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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. We will have to fly in February as we already have a family vacation payed for. I don't like it, but am not willing to tell the kids we're not going.....they ate way too excited. I will try to limit flying in the future.
  2. I lost about 15 lbs. last year. I gave gained back 4:( I need to get on it before I gain it all back. I think maintenance just might be the hardest part!!
  3. :iagree: I just read this a few weeks ago. Really enjoyed it:)
  4. If there's nothing out there right now that he is interested in joining, why not try starting up a group based on his interests? Offer to host something at your house or even plan a weekly outing with other hs kids. We have a local hs teen group with planned outings, game nights, etc. Maybe you could organize something similar? Are you a part of a group or email list you could appeal to? I did this for my dd13. She has special needs and I sent out a mass email to our local groups in search of a friend for her. I was happily surprised by how many responses I received!! Maybe there are other boys out there in his situation?
  5. I wouldn't like that. I am the worst haggler....actually I skip it and pay what's on the price tag. So, I prefer peoe to tell me what they're asking. I would leave if I had to come up with prices......sorry:001_huh:
  6. Nope. As much as I hate to say it, I don't think I would have liked it. I loved school and had a great experience from elementary through high school. I probably would have received a better education had I been homeschooled, but I was VERY social and loved going to school. My kids love homeschool and freak out at the mention of public school:) My older two have been and don't want to go back. I think homeschooling right now is a lot different than it would have been when I were a child. I never knew anyone that homeschooled. I think it would have been a lot more isolating then. Now it is becoming so popular that we don't have to go further than our next door neighbors to find other hs families:)
  7. My dd had had the prick test. She didn't seem too bothered by it. It's not at all like a shot. She says it felt like getting scratched. Actually, the reactions bothered her more. She is highly allergic to several foods so her poor back started to swell with itchy bumps. That bothered her a lot more than the pricks!
  8. My poor dad goes by the nickname Dick with the middle name Guy. Calling him Dick Guy never gets old:lol:
  9. How fun! I've always wanted to do this. We are studying Ancient Rome right now. Maybe I will follow you're lead and stop being so lazy:lol:
  10. Hahahaha!!!! That sounds like something we would do!! I am so mature that I often hide from dh just so I can jump out and scare him. Good times.....:lol:
  11. I would not be comfortable with dh having female friends. Nope, no way! I know he feels the same way about me having male friends. In my opinion it just adds unnecessary stress to a marriage. We are not the overprotective type either. We both spend time with our same gendered friends wether it be going out to dinner, dh grabbing a beer with co-workers, etc. But, the opposite gender dynamic is not one either of us would be comfortable with.
  12. We do a pretty traditional meal: Turkey Stuffing Mashed potatoes Green beans Sweet potato casserole Corn Pumpkin pie Cranberry salad Cranberry sauce (usually fresh and canned. I like the canned. It's just not real cranberry "sauce" without the ridges!) For appetizers we usually have a platter of banana peppers wrapped in salami, olives, deviled eggs, cheese, veggies, stuff like that. We aren't too original.
  13. Never. Not even my 13 year old. What's worse is that my 3 year old won't sleep in after a late night and also refuses to nap. Talk about cranky!!!!
  14. No harm in a little "help" to get through, what sounds like, a very rough week. I have a similar friend I turn to in such times....his name is Klonopin;)
  15. Not weird, I would be SO sad to see our local hs store close!!! They have so much great stuff there......Walmart doesn't even come close!
  16. So cute. He knows just how to work you:). I have actually paid mine for back rubs. Well, it's more like karate chopping, walking on me, sitting on me, etc. But it's better than nothing!!!
  17. No. Mine would have them in PS. Well, maybe my mom would do it. But, dh? Nope....I don't see how he could given his job.
  18. Just click on your name, go to statistics, and click on "all threads started by...":)
  19. At 13, I would be comfortable with my son going. That said, there are other things I am neurotic about (I don't let my kids have hard candies.....ever:). We all have our quirks.
  20. Our kids are so similar in age!! My dd is 13, ds is 7, and dd is 3. Dd 13 is getting some new decorative bedroom stuff, an iPod (refurbished), and some little thing like CD's, oh...and I'll admit it, a few Twilight dolls. DS 7 is getting a little video camera (not an expensive one, but he loves making movies), Star Wars Lego's, Spy Gear stuff, World of Zoo for his DS, etc. Dd3 is easy:). She loves anything crafty, books, shoes (odd, I know!). Nit sure what her big gift will be yet:)
  21. I NEED to do this!!! Let me know if they notice:). I think my girls would handle it fine, but my ds is on his way to starring in an episode of "Hoarders".....no seriously:(
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