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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. The irony of not needing fine arts courses to enter college but being required to spend thousands on them once there. I flip flop between necessity and niceness of fine arts. I went to a fine arts elem/middle and appreciate them. But I think they are largely unnecessary in the college sphere for many if not most majors. I guess my short line philosophy is that majors are for majors, and anything else is icing.
  2. I have experience in this area. I will say numbers are largely tech-dependent and being off 2mm (inside echogenic wall vs on edge) can push values from WNL to abnormal. Some techs are sloppy, some views are poor, etc. However, given his symptoms and the preponderance of cardiomyopathy in young men, I would further pursue the issue with another doctor. I would encourage him to eliminate caffeine in the meantime. Editing to add... Did he have normal BP? Did his holter monitor show anything at all?
  3. My meal plan AND my workout plan changed this week. Yesterday was only PT. Today I biked and later walked. IDK what I will do the rest of the week.
  4. We were on target with FD gifts. No overage. Squirreling away funds for summer trips. Going back to largely cash purchasing has helped A LOT.
  5. Ballet is officially out for the summer. I have biking and PT tonight, will likely stretch and do some barre work tomorrow as if I am in class. Then I feel like Zumba Wed is a good fit, PT again Thursday, and arms and a walk Fri.
  6. Consider also upping the definition of brows and lips as focal points.
  7. I had my last ballet class til August. I am planning to do arms today.
  8. I think it's supposed to look like the ubiquitous disposable cups that we had in the 90s (give or take a decade on either end depending on where you lived).
  9. I assumed it was understood when we were at a very formal event recently, but it looked like only the women at the table knew. All the men dug in immediately, and reached over others for things.
  10. I was so sore after 2 days of PT but helped a friend move Fri and Sat in leiu of regular workouts. Tonight I walked half an hour through the neighborhood. Tomorrow is PT again, and Tuesday is ballet. Wednesday I will probably do arms. That's all I have so far.
  11. We have used Frog Togs and knockoffs and Mission caps and the hats are THE BEST. Towels are only good for 5 minutes then they are just warm and annoying.
  12. Only for a few weeks, until I saw a direct correlation between my diet and his intense episodes of screaming and thrashing.
  13. Thanks for the reminder that the Zillions books exist. I was really thinking (likely false memory) that LOF asserted that PREalgebra isn't really a thing; it's algebra or it's not. In my mind, it's actually algebra, but I'd have to look at the books again. Also, he would be working through Kahn, which presents a variety of approaches and he isn't wholly opposed to. I know nothing about math outside of Algebra and geometry. I am open to checking out any other types of math presented. I don't know what number theory is and I am not great at probability but I can outsource most anything! 😉
  14. I have certainly tried to reupload the same photos from my phone and it did not duplicate. I don't know if you uploaded them to My Photos and to album titled 2023 or whatever, if there would be 2. I imagine there might be 2.
  15. Shutterfly is free provided you make a single purchase of any amount each year.
  16. I like traditional and Biblical names, but named my kids 'uncommon but made top 100 list' names. I name my pets very old lady/old man names.
  17. If I had more boys: Andrew, David, James, Peter My younger self said she would name a girl Isobel or Catherine. Once pregnant, that morphed to Madeline. Then I had boys. We did have a foster daughter we would have renamed Juliet had we been able to adopt her.
  18. My first kid got all his teeth in and out early. He lost tooth 1 at 5y4m. My second kid lost tooth 1 at 6y6m. He just lost numbers 3 and 4 about 2 weeks shy of 7 years old.
  19. Daily work is Alg 2, English, science, history, and music study and appreciation (Foundations in Worship), plus assigned reading. He can complete the lit, geography, and typing in whatever order he prefers. This year, he did lit, then geography, then his other elective, then another lit to finish the year. We prefer that to 8 or 9 subjects every day, all year long.
  20. I suppose I can share our curriculum choices as well. 🙂 New 7yo boy, second grade for those who ask. 😉 Daily: RS English 2 RS Spelling 2 CLE Math (currently in book 204 or 205?) CLE Reading 2 Others (spread over the year, done one at a time until completed): 2 Bible studies from Not Consumed RS Patterns of Nature RS Understanding Communities Abeka My America TGTB Health and Physical Body (with many additions by me) CTC Mind Benders 3
  21. DS just learned to tie his shoes at newly 7. We tried at 5.5 and I almost lost my mind. I knew intellectually readiness mattered, but it took me 12 years of parenting to really get that aha moment for myself.
  22. I did not go to ballet last night. I was feeling run down, and my hips and knees hurt. Not sure why on the knees, because they have not been problematic. I was better today, and had intense PT session. I have another tomorrow and hate back to back appts but it is how the week shook out.
  23. We are checking out all. the. books. from the library when we hit up their summer events. DS7 is on a roll, reading several to me each day. He is happily in the level 2 readers, which are fluffy and not challenging. I don't plan to spoil his fun by making him read what he can instead of what he wants to. He is also finishing LOF Butterflies tomorrow. He doesn't consider it math. Beginning next week, we will do 2 lessons LOF and 2 lessons CLE math per week. He has had 2 weeks off of CLE now and I am already seeing some of those quick facts slipping. However, I am also seeing him recognize relationships in other number scenarios. Today his brother said he had to do something for 30 minutes, and he exclaimed that half of that is 15 because two 10s is 20 and the 5s together is another 10. I need to get Mind Benders 3 for the start of the new school year, because he loves those and wants another ASAP. I don't want to do more than math and reading for summer, though. Maybe art, but no other book work. Momma needs a break!
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