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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. I can't find the thread about it, but I remember it was something I thought my dad would like for Christmas. Anyone remember or have a link????
  2. I dropped ds's phonics program in first grade. Like your dd, he just didn't need it anymore. He still gets review in his spelling and LA program. I just didn't see the point of continuing to spend time on a subject he obviously grasped. A year and a half later and he is still a strong reader and speller.
  3. I wouldn't straighten mine if my curls looked just a little less like a really bad 80's perm!
  4. I am so sorry. We had to spend a day going through my grandma's things a few years ago. It was really hard on my mom. The one positive is that we were able to spend time together talking about her....even sharing a few laughs when we came across something that brought back memories of funny things she did/bought/said. I hope the same for you.:grouphug:
  5. Funny, I just blogged about our near perfect homeschooling days yesterday! It was just one of those days that reminds me why I put up with the bad ones:). Everyone was cooperative, attentive, and best of all....we had FUN. We didn't do anything spectacular.....no big craft or project, just a great day of enjoying each other. Loved it!
  6. Yes, this was me too. I was naturally a nervous child. I was even hospitalized for three days with stomach pains, only to be dx with a "nervous stomach". There was never anything in particular I was upset about, just general anxiety I guess. Could this be a possibility? Is she prone to anxiety and or nervousness?
  7. Oh no....that is hard. Both for your dd and as a mom. I hope she gets in to an even better school and shows them what they missed!!:001_smile:
  8. Glad I'm not alone. Ds loves his light sabers and gun toys, but he did recently buy a Ken doll with money he had earned. Dh was mortified, but felt better when ds used Ken as a "warrior":lol: Maybe I'll get the easy bake oven and tape some boy faces from a magazine over the girls....think he would notice?!?!:)
  9. Why do toy companies feel the need to market so many toys that could be for either gender to just one? I KNOW my ds7 would love an Easy bake oven, but he is so turned off by the three girls on the box. Seriously, they couldn't have had a little boy and girl? Don't boys like making treats as much as girls. I will likely still get him one, maybe take it out of the box. It's just so annoying. It's the same with so many craft type things. Ds is very crafty, but he assumes all the kits out there are only for girls because they come in pink packaging with girls on the box. Just annoying....that's all:)
  10. Always from a jar. Specifically Newmans Sockarooni or Emeril's Gaaahlic;). Though I use Ragu for Manicotti.
  11. 1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate!! 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrap! 3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored 4. Do you hang mistletoe? nope 5. When do you put your decorations up? Thanksgiving weekend 6. What is your favorite holiday dish? We do buffet style of sandwiches, appetizers, desserts....can't pick just one! 7. Favorite Christmas memory as a child? Santa making a surprise visit on Christmas Eve 8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I just sorta figured it out around 8 or so. I never told my parents I knew. 9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We open all our family gifts 10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? family ornaments. We all get a new one each year. 11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it, but only in small doses. 12. Can you ice skate? Yes, in a sad, sad way 13. Do you remember your favorite gift? My purple Schwinn bike 14. What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you? Being with family. 15. What is your favorite holiday Dessert? too full for dessert 16. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Playing Bingo for prizes...the kids love it. 17. What tops your tree? An angel 18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? Giving! 19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Night 20. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum? Yum...only if they are chocolate mint 21 Favorite Christmas Show? Elf 22. Saddest Christmas Song? the Little Boy that Santa Clause Forgot 23. What’s your Wish for Christmas? The health of my family and friends (and some cute new boots:)
  12. Not pathetic at all. I know I will be a mess when the time comes. :grouphug:
  13. I bought the travel activities at activitybags.com. I just printed out two sets, put them in sheet protectors, and put a binder together for each kid. It has a mixture of things like bingo, mazes, draw in the face, etc. Most of it would be more suited for your six year old, but even my three year old liked having her own binder and washable markers to draw in.
  14. My ds7 loves all things Spygear or Spynet. He is getting the Spynet video watch ($50 range) for Christmas.
  15. Awwww.....sorry about your day. I have a ds7 that is the same way. When he is in a good mood he is an absolute doll. But on those bad days.....ugh! I, too, have left the room in tears and had a good, ugly cry;). Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
  16. I warm the tortillas, fill with warm beans and then all the other goodies (cheese, rice, sour cream, salsa, guac, etc). Then I wrap it up and throw it onto a hot frying pan for a half a minute or so on each side. Yummy:)
  17. Yes. When I get a migraine. I think shooting my face off sounds great about that time. Hope you are feeling better soon:grouphug:
  18. My kids are so picky about breakfast. None of them will eat the same thing. So, it's usually some combo of yogurt, cereal, fruit, eggs (for the one that eats them), pancakes, English muffins, or bagels. Youngest loves sausage so she has the with fruit once in a while. Nothing fancy here. I don't function well in the morning....
  19. This is amazing! I have been looking for a math curriculum for dd forever! Now it seems I actually have CHOICES:). Woohoo!!!!! Thank you for sharing:)
  20. There is Touchphonics. I haven't personally used it, but it seems very hands on.
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