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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. I ate nothing but carbs today. Well, there was some peanut butter and tomato sauce, not together... but nothing healthy or substantial. Blah.
  2. Not eating well today but I am going to ballet.
  3. 20 minutes on the stationary bike and an hour of PT tonight
  4. Small cortadito at 10. 3 of our fresh eggs scrambled with sharp cheddar, salsa verde, and cilantro at 1:15, followed by a sliver of yesterday's pie. I have a killer sweet tooth. Dinner will be Mexican pizzas from Kristin Cavallari's new cookbook that I just happened upon at the library. Side salads for those who need more.
  5. No breakfast for me today; not very hungry. For lunch I had a salad with 5 types organic lettuces, sharp cheddar, organic peas, organic local tomatoes, and an Italian dressing we got at a specialty shop, plus a yeast roll. Will update after dinner. Update. I didn't have dinner. I ate a piece of the pie we made (cream cheese, pineapple, apple and walnut in graham cracker crust) and went to bed early.
  6. Mobile home prices have also been pretty high. Can he get a new one for under 100k? Absolutely. Is it going to be particularly nice, spacious, well-insulated, or wind-resistant? No. We toyed with the idea selling our house and putting a manufactured home on family land last year to be mortgage-free. A new MH at a similar sf (1700ish) with decent but not great insulation ratings was nearly 200k. It would have been several steps down in quality versus our home. The ones that we actually loved were 320-370k, and not worth the trade off.
  7. Hello again. I was visiting my parents for a week and didn't keep track of things there. Back home now; there's no place like home! Yesterday I had 2 eggs scrambled with cheddar, salsa verde, and cilantro, plus 2 pieces wheat toast with mixed berry jam from the farm stand; turkey and provolone on a roll with mustard; then 8 oz steak, salad, and loaded baked potato at a restaurant for Mother's Day.
  8. Visited my parents for a week and missed a lot of my regular exercising. Walked while there, bit nothing else. Back to my usual tomorrow. Ready for PT after the long drive.
  9. Put your eggs in all the baskets. Exchange some at the bank, some with a cashier every time you shop at a major store, some with a friend who can spot you a few large bills for a day or two til you repay in 20s.
  10. He doesn't seem to me, from your replies, like someone who would like the Villages or Broward Co. He might like Plant City, Ocala, or Cedar Key (although it has been ages since I've been there). I think it was Irma in 2017 that had nearly the entire state evacuate. It was wide enough to ride right up the center and wipe out everything. South Florida evacuated a week prior to North Florida. My husband's 7 minute commute turned into 30 as our town was flooded with evacuees. Then GA hotels filled up and later travelers had to go to the Carolinas, TN, KY or further to ride out the storm and wait. I did leave with the kids for that one, to my sister's in another state, but we rarely leave.
  11. My 12 year old owns no tech. He can use my phone, the tablet, or the laptop with permission and for limited use. I am looking for a dumb phone for the kids to use on the occasion we aren't together and they need to reach us. Otherwise, still waiting. We are the odd ones. My husband's brother's kids 14 and 11 have phones. My sister's kids have phones from their dad (divorce). My other sister just got her 10yo a smart watch that he can call and text from. All our friends' kids have phones.
  12. Our homeowner's insurance doubled last year. Several companies have left the state, and many are no longer writing new policies.
  13. I am scratching my head trying to think of where someone could find a place under 100k that isn't run down. Everyone has been moving here, the market stays up, and even mobile homes have doubled in price. Not trying to discourage you; just being honest. I am in a small town surrounded by small towns. A 1400 sf builder grade house on .4 acres just sold for over 350k. My friend is buying new construction in a packed neighborhood (read: no yard) for 375. Another friend whose sister is her landlord bought her 900sf home for 60k 7 years ago and it has doubled in value/market price. That friend wants to move to more space for her kids but she can't afford anything else. Florida's housing market is crazy.
  14. They also have the same brand with a short flutter sleeve for $15.
  15. One of mine called pants "long sleeve shorts" for years.
  16. I was SHOCKED. I wasn't in the market for it, but had to buy at that price.
  17. This sounds like my firstborn. We got into gardening because he was obsessed with tomatoes as a toddler.
  18. I had it nearly 20 years ago. Instant results, no side effects. I am not yet 40 so I don't know how I will fare later when many have significant vision changes.
  19. Yesterday was an odd day. We ran errands in the morning, and got food out. I had half of a bacon egg cheese croissant (tween stole the rest), hashbrowns, and pineapple green tea. For lunch, I just made a PBJ with mixed berry jam from a country store we visited, and had the baked Lays I have been craving for a week. Dinner was spaghetti with meat sauce and mozzarella, followed by homemade snickerdoodle cookies. Today is a down/longer fast day. I am having half a cup of black coffee, then water til dinner. I am going to put half a chicken in the IP, make yellow rice, and add a bagged chopped cabbage salad and yeast rolls from the freezer. We are eating down the fridge in preparation for a trip so it's "use it all up" time. I need to inventory fresh stuff again so that it gets eaten ASAP.
  20. First grader is enjoying LOF. I found the first 10 books in new condition, sold as a lot for $15. He loves them and is in Butterflies now. He doesn't consider it math. 😉 He is almost finished with CLE math 203. We will continue LOF and CLE all summer, working less frequently. We will also continue reading all summer. Our new year will begin week 2 of August.
  21. Yesterday was a rest day aside from some pelvic floor PT exercises. I have PT tonight for neck and back. I will probably try to bike Friday.
  22. My window is an early one today and I am so snacky. Lunch was 2oz sharp cheddar, 1 small organic gala apple with 1 T peanut butter, and the last rosemary olive oil-soaked sourdough crostini. I just had a 4oz lemon Noosa yogurt. I am making green tea to sip on now. Dinner is ground beef tacos. We have soft and crunchy shells, salsa verde, sour cream, shredded cheddar, organic green onion, organic avocado, and local organic cherry tomatoes. I wish I had some cilantro; I always miss it when I don't have it.
  23. I had PT last night and will try ballet again tonight. I know I won't be able to do it all but it's a good indicator of how well I am doing overall.
  24. I am up early and already planning to break my fast with what we call Almond Joy oatmeal... organic rolled oats cooked with water, plus 1 T hemp/chia/flax seeds crushed, 1 tsp organic cold pressed coconut oil, 1 T organic unsweetened shredded coconut, 1 T Enjoy Life chocolate chips, 2 T crushed raw unsalted almonds. I also had 6oz fresh organic orange juice.
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