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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. I have never had a dishwasher with lights. Nor have my mother or mother-in-law. I don't know about all my sisters, but the one I saw at Thanksgiving didn't, either.
  2. My older boy was 6th last year doing Saxon Alg 1. He is doing AOPS Intro to Alg this year and would be struggling if he didn't have experience with it already. We consider it Alg 1.5. 🙂 We have the same problems with not writing everything all the way through and dropping negatives and transposing exponents, although it has improved with time. When he gets stuck, we work with 2 colors of marker on a whiteboard, taking turns explaining what happens next.
  3. I assumed it was because women tend to shop with other women and/or children and it was space for people waiting on others.
  4. Dishwasher magnets. You flip it for dirty or clean. Works so long as the unloader flips it to "dirty" and the person starting it flips it to "clean".
  5. I get mine from the health food store bulk bin. We have had burnt-tasting hard ones, and creamy smooth ones. I figure it's the variety, origin, or age that is making the difference.
  6. Hmm. I have always read to eat 1-3 a day for thyroid health.
  7. Just last year I discovered The Shop Around the Corner and I loved it. 🙂 I just got the DVD from the library again.
  8. Also, we do not buy things throughout the year just because someone wants something. If they need new something like jeans or sports gear, we buy it. Otherwise, they don't get stuff unless it's a birthday or Christmas. So they look forward to that.
  9. To fund things, we have purchased over the course of the year, price-matched, used rebate app gift cards, and activated the bank's round-up change-saving account. I only have 2 kids. I used to be dollar for dollar. This year, it was less like that but still pretty balanced. We did "want need wear and read". The wear is $ shoes for one and $ cologne for the other. Their wants were Lego and they both got 2 sets but one probably cost $15-18 ?more. They are similar size and type so it's not noticeable. They are even in the stockings. I have a large family and he has a small to average one. I do feel a bit guilty we spent more on his parents than mine, but his parents have and spend far more money on far fewer people. I am about to stop buying for my 20yo nephew who is employed and getting married soon. I only buy for nieces and nephews now on my side instead of siblings.
  10. I was in a Tommy Hilfiger this week and they had some very pretty sweaters 50% off. The normal red, white, navy, as well as some emeralds, baby blues, and a few others. I noticed a few were free of the logo on the chest, too.
  11. My husband still needs to find his parents something. We got them each a trinket but he needs to figure it out.
  12. Mine just shot up. He wears a men's 9 shoe, is 1.5" taller than I am, and weighs 2# more than I did when I graduated high school.
  13. My older one is 12.5. We have had some waves of difficulty for 1.5 years now. According to above replies, we have another 1.5 years I guess. Sigh. And no one warned me boys could be as emotional as girls.
  14. Hey, Dave Ramsey always says to live like no one else so you can live like no one else. 🤣
  15. From my much younger, adopted siblings... Mascara is eye-scara. Hand sanitizer is hanitizer.
  16. We are in FL and my younger decided years ago that pants are "long sleeve shorts".
  17. Texts. Never an app. I hate how every activity wants you to download a new app.
  18. I relate. I realized I am the one many go to for support but I don't have a me for myself. Any chance you are an oldest child or fit the role of oldest (like first born after a 5+ year gap)? I have wondered if that plays into it.
  19. Birth to 6, 6 to 13, 13 to 17, 17 to 18 Apartments x4 in college 2 houses with hubs 6 houses and 4 apts.
  20. An Orange for Frankie by Patricia Polacco is one we just found that my 7yo and I both enjoyed. True story, love the art.
  21. No, but I drove to one a few years back and was shocked to see they shortened the driveway. 😉
  22. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Traditional Thanksgiving foods are my favorite meal. I would never tell someone not to bring extra or alternate dishes, and it strikes me as odd. I would certainly never tell someone not to bring a traditional dish. (Side note here: MIL the last 2 years has had turkey, gravy, green beans, and macaroni and called it a day and it makes me twitch. We are going to my Mom's this year.😆) Macaroni and cheese is so ubiquitous, especially in the South, that I am not surprised a lot of people call it a Thanksgiving side. It doesn't make my top 10 list but I am not shocked to see it.
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