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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. Yesterday was a rest day aside from some pelvic floor PT exercises. I have PT tonight for neck and back. I will probably try to bike Friday.
  2. My window is an early one today and I am so snacky. Lunch was 2oz sharp cheddar, 1 small organic gala apple with 1 T peanut butter, and the last rosemary olive oil-soaked sourdough crostini. I just had a 4oz lemon Noosa yogurt. I am making green tea to sip on now. Dinner is ground beef tacos. We have soft and crunchy shells, salsa verde, sour cream, shredded cheddar, organic green onion, organic avocado, and local organic cherry tomatoes. I wish I had some cilantro; I always miss it when I don't have it.
  3. I had PT last night and will try ballet again tonight. I know I won't be able to do it all but it's a good indicator of how well I am doing overall.
  4. I am up early and already planning to break my fast with what we call Almond Joy oatmeal... organic rolled oats cooked with water, plus 1 T hemp/chia/flax seeds crushed, 1 tsp organic cold pressed coconut oil, 1 T organic unsweetened shredded coconut, 1 T Enjoy Life chocolate chips, 2 T crushed raw unsalted almonds. I also had 6oz fresh organic orange juice.
  5. $0 day today. We have a long trip out of state, a night in Daytona for a gala, and a kid's birthday. Most is already paid up, except gas for the trip and food money at the beach.
  6. Thank you. I am definitely seeing huge improvements after just 2 sessions, and am hopeful that it will be a quick recovery.
  7. Good morning. Man, I am enjoying this spring weather we finally have. I am water and tea only til dinner today. We have an Every Plate meal to make tonight- dijon grilled chicken, roasted potatoes and zucchini. ETA I later had 1/4 cup of organic dark chocolate covered tart cherries.
  8. In other news, IF is still going well. I am constantly seeing changes in my body.
  9. I was going strong and doing well and then we got into a car accident because of someone else's poor judgement and now I am back in PT for neck and back pain and stiffness.
  10. I agree largely with this. If you have a Fresh Market, WF is going to feel like mostly the same stuff without the... charm? Ambience? We have TJs, WF, FM, Earth Fare, Earth Origins, and Publix. We had a Lucky's, which was the BEST. My main store is Publix, and I hit TJ and EO monthly. I only venture into WF if there is a health item that I need immediately and EO is out.
  11. I am 1 year out from my ovary-sparing robotic-assist laproscopic hysterectomy. I had it because of adenomyosis and endometriosis, severe pelvic pain, and heavy, irregular bleeding. I grieved and fought, but it was really my only option after years of suffering. I am SO GLAD I don't have to live like that anymore. No more pain, no more bleeding through many layers of protection in public. I have more energy to work out and just live life. I haven't yet seen any weird hormone imbalances.
  12. I should have known based on how they were as babies. The first had 3 pacifiers total that we still had once he weaned. The second had 7 under his crib each weekend and lost every single one we left the house with, even if it was clipped to him.
  13. When I only had the older boy writing, we still had a full pack of pencils of varying length by the end of the year. Now that the second is in the mix, we have purchased 739571189 pencils in the last year and they fight over the same one each morning.
  14. Hey Jack series by Usborne is good for firsties who can feel like they are reading a chapter book (3 per book IIRC) but also want larger font and pictures. They are pretty tame and stand alone, so they don't have to go in order. IDK if that is twaddle enough for you/him because I am not familiar with the book he chose.
  15. And cats. The nicknames don't stop coming.
  16. I had a feeling this was related to the weight of a baby. I have seen this a lot since I had my second child... nurses and other mothers reporting weights with a decimal. They always mean 7.2 as 7 lb 2 oz but that's not what decimals mean and it frustrates me. I am convinced it is a common nursing shorthand now. It is unfortunate because, as evidenced by recent posts on this board, precision and clarity with reporting weight gain in infants is incredibly important.
  17. I am a few chapters in to the YR version of Radium Girls now. 🙂
  18. Noooo. This one terrified me as a tween because I knew, "this is possible in real life."
  19. Thanks for all the response. Our last dog was a GSD mix and low maintenance, but also a guard dog as much as a companion. We are home more than not, but a Yorkie can ride along much more easily than our 65#er did. So I forsee us taking her more than leaving her for things like soccer games. I really hate house training stage, and the frequency thing is something to consider. A friend had a Yorkie and had to go home twice daily to let her out. I think if DH wants the pup, I am going to have to make it clear he has to be 100% on with training when he is home so it isn't all on me. We are going to get more info this weekend. I don't think they are ready to leave mama yet; it sounds like 7 pups just a few weeks old. DH has known MILs BFF for decades so while it's a few degrees of separation, it isn't a super loose chain.
  20. No, the breeder is MIL's BFF's daughter. I think this is litter #3 and they said no more.
  21. I appreciate your reply! Kids are 7 and 12. Can I ask how often grooming is required?
  22. We tragically lost our amazing large breed dog a little over a year ago. My ILs have asked if they could gift us, specifically the kids, a Yorkie pup that MILs BFFs daughter has. I am not a big fan of small yippy dogs necessarily, but I know my husband and kids would love to have something to baby and cuddle. Anything I need to know about the breed specifically? Thanks
  23. We have used 5 or so TGTB units, and actually just got in the original version of their Bird unit. Aside from the Weather unit, which just felt dry, we liked all of them so far and I think 8/9 is the perfect age for TGTB science. The updated version looks really nice, and I like how they now bind them and have a student journal. The journal may help with those areas of resistance. Another option is Gather Round North American Birds. You can find a sample of it on their site.
  24. Our older boy waited until 5 to start because he just seemed too little to me. Younger one started at 3 because we were already going to be at the fields and it made more sense to include him instead of wrangle him. Aside from 2020 and 2021, they have both played spring and fall until this year. Right now, younger is in soccer and older is waiting til fall for flag football (his last year eligible and under his favorite coach). This was equal parts finances, schedule, and his lack of desire to play baseball or soccer this season.
  25. Mine are 5 hours and 9 hours away. I see them once a year when I loop through their states to visit my parents. If I see them more than that, it is because they come to FL for a vacation/Disney/work and stop by.
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