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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. I was reading this in bed one night and cracking up. My husband was so annoyed and said "Seriously, nothing can be that funny":lol:
  2. I'll join in! I try to be as honest as I can about our days....sharing the good and the bad. I don't usually take pics when things get ugly, but I'll try to remember to do so:)
  3. Oh, I'm so sorry. FB too often takes the place of things that should be dealt with on a more personal level:( I deleted my account last week. Hugs to you and your family....
  4. Enjoying three amazing kids and life with my best friend.
  5. I'll be the odd one out. I prefer 2 given the fabric sample for the curtains. ETA: LOVE your cabinet choice!!!
  6. I am surprised at how many people are questioning why anyone would allow a 10 year old to stay up all night. Didn't anyone else have sleepovers? When I was in elementary school we had them all the time. Watching movies all night, playing games, playing silly tricks on the first person to fall asleep (nothing mean). These are some of my favorite childhood memories!! I just assumed all kids grew up doing this?!? Anyway, in this situation my concern would be the bullying.....not the staying up all night/sleepover aspect. I hope you find a solution that makes you and your dd comfortable!
  7. I get this, but still wonder why a private decision wasn't made if this were the case. Why ask for volunteers if you already know who you want to play? I don't get it.
  8. Yes! These are the reviews that I loved! That is exactly how the book is written and it drove me insane!!! Who converses like that? No kid I've ever met would be satisfied with these one word answers.....post-apocalyptic world or not! This review in particular was my favorite.....especially about the author being a bad guy:lol:
  9. Is this a recreational or competitive league? Were the girls not allowed to play because if safety or the coach just wanting to win? I am going to assume the latter on the last question. So, in that regard, I think it's wrong. Although it sounds like your just the messenger, unfortunately. As for the coach, he asks for volunteers and then turns them away because of their size? Yikes. Is winning really that important? If it were, there should have been a private selection meeting like they do when they select all-star teams. I'm sorry you got caught in the middle. I think the coach is way out of line.
  10. I absolutely hated the book. It is the first book in a long time that I haven't been able to finish. I think I made it half way through. I can't stand the style of writing. The best part about the book was that it lead me to read the reviews on Amazon. There are some pretty funny ones there that mock the conversational tone between the father and son. Oh, I didn't care for the movie either.
  11. Last Light is the first book in a series by Terri Blackstock. I only read the first in the series. One Second After is a novel by William Forschten.
  12. Lunch: cereal (I'm tired.....it's the best I could do) Throwing me off: my parents bought me, and just dropped off, a Nook. How am I supposed to do anything besides play with it? Helping someone else: I made ds his lunch to take to tutorial today. So, he will not starve and that will be helpful to him;)
  13. We had lock ins at our high school when I was a cheerleader. Honestly, some of the best times I had. A lot of laughs, bonding, etc. However, we were a close knit group and there was no bullying. I understand your hesitation. If she really wants to go, I would let her. With a way out....a cell, a "sick" excuse, etc. If she had a cell, maybe you could call to check in with her if she was hesitant to call you first.
  14. I'll check that out! The blog I was reading yesterday was a complete freak out blog! I was starting to think we needed a rural hideout:tongue_smilie: I would love a little more realistic advice than purchasing a house and land in the middle of nowhere!
  15. You guys are awesome!!! Although I am saddened to hear that something similar has happened to many of you, it does make me realize it's not personal. As for charging, you all are probably right. I should charge a small fee to cover supplies, etc. The only reason I haven't is because I sort of felt like this was my way of giving back to the community. I am so busy that I can't commit to a volunteer position, so I see this as my volunteer work. I host another group that has been very successful. I guess I just assumed this would work out the same way. I did send out an email sharing my dissapointment. I still haven't heard from 3 of the no shows:(. I appreciate all of your suggestions and will be using many of them! It's so nice to have a place to come to vent freely about your feelings!! Thanks guys:)
  16. I am probably just being paranoid because I recently read Last Light and am currently reading One Second After ( both about surviving in a post EMP world), but I have been worrying about our families lack of preparedness. if there were a natural disaster, EMP, national terrorist attack, etc., we would be so ill prepared. No food storage, protection, generator, etc. Do any of you plan for this kind of stuff? What do you have in place to get by under these circumstances? Am I the only one insane enough to worry about this:)
  17. Thank you for some great advice. Now I just need to get the courage to do it! Some of the no-shows were people I consider friends. I think I am still too mad to send a calm email tonight. Guess I'll do it in the morning. Anyway, I had a good cry over it (I know, sounds lame. I am just hurt at how little people care about all the effort that went into it). DH brought me a rose and chocolates to cheer me up. I love him:)
  18. Today was the first meeting for a group I put together. To give you a little back story, I started this group because there was a LONG conversation via email among our local HS group about the difficulties in making friends/meeting other families/groups available, etc. I already host a geography group, but figured i'd step up and offer to host another. So, I decided to start a group based on the kidswhothink blog. The kids were going to be working in groups to problem solve on the activities. So, I was inundated with emails from moms interested. I allowed a max of 22 kids and ended up with a waiting list of 11 other families. I made the people in the group aware that there were several families waiting and that if they did not feel they could commit to let me know so I could ask another family to join us. Oh no...everyone was SO excited. Fast forward to today, our first meeting. I received 2 emails from moms with sick kids. Totally valid excuse, no big deal. That still left 11 families. Well, only 4 families showed up. 7 moms didn't even bother to call and let me know they would not be here. I did receive two email (AFTER group was over) simply stating "Oh, sorry we missed. See you next time!". As if it was just no big deal. Well, sorry, it IS a big deal. I put a lot of work into getting everything ready. I purchased supplies, drug three extra tables into the house, cleaned, and did lesson prep before hand. Not only that, everyone is aware that the group is based on GROUP work. It is hard to do group work when only 4 families (two with only children) attend. Needless to say, the group bombed. I felt like an idiot. We had two tiny groups. We were all going to talk about what we did, why we did it, and if it was a success. Yeah, that took all of two minutes with just two little groups. I just want to cry. I put so much thought and effort into this. So, what would you all do? I know I need to send an email, but just don't know what to say. I am too angry and upset right now to put together a coherent email. I would probably sound bitter and angry. I just want them to realize the effort it takes to put a group together, especially in your own house, and that it is very insulting when people just don't bother to show up. I would rather people that can't commit just drop out and make room for some of the families on the waitlist. Sorry this got so long. I just don't understand people like this. When I commit to something, I go (barring illness, etc) I just don't believe that all 7 that didn't even bother to contact me ALL had last minute emergencies, you know?
  19. I am getting ready to host about 10 moms and their kids for a group in my home this afternoon. As I was cleaning I realized that, though my house seems clean to visitors, i'm a "closeted" messy housekeeper. Meaning that any area not in obvious view of guests is a disaster so no one knows about this "problem" but me:( The garage, the closets, the cabinets, the laundry room, everywhere! I guess I am noticing it more now that we have people coming over. I am silently praying they don't open certain cabinets, drawers, doors. I find myself running around thinking "How do we live like this?!?!?". Am I alone? Does anyone else put on a good front for guests, but your house isn't really as clean as it looks? Please tell me i'm not the only one and, that when I go to my friends pristine homes, that it is just a facade!
  20. I know what you mean! I find it funny how ignorant some people really are about our nation out side of the state they live in. I moved to TN from CA 5 years ago. We, of course, received all of the stereotypical comments about the South. The funniest comment came from a friend of mine (she is white, married to an Asian, and afraid to visit because she is convinced people would not look upon their interracial marriage kindly). She was once describing a group of guys that were harassing her as she walked downtown. She said "They were like the people you probably see all the time. You know, in their beat up pick up truck...total hicks". Ummmmm.....no, actually, I don't see that all the time:lol:
  21. I finished The Almost Moon and The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet this week. I started One Second After today and am almost done with The Lightening Thief (reading it with the kids). So far I have read: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl The Trylle Trilogy (Switched, Torn, and Ascend) Hollowland The Almost Moon The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet So, seven books so far. I should finish two this week. I have enjoyed all of the books so far. The only thing I didn't finish was The Road. I can't stand the writing. I made it about a third of the way through before giving up. Boring!!!
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