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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. We have to remulch and work on the palms but my lillies are up.
  2. No idea. I had IG many years ago with no issues. Left it for 1.5 years, went back in late 2018... all I got was Kardashians and black hair tutorials, no matter what I actually clicked on. No SM since 2020 and no regrets.
  3. Well. I still can't believe it but yesterday we got tickets to Legoland. Free but had to be used by tomorrow. So we went today. Me and mine plus two of my sister's kids. The gas and food were unplanned expenses but you just don't pass on free LL tix when you are just a few hours away and have kids at the prime ages.
  4. Yes, it increased so much that we were $40-70 over the same months from the prior year. It definitely prompted us to change some habits with lights and thermostat settings.
  5. After 6 increases in rates last year, our electric company dropped the base rate this month. So it will undo one of the jumps. I am thinking about overpaying for a few months to have a buffer for when summer (and our highest bills) come.
  6. I'm only actively prepping one bed for lettuces to get a bit in before we hit 90s and they all die. LoL But we'll have one last cold snap before Easter, and really dig in after that. It's just not exciting to consider when it's already so hot.
  7. I honestly would trade a week of weather with someone. It has been in the high 80s for weeks. We didn't really get cold or even cool weather this winter. We had maybe a cumulative 8 days from December through February. I am already getting annoyed at the idea of garden work.
  8. I wanted to be consistently working out 5 days a week in March. I am still at 4. I decided that instead of beating myself up for that like I did for years when I wanted to work out but didn't prioritize it, I'll keep being consistent with 4 days until 5 days becomes attainable.
  9. Hello! I love new months. 🙂 I am waiting on our tax return. How long did yours take to process @hjffkj? We are saving and investing ours. I need to make a day trip to see my grandmother this month. Trying to figure out when. Soccer starts soon, so I need to go ASAP. I also need to decide on and plan a monthly field trip, which I try to stay under $40 for.
  10. Thinking Tree has a DIY American History book. You add the books and films, but it directs you with suggested names and dates. Starts with Native history, goes to 2018 or 19? Not comprehensive, but my older boy LOVED it.
  11. I biked. Not for long, but I got my HR and I did it.
  12. Who and where are the legislators that say that you should not or cannot excise a fetus that has been dead for hours or days? I understand there are cases of intentional or accidental ambiguity in bills, but I have yet to see anyone advocate against a D&C for a missed miscarriage.
  13. I think it's... intellectualy dishonest?... to act as though anyone outside of a medical establishment would casually refer to surgical removal of an already dead fetus as an abortion. No one is doing that.
  14. It's false spring in Florida, which means 85*. I'd love cooler weather. Last night I did HIIT. Tonight I went to Zumba. I'll look elsewhere for a class or work off of YT playlist because this instructor wasn't great.
  15. Ulta has free ship no minimum. They also have the normal 3.50/15 coupon. My CC offers 10% cash back there this month. So I ordered my foundation, a sponge I needed to replace, and a body scrub to take advantage of all 3 offers. CC will be paid off as soon as the 10% hits in 7-10 days.
  16. I biked Monday and went to ballet tonight. I am starting to see improvement in my stamina and flexibility but my ankles are still weaker than I'd like. IF is still going well. Lost half an inch in each of 2 places I measured. Craving more protein.
  17. The same sister I referenced in another reply had a traumatic loss a year prior to that birth. She spoke of it once to me, the only person aside from her husband, finished explaining her feelings, then said she felt better but expected to never speak of it again.
  18. Wow! What a wild birth. It makes me wonder if my sister experienced that with her first. She was at a birthing house for 18ish hours after losing water but without progressing and the midwife was no longer comfortable so she went to the hospital. Her MIL showed up pacing and talking. She called me to come to run interference with MIL. Her next check said she had regressed, higher station, less dilation. She was devastated and sent everyone home. I left the hospital and made it only 6 miles down the road before she sent me a photo of the baby. Her MIL leaving and a drop of Pit was all it took.
  19. I immediately thought of Metamorphosis (which I despise) and The Lottery (which I like).
  20. Hello. I commiserate with those who had a rough year or two; been there. We are back to cash for food and fun. So far, so good. I did get some killer deals on used curriculum swap a local CC group hosted recently. I need to spend about another 130$ to finish buying for next year's needs. I did budget in a standard savings line for each month instead of last year's plan of saving whatever was left (often 0). So having a few hundred already stocked away feels good. My work is slowing down, and I am considering a side hustle that I am not yet ready to share.
  21. And the smart ones also printed return directions instead of trying to reverse each turn in an unfamiliar city and on crowded highways.
  22. I need to figure out who Jessica Smith is. Monday I walked and later biked, Tuesday I went to ballet, tonight I need to do PT and dumbbells.
  23. Never the children, but I have been known to take a snack to my room if I needed to... hide.
  24. Based on what I hear from my friend who now has 5 teens in the house... they are under her bed.
  25. I certainly will not give this ammunition to my Lincoln-loving kids. I simply cannot share that he loved poop jokes with boys who also love poop jokes.
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