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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Babysitter!!!! I tried taking a toddler one year. Never again!!!!!
  2. I am up by 6:30. But ONLY because my 3 year old has not yet discovered the joy of sleeping in.
  3. I really want to go to this!!!! I'm going to try and talk SIL into going with me. It's a seven hour drive so we'd have to stay two nights. I think it would be worth it (not the Duggers, but the convention in general:)
  4. My mom (she's 55) went and said it was a bunch of elderly women doing more gabbing than exercising:). She said they would take their sweet time going from machine to machine. My mom is not in great shape and she said she never even broke a sweat. I guess it depends a lot on the environment if your local Curves. Ours was apparently more of a gossip-fest than anything else!!!
  5. It might work. I would use extra sauce though. I cook Manicotti without pre-cooking the shells. I just stuff them, drench it in sauce and bake for an hour or so. I've never tried freezing it before cooking though.
  6. I'm so sorry about your grandma:(. I was able to be with my great-grandma when she passed. It was very peaceful and I am glad I spent her last few days with her. On the other hand, my other grandma passed a year later. We visited while she was sick, knowing it would be goodbye. It was a great visit and we were able to spend a lot if time together. In this case, her passing was not peaceful and I am glad I wasn't there for it. All this to say that there is no right or wrong answer. You have to do what feels right in your heart.
  7. My SIL bought an organically fed turkey from a local farm last year. It was pricey and, to be honest, didn't taste much different to me.
  8. No advice, just want to say I am right there with ya with ds7. I swear,it's worse than just a few months ago. I was just thinking of getting a writing program to help, so thanks for the suggestions!!
  9. I guess I am with the minority here. I rarely use the TM. We follow the checklist at the beginning of each lesson and do the skip counting, flash cards, and speed drill. I will dictate numbers every now and then, but he doesn't seem to need it and never gets them wrong. I agree that I would start with the 200's for a third grader. Plenty of review from CLE 1 IMO.
  10. You can freeze bagel, egg, cheese sandwiches, breakfast burritos, pancakes..lots of great stuff already mentioned:). I have always wanted to spend a day making breakfast items to freeze just because I am so lazy in the AM!:).
  11. No way. I can barely walk if I get up at 5!!!! Also, in my case, I would have no one to watch my kids. That may be an issue for others as well.
  12. Today was great because I hosted our bi-monthly geography group with a few families I adore. Tons of great food representing various Asian countries and awesome presentations by the kids. Loved it:)
  13. We knew each other 3 months before getting married. No engagement, just a spur if the moment thing:). Married 8 years now!
  14. Oh yes, Susan's video clarified a lot for me!!! I thought my kids had possibly the worst memories ever:) now I realize I was expecting way too much!!
  15. Obviously this CHILD has no respect for the power of a gun. Not only would I be concerned for my child and his friends, but what about the kid with the gun. He seems to think the gun is something to be played with. How would the father feel if he accidentally shot himself? The father needs to be made aware of his sons actions before he hurts himself or someone else.
  16. Ummm.....no. Not in any way. In fact, His eyes tend to glaze over when I start to talk curriculum and schooling. But, I'm okay with that. He supports us in other ways:). I agree with a pp that suggested just taking a relaxed approach and letting your dd just hang out with dad while he works.
  17. My kids love the one by Rachel Ray...Cooking Rocks or something. She has recipes for little ones up to teens. Actually, I use a couple myself in our regular rotation:)
  18. Is this a bad time to say I just finished eating my chicken nugget happy meal? It's possible my kids had one too.....with the toy. :tongue_smilie:
  19. Wow....thank you for the thoughtful responses! It makes me feel better just to have people to "talk" it through with:). I admit, I am not very good about incorporating math skills into our day to day activities (I would make for the worst unschoolers ever!). That might be a great way for her to use a variety of manipulatives, as well as to see how all this mathematical torture fits into her life:). I am going to take a closer look at RS as well. I have hesitated on the past due to the cost. And to be honest (this is going to sound really bad), I wonder if I will be wasting money. I have spent so much on failed curriculum for her....sometimes I wonder if she just won't ever get it:(.
  20. I love HOP!!:). I used it with my special needs dd as well as my above average ds. My set is from 10+ yes. ago, so I'm not sure how the levels compare with the more recent versions. Ours has five colored boxes to work through. I recently bought the pre-k edition for my 3 yr. old and she loves it! They have all really enjoyed the corresponding computer games.
  21. Thank you for your input. I will gave a look at these other curriculums! As far as understanding the operations, I'm not sure she gets them. I tried going through a word problem workbook with her, using a calculator, just to try to get her to understand when to use specific operations. I thought she had done well, but when I asked her the question a pp suggested (about having 3 clean plates, but needing 5), she looked at me like I was from another planet. I guess we will have to start over.....again:( I really just want to cry. I feel like she just might not ever get it. I would be happy if she could even do something simple, like adding 3+2.....using fingers, dots....anything! As of now, I have to give her a push in the right direction. Thankfully ds7 seems to just "get" math. Otherwise I would really be feeling like the worst hs math teacher....ever:(
  22. My dd is 13. She has learning disabilities and has been dx with high functioning Autism. I would post this on the special needs board, but I value the opinion of those without special needs kiddies too!! Anyway, a little background: We pulled dd out of ps (she was in special Ed.) three years ago. At that point, they had given up on teaching her math and let her use a calculator for even simple addition (1+1, etc.). When I brought her home we got rid of the calculator and started over. As in first grade curriculum. We have tried Lifepacs, Math U See, CLE, Developmental Math, Spectrum workbooks, etc. I have finally concluded it is not a curriculum problem. She just does not get it. We are currently using a variety of workbooks and worksheets that drill add/sub facts. I have used manipulatives and taught her touch math. She seems to get how to add, but is very slow and unsure of herself. I just don't know where to go from here. When I try to move on and introduce a new concept I get a blank stare. Place value thoroughly confuses her, she can't grasp skip counting, she can't add 1+1 without adding the dots or using manipulatives, etc. We can't use a curriculum because once they move beyond adding she just has no idea what they are talking about!! So, what would you do? Keep giving her add/sub worksheets? I feel like such a failure as we have made only minimal progress in 3 years. Am I overlooking some great special Ed. Curriculum?
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