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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Glad you posted this (not glad about your headache though!). I have had pain exactly like you all have described for the last two days. Seems like I'm on the tail end if it now. I get migraines, though not as frequently as I used to. This almost felt like it had the potential to be one, but the pain remained behind my eye and never was full force like a migraine. Sorry to ramble....just glad to know I don't gave some freakish disorder. Hope you feel better OP!!
  2. Wow....very cool! I get excited if someone besides my mom reads mine...haha:). You're daughter did a great job, BTW!
  3. Yup....my ds does this all the time. We have learned that we should never buy him any sort of building set. Random Lego's are okay, but things like the Trio sets, Knex, stuff like that....never gets put together or played with.
  4. Uh oh....I say way too many of the things listed. As for Rachel Ray....I don't like her show but whenever I make one of her recipes my family loves me:). They are so simple, so easy....so...yummo:lol: no, I don't really use that word:tongue_smilie:
  5. If we made a lot more money, then yes. But, right now, no. Price is all relative, so if you can afford it without going into debt or forsaking necessities, then so be it. It would still pain me to spend so much on clothing.
  6. We're going to my brothers. SIL is doing Mexican----taco bar, rice, beans. Easy and relatively inexpensive.
  7. Well, they all do. DS has a great memory so it no longer really surprises me anymore. Dd3 does surprise me, however, when she is able to recite different grammar definitions and rules just from listening to us do FLL:)
  8. So tragic. I hope her children find peace. Prayers to you and your family...just heartbreaking:(
  9. I was excited to play Just Dance on the Wii with dd. It has lived up to my expectations:). I am actually sore from all the dancing I have been doing!!
  10. Wow. Beautifully written. Brought tears to my eyes! I am sorry for your difficult year, but happy to hear you have an amazing family to help you through it.:grouphug:
  11. I just finished Last Light. Honestly, I just read it because it was free but ended up really liking it. A quick read that makes you think:)
  12. I just read the article. What a bunch of garbage!!! A child sleeping in your bed as crossing some sort of sexual line? Completely absurd!!!
  13. I'd have to go with no. At least my ds wouldn't...he's 7.
  14. Glad you handled it so well. I am sure that was the best present you could have given her!
  15. None:(. Dh said I read them too fast so it's a waste of money:tongue_smilie:
  16. .....except for a mouse! Yup, woke up Christmas morning to a mouse scurrying across the living room and under the tree skirt. Dh did a little "indoor hunting". What should have been a peaceful morning was turned into chaos as couches were flipped over, box thrown about, and dh on the loose with a crow bar and dust pan. He finally caught it and whacked it with the dust pan. So disgusting. It bled, and died (sorry animal lovers...it left us no choice!) on our dining room floor....ugh! What a nice way to start Christmas morning:)
  17. We had 2 rats. Once I got over the "ick" factor, I loved them. They love to be held. If you handle them enough they will just hang out on your shoulder. Oh, and it's adorable watching them eat with their little hands. They also do not bite like hamsters do ( I really dislike hamsters!). Good luck:)
  18. So, is the person on the right (about to take a bite) a man or a woman? Looks like a man with lipstick:confused: Oh, and thanks for the recipe...love this stuff!!
  19. Well, my Mikayla is spelled that way because her dad (not my dh!!!) had a brother named Michael that he disliked and didn't want her name so close to his. I had wanted a Mikayla since I was a little girl so I changed the spelling, not the name. I do prefer Michaela, but oh well.
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