lol: I think the commentary is even funnier than the pics:)
  6. Dd(almost 14): Vampire Diaries Ds(7): the second Boxcar Children book. He wants to collect them. Ds(3): Tale of the Tricky Fox. She adores this book.
  7. Me!!! So are the kids. And no plans to change until bath time.
  8. I can't even describe how sad this makes me feel. What a beautiful little baby.
  9. We have been fortunate enough to not have many close calls. The only time my heart stopped momentarily was when youngest was a newborn (2 or 3 days old) and ds (4 at the time) nearly jumped on her head. We were changing her on the floor near the couch. DS decided to get up on the couch and jump off the arm of it. He landed within inches of her head.
  10. Almost!! Just need stocking stuffers and something for my parents. They are so hard:(
  11. My son is also a natural speller and has done well with Sequential Spelling. I think they have a DVD program....we just use the book. We recently purchased a computer game called Spelling Jam. It set up like a spelling bee with characters you pick. The words get challenging pretty quickly. Ds loves it though:)
  12. I just have to say how brave I think you are for even considering this!!! The closest my kids will get to a dead animal or skeleton is in a museum!!
  13. I would like to think I would be able to stare it down, yell, even be a log. In reality, I know I would run. And then apparently be mauled. I just have to hope nothing ever chases me!!
  14. Well, I don't have one and never really thought about having a dedicated reading are. But now it sounds so nice and cozy and I want one too!!!!
  15. Wow! What a great story! I am so happy that you not only received a financial gift, but obviously have some amazing people that care about you:)
  16. I guess I am in the minority here. My dd13, dx with high functioning Autism, has tried every therapy available. We have done the speech, OT, social skills groups, GFCF diet, DAN protocol, a wide variety of supplements, medication, seen psychologists and psychiatrists, neurologists and developmental pediatricians..... I could go on and on. None have greatly improved her overall functioning. This is not to say she hasn't improved in many areas over time, she has. But none if the aforementioned therapies led me to say "Wow, I can see a huge difference in her". I have now given up on restrictive diets, therapies, and large amounts of supplements. I feel I have finally come to terms with who she is and am no longer exhausting every avenue to "fix" her. She is perfect as is:) That said, I wouldn't do it differently. I have seen many of the things I have mentioned help other kids greatly improve. I would never deter a parent from exploring every avenue. I have and, though none of it proved to make much difference, I will never worry that I let her down because I failed to try something.
  17. Wow. That's just heartbreaking. I will keep your family, as well as Brandon's in my prayers. I think attending the service would be appropriate if you wanted to. As a mother, I would appreciate it if it were my son. You may not have known him, but he is now someone that has had a huge impact on your life.
  18. Could it have been something in the dishwasher? Whenever something plastic falls and melts, it stinks up our entire house. It's an awful smell!!!
  19. Awwww....well, those are the best kind of decorations!! Our entire tree is made up of cheesy ornaments the kids have either picked out or made! I much prefer that to a fancy, department store like themed tree!
  20. I watched the movie in a college course. If the book is even better than the movie, well, I NEED to read it:) I loved the movie!
  21. I would do it the way done in the OP. That's how I was taught.
  22. My favorite books to read for pleasure were Judy Blume books, Sweet Valley High books and, when I was a little older, all of the V.C. Andrews books. There weren't many books I disliked though.
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