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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. Totally agree. This was our exact issue when my 11 year old got about 1/4 way into Alg 1. There were far too many steps for him to keep straight in his head, but he felt he should be able to because he always had been able to. It was not a fun thing to have to 'relearn' while also being hit with hormones. LoL
  2. Totally agree. This was our exact issue when my 11 year old got about 1/4 way into Alg 1. There were far too many steps for him to keep straight in his head, but he felt he should be able to because he always had been able to. It was not a fun thing to have to 'relearn' while also being hit with hormones. LoL
  3. Your daughter may need iron, methylated B, and possibly D.
  4. T minus 12 days. 2nd grade kid is already peeking at all the books. I went to the HS resource fair in town today, hoping to find something I didn't know about. Nothing much to that effect, but there is an open gym sample night at the place with a ninja course that coincides with the second day of school. I may surprise them with a quick trip there to run the course. Otherwise the place is WAY out of our price range. I kinda maybe also pulled the trigger on HOD for this kid NEXT next year. LoL
  5. I got the new HOD catalog and almost scrapped everything and bought his age package. Then I decided (thanks to DH lol) that I will just do it NEXT year. Bigger Hearts looks like something he would love, with all the animal stories in emerging readers especially.
  6. I don't like it. I don't read any Christianese in it, which others seem to feel, but it's altogether... odd. Like every chunk of it is weird, and it is weird as a single thing. We'd nope out of it.
  7. We are cleaning out the fridge and freezer so I have 4 meals on schedule for the next 3 dinners and Sunday lunch: buffalo mac and cheese, chicken pot pie, tacos, and a frozen lasagna. Not on the healthy side but we need to eat this stuff ASAP. I am working all week away from home so I ordered Factor meals for myself and my husband for lunches, mostly the higher protein and keto options. We have a date night at the Cuban cafe early in the week. That's all I have at the moment.
  8. My aunt bought me every book that she ever heard was good, including this series and a few others I had no business reading. She consumed media indiscriminately and didn't consider my age I suppose. Her only child is several years younger than I am. I disagree entirely that I am happy to say a book or series like that upset me because it's safe. There is nothing safe about giving a 10 or 12 year old unfettered access to gratuitous sex, with our without robust sex education. A ten year old's mind isn't ready to process the many and varied consequences of the scenes depicted in the books. That the books were popular with grown women for some of the same content has no bearing on its effects on kids and tweens, who don't need to concern themselves with the male gaze and desire. The fact that it has been mentioned more than once among a very small group of respondents says a lot to me, but nothing about the safety of expressing sexuality.
  9. My kids aren't bookworms. They don't read for pleasure for the most part. They don't read nearly as much as I did at their ages. I censor or curate. There are things I read too early that I don't want them saddled with (for example, Clan of the Cave Bear around age 10? 11?). I also don't believe all books are inherently valuable.
  10. Hmm. I got 2 new plates in FL somewhat recently and they gave me no choice. One has In God We Trust and one has Sunshine State. We were just in TN for several days and didn't notice which plates had which; we only noticed the ones that had not yet been switched over. I am not tracking how this will inevitably lead to discrimination. Who really cares what a tag says beyond the owner?
  11. Look up paper dissection kits. I have seen them on Etsy and/or TPT. You can cut, color, and assemble layers of things frequently dissected.
  12. I have not tried berberine but my doc told me to try chromium for cravings, blood sugar, and belly fat. I use Thorne.
  13. The biggest ones I know of are Mandela himself and the spelling of the Berenstain bears.
  14. We have been on a long vacation. Did a lot of swimming and hiking. We also went kayaking once (as well as bowling and golfing but those things aren't particularly strenuous). This week is back to regularly scheduled programming.
  15. We are just driving home from our official summer vacation with Dad. I have a lot of peripheral stuff going on the next 2 weeks that is stressing me a bit, and then I want another few days to clear my mind and have my ducks in a row. So I am tentatively planning to start August 17. Older kid is in 2 co-op classes, which begin in Sept and Oct, so we have something of a rolling start.
  16. You don't have to like everyone. That's an impossible and exhausting task. You don't sound like you have forgiven guy 1 at all. It has been 3 years since the first offense you listed and you are bitter while he goes on with life. If your face is hot at the thought of him, you have unresolved anger at him. I don't think reading a list of grievances to him will go anywhere near the way you picture it. It sucks when we don't think people face consequences for their actions, particularly within the church, particularly among leadership. I am sorry this has gone on so long for you.
  17. My tubal didn't involve clips or clamps, but I have a family member who did have clamps. I know my brother's old teacher had a pregnancy like 14 years after a tubal, and someone I went to church with once had a bbay more than a decade after. I'd be more concerned if it was your only BC method. Vasectomy and pill are added layers.
  18. When I had mine 7 years ago, they gave me literature that said there is a high failure rate after 11 years.
  19. I think it was likely a mutually-benefcial decision and not simple coincidence that they made it. I only knew they were both part of the LDS church because of an interview that popped up when something else I was listening to ended. But it didn't surprise me there was a connection. I don't know the first thing about OUR. I liked the movie a lot. I hope millions see it so that they are aware this isn't just an imaginary issue. I hope they are driven to do something.
  20. Why wouldn't any group make a movie about an exceptional story by one of their own? Why wouldn't they? Do people not do that already?
  21. None of that will happen when leaders and politicians at all levels are involved in trafficking by creating demand or turning a blind eye. Therefore many have little or no respect for the law when people who make it live above it. And I find it hard very hard to believe that if it was the child of anyone crying foul who was rescued by a vigilante that they would then be offended or unhappy with having their child back. While others may think only certain wins count, I stand by a win being a win when it is a human life in the balance.
  22. Angel Studios and Tim Ballard are all under the Mormon umbrella. It's obvious why they would create a biopic of him. Any movie made by anyone will be at the exclusion of someone. Thank goodness there weren't any people working outside of the legal system during the slavery era or Holocaust. God forbid people just do the right thing when they have the opportunity.
  23. This comment is so weird to me. You don't like the way someone goes about saving kids so someone else should have a movie made of them instead? I am sure there are many people who do this work the world over. Why should it matter which angle the light first shines from if it still illuminates an issue? A win is a win.
  24. I saw it last night. Theater was packed. I thought it was very good. It will rip your heart out. The beginning has clips of real child abductions from various places. If you watch through the credits, they show actual footage of the Columbia sting. The movie was made 5 years ago, which is interesting.
  25. My high school bestie and former roommate from college and I turned and literally accidentally ran into each other at Disney several years ago. We had both gone with others on a major holiday, the place was packed, and neither of us had a clue the other was going. Turned a corner and smacked into each other.
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