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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. I suppose I can share our curriculum choices as well. 🙂 New 7yo boy, second grade for those who ask. 😉 Daily: RS English 2 RS Spelling 2 CLE Math (currently in book 204 or 205?) CLE Reading 2 Others (spread over the year, done one at a time until completed): 2 Bible studies from Not Consumed RS Patterns of Nature RS Understanding Communities Abeka My America TGTB Health and Physical Body (with many additions by me) CTC Mind Benders 3
  2. DS just learned to tie his shoes at newly 7. We tried at 5.5 and I almost lost my mind. I knew intellectually readiness mattered, but it took me 12 years of parenting to really get that aha moment for myself.
  3. I did not go to ballet last night. I was feeling run down, and my hips and knees hurt. Not sure why on the knees, because they have not been problematic. I was better today, and had intense PT session. I have another tomorrow and hate back to back appts but it is how the week shook out.
  4. We are checking out all. the. books. from the library when we hit up their summer events. DS7 is on a roll, reading several to me each day. He is happily in the level 2 readers, which are fluffy and not challenging. I don't plan to spoil his fun by making him read what he can instead of what he wants to. He is also finishing LOF Butterflies tomorrow. He doesn't consider it math. Beginning next week, we will do 2 lessons LOF and 2 lessons CLE math per week. He has had 2 weeks off of CLE now and I am already seeing some of those quick facts slipping. However, I am also seeing him recognize relationships in other number scenarios. Today his brother said he had to do something for 30 minutes, and he exclaimed that half of that is 15 because two 10s is 20 and the 5s together is another 10. I need to get Mind Benders 3 for the start of the new school year, because he loves those and wants another ASAP. I don't want to do more than math and reading for summer, though. Maybe art, but no other book work. Momma needs a break!
  5. Meh. Maybe. My first had 30+ words by one and still hit a biting stage before 2. My second also bit, but it wasn't learned behavior. He had oral SPD issues and was sensory seeking when he bit. OT helped a lot with that, as well as his auditory avoidance SPD.
  6. Now that I have the car and mini fridge off my mental list, I need to register one kid for fall sports, and I need to pay our dues for a co-op we are joining. I also realized I need to buy 3, maybe 4, more books for the upcoming year. I need to decide on a dumb phone and plan for the kids, and I am putting money away for a Ninja Creami for my husband. Later this year, we need to do significant work on a fence, and our 3 year plan is a new roof. Trying to fund all the buckets.
  7. Cheapest and easiest fix is new hardware, rugs, a curtain, and trim above cabinets. More intensive fix is painting them all, plus all of the above. I personally love wood tones and have regretted painting the few wood pieces we have redone over the years. I'd keep the wood.
  8. That's kind of what I am thinking. He's not interested in more challenge at this time.
  9. TL, DR I pushed him to keep going on with math. He breezed through for many years. Now that things aren't totally intuitive and easy, he hates math. Except on days when it is easy, then it's fine. 🙄
  10. A little more info on him disliking math... He's 12 and a perfectionist. Until about 6 or so months ago, he didn't really complain about any school work. Things came easily. As soon as he hit any hiccup, he'd suddenly be irate that he was "working too far ahead". On days he could understand the lesson and make an easy A, he was fine. On days he missed more than 2-3 problems or had to rework a problem multiple times, he HATED MATH. I have asked multiple times what he dislikes and he "doesn't really know". I have asked what would make math better, and he can't think of anything. I have asked if Kahn is better (no, it's the same), if he needs a lot of color (no, it's juvenile), if he wants to move to LOF (no, not enough practice), if he liked the looks of Mathematical Reasoning (too scattered), or BA (too weird). So I think the problem is a combination of tween angst and suddenly being thrown off the easy ride he's been on for years. Growth mindset and study habits are being discussed, among other things. Also, we did the first 1/4 of the book at the rate of 2 lessons a week, so it hasn't been120 days of force-feeding him algebra he wasn't ready for. He just wants to continue to skate through academics.
  11. I biked and did arms today. Ballet tomorrow. PT Wed and Thurs. Cardio Fri.
  12. We are working on James and the Giant Peach now, and will read Holes in July. I definitely want to reread the My Father's Dragon trilogy this year because I love it so much. I haven't yet finished this year, and my brain is not yet ready for more lists. 😉
  13. We found a car under budget! 10 years newer and 33k miles fewer than what was lost. So happy to have that done. We also really wanted a used mini fridge for the garage for our kids and neighbor kids. We happened to mention it to someone who had the EXACT ONE I wanted and they offered it for $20. Sold! My budget was 50. Sooo happy. God is good.
  14. With my first, I had an aversion to meat and craved apples and cinnamon rolls. With my second, I ate my weight in pears. I also craved peanut butter sandwiches and cold cereal, which I hadn't eaten for years prior to that pregnancy.
  15. First baby was a C section after 28 hour labor. All I wanted was a Dr Pepper. I don't remember what I ate after that. The nurse came in and saw me with soda and screamed that the carbonation was going to ruin my recovery. Second baby was a scheduled C section and I had someone bring me my regular McAlisters Deli order: club sandwich, Baked Lays, extra pickle spears, and a half and half tea. But I only ate a little before I got nauseated.
  16. PT tonight. I am sore from ballet this week. Tomorrow will probably be Zumba and resistance bands.
  17. Just a thought on the fasting side... most people are seeing weight loss with IF at or just past the 16 hour mark. If you can consistently get to 16-18 hours, you might see a payoff. 17 is definitely my sweet spot.
  18. One of my kids told me recently that he did this, and randomly the next week, one of my sisters told me she did, as well. I didn't tell her about him doing it. It just came out of nowhere both times. I did this at some stage, maybe high school?, but haven't for many years.
  19. I am mostly still in a keeping stage because of my younger one, but I buy a lot from homeschoolclassifieds dotcom.
  20. Still looking for a new (used) car to replace our totaled one. Trying not to go too far above the settlement. That is a big focus right now. We are also doing more cash purchasing because it does help us not overspend in certain categories.
  21. This week is a convenience week for us. Yesterday we had burgers, baked beans, pasta salad, pickled okra, watermelon, and brownies. We made it all for lunch and had it again for dinner. Today is Taco Tuesday. Tomorrow is a family birthday so we are eating out. Then I have an Every Plate box with 6 meals. I have already forgotten what we ordered besides chicken sandwiches and lemon chickpea bowls. None of this would fit your healthy eating plan except maybe the chickpea bowls, which have many iterations and we have come to love.
  22. I did 10 minutes on the bike, and 10 with resistance bands (arms and legs). Tomorrow is ballet. Wednesday will be arms and HIIT. Thursday is PT. I will try to bike again Friday but I really have a hard time moving past 4 days a week working out.
  23. We are working with Saxon edt.3. Isn't that sequence A1, A2, Advanced Mathematics? I honestly haven't looked at it since I ordered A1 but in my mind that was their sequence.
  24. Old Navy has some nice wide leg, elastic waist linen blend pants that have been running $12. Edit... hit enter too soon. Idk what shape you are looking for but I have short legs and prefer straight cuts and love these.
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