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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. Kohls had extra 50% off clearance. I needed some new shorts and pants and got 8 items for $50. I also had $8 in Old Navy cash so I got the $14 linen pants for $6.
  2. I feel ya. We have 8 birthdays between April and May.
  3. Wow! I put the A1 back when it got close to $7. I'll have to be watching it for a bogo deal. $9 is wild. Agree on sodas. Suddenly every brand has a 1L for just under $2.
  4. Hmm. I know nothing of options in NY but I know there are a few long term residential rehab places in Florida where they get some skill training and counseling and connections to find work and housing after 6-18 months in the program. I imagine similar places exist in other states.
  5. I forgot about Triscuits. I only buy them about 3 times a year. Now there is a 7 or 8 oz box that is higher in price than the big Family Size box ever was.
  6. Idk what one you use, but Ulta does litre sales once or twice a year. Might be worth watching.
  7. My husband has a daily Coke. They have more than doubled in price and I wish he'd quit. We have dropped our number/variety of organics. I still buy organic milk, and grassfed organic beef more often than not. Everything else organic is on case by case basis- is it on sale? Is it within 10% of conventional? Etc.
  8. Thank you. I will check this out and pass it along to my friend. They are moving soon and think a new place will magically help them be more organized, even though the past moves prove otherwise. This is why I mentioned it here; I knew someone would have a helpful link. She has grown to care about perfecting other areas of her life, and she dislikes the current state of her room enough to ask for help. So I can pass on the info given above, and use some of the tips while we clean and reorganize. I think there is also a component of clutter being very normal in the house and not being trained in how to deal with it.
  9. I maintain a very clean home. Not spotless, but regularly cleaned surfaces and good organization. I struggle with filing/shredding papers, though, and don't mind leaving a dish in the sink overnight to soak. Tonight I helped a friend who has very different standards for cleanliness. I have known this for many years. However, I was a bit shocked to see her teen's room that teen claimed she had "just cleaned yesterday". Overflowing baskets of clothes, a dozen scattered hangers, books and papers and makeup everywhere, food wrappers and unwrapped (possibly used) panty liners on the floor. Blinds damaged, rug upside down in a knot with shoes bunched up in it. I told her I would help her clean her room this week and I don't even know how to approach it beyond just physically rearranging her stuff. She was a trash hoarder as a small child. We did this years ago when she was tiny. I am trying to figure out what to say because it's inevitable she has a mess again in a week, but I also feel like she listens to me.
  10. Since you listed it as an option, I'll vote for CLE. Yes, it's farmer math, but written to the student, in small workbooks, and pretty quick. No complaints from me.
  11. Often one side is faster and/or produces more than the other. That might need to be taken into consideration if one baby is harder to feed.
  12. I have used Schmidt's off and on for 8 years. The sensitive version works best for me. I occasionally switch it up for a regular deodorant (Florida summers out in public all day, for example). TJMaxx here often has Schmidt's half price.
  13. My older boy has a false memory of getting in trouble in preK for something, and us disciplining him further at home. My husband and I vaguely recall his "yellow card day" and the other kids involved, and know that we didn't have the reaction he claims we had. We actually laughed at the absurdity of the situation as he presented it to us recently, until he dissolved into tears, swearing we reacted in a way that husband and I both deny.
  14. I believe it. That was me at my highest non-pregnant weight. I was getting into a size 12.
  15. As for bottle recs, one of my boys could only take MAM bottles.
  16. SNS is mildly annoying but if she has someone to help, it is doable. 2 ounces might be a good goal. 2 oz was my goal for my 37wker. Did multiple Drs and nurses and even LC check for tongue ties? Poor nursing ability and/or falling asleep before sated can be because of tongue ties. Been there and done that, too.
  17. I agree, calories may be down. I lost a scary amount of weight in the first week breastfeeding and pumping for my second. I ate nutrient dense foods, but could never get enough, and I only had one baby to feed.
  18. It can vary thoughout the day, and by person. With my first, my milk looked like skim and I could almost read through it. I supplemented formula for him. By my second, I learned so much more about diet and effective pumping, and would have from 1/4 to 1 inch of fat on top of a settled bottle. Yes, they can get full on sheer volume alone, or just tire from the effort of eating and refuse more. Someone above mentioned pumping BEFORE nursing, so you can store the foremilk and baby gets the hindmilk directly. Also a great idea.
  19. Sounds like mom needs iron. Regarding pumping after feeds, she should pump til a minute past empty. The hindmilk is where the fat content is, and the babies need that even if they stop nursing before that point. It would probably be a good idea to pump and collect that and offer the hindmilk from the prior pump to the babies after each feed. She can also start a freezer stash if she gets overwhelmed with pumped milk. Their appetite will increase soon. I had babies diagnosed FTT and EPed with the second. Kellymom website is a good resource.
  20. Similar situation with a family member. All the efforts you mentioned. Best results with turmeric and Tiger Balm. He also likes oregano and peppermint EOs applied topically, and a heated massage gun.
  21. Walked/ran Legoland 7 hours yesterday. Achey today.
  22. We have to remulch and work on the palms but my lillies are up.
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