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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. Awww. I am sorry. I danced until 13 when we moved to a small town where there were zero studios. I tried again in college but with a 730am class for adults... I am not a morning person so it didn't last long. I am just now getting back to it after many years of putting myself last.
  2. Ballet class was great. We had 2 new people tonight. It's advertised as drop-in but they did a January push for new students of all ages. I will probably try to pop in to Zumba Thursday.
  3. I have several adopted relatives, and multiple foster parents in the family, and have yet to see a single case where the extended family was a better option than "strangers". In almost every case, no relatives could be found that were not incarcerated, indefinitely unemployed, failing drug tests, living with or sheltering others who were not legally allowed to be around children, and actually wanted anything to do with the kid. So the foster family gets strung along for 12, 15, 18 months to give the parents time to step up, get clean, follow their case plan, just for it to fizzle out. I also think it's incredibly short-sighted to say prolifers don't do anything to support or educate mothers. Every org I have been involved with over the years has moved mountains to provide wrap-around care to moms, and to link them to relevant programs regardless of their situations. I mean paying medical bills, electric bills and rent, hosting baby showers, financial literacy classes, nutrition classes, diaper drives, formula procurement, everything. Someone having a moral opposition to Plan B does not translate to not caring for women.
  4. RE: parade The city managed it and opened it to anyone who wished to join. They just had to register in advance and follow some rules about throwing candy etc. The route went down Main Street where a few HK had a small business at the time. I am under the impression that might have had something to do with it, but I never asked anyone.
  5. If you can't commit to only one, maybe keep your two favorites of each category. That way you have a backup but you don't have to keep everything.
  6. Remainder of CLE math 2, beginning of CLE math 3 CLE Reading 2 Rod and Staff English 2 Rod and Staff Spelling 2 Rod and Staff Patterns of Nature Rod and Staff Understanding Communities TGTB Nutrition Mom-made human body unit Abeka social studies 2 CTC Mind Benders 3
  7. Gotcha. I thought you meant I was confusing them and it reminded you of the same. There was a big ruckus several years ago when 5-6 local churches were asked not to play music in the Christmas parade (no idea why) then at the end the HK came with drums and microphones chanting.
  8. Just the way I phrased it? Those are the main groups this area is known for.
  9. Sunday was spendy. Gas in one car. Lunch out after church, then dinner out after a church event with friends. $100 day easily. $0 today. We got our Every Plate box in for dinners this week. Still working on eating down the pantry and freezer otherwise. Getting super low on fruit and breads. As for my goals, I did finish the 2 week period with $38 off groceries for the time frame. I was aiming for $100 off in the month but $80 is probably more realistic and I will be happy to reach that. I have not purchased any clothing for the kids.
  10. my week was gas and milk on Sunday, $0 Mon-Wed, vet and coffees on Thursday, then $4 for museum parking and $30 at CFA for lunch on Friday (field trip day).
  11. My area has large populations of JW and Hare Krishnas. I went to school with Christians, Catholics, wiccans, Mormons, and JW. One uncle is SDA.
  12. I have slacked on checking in but did 4 days last week, and biked today. Tomorrow is ballet.
  13. Lucas can be either. Luke will only ever be Luke.
  14. Got prepped for Zumba, left early, waited for class... and found out it was cancelled without notice because the instructor was on 24hr call at her main job and was called in. I went home and pulled up a HIIT video on the computer before even removing my shoes.
  15. $0 yesterday Today... $15 on teas and donuts, $120 at the vet for the cat we rescued from a hoarder
  16. I weigh 5-6 days a week. I just make a mental note and move on. Zumba is at 8 tonight. Haven't done it in 4 years, and at a different spot, but I have a blank on my class card and missed ballet so there I will be.
  17. I did my PT stuff, additional stretching, planks, dumbells, and resistance bands. I was hoping to do HIIT but the day got away from me.
  18. 1/8 $44.31 40 gas, 4.31 half gallon store brand organic whole milk 1/9 $0 1/10 $0 (husband got gas but it was necessary and he isn't the spendy one so I don't track him)
  19. I felt like crap by the time we were done with lessons, so I took a nap. I felt worse after that and skipped ballet. I will probably drop into Zumba on Thursday to make up for it. I still feel yuck.
  20. My current 6th grader is closing in on 30 since August 1. We assign living books with his history study, a few biographies, and a smattering of other types. Some books take 3 days, others take 3 weeks.
  21. Saxon Algebra 2 Rod and Staff English 8 2 Progeny Press Lit guides of his choosing Mystery of History III and most reading assigments will be curated to follow this time period MasterBooks God's Design for Chemistry and Ecology and Elements of Faith, plus Apologia Exploring Chemistry and Physics again Travel Dreams: Israel for geography I haven't decided if we will do more IEW or if we will take a year for Easy Grammar. I also want to add to the chemistry to bulk it up, but haven't found resources yet. Plus sports, random community classes, etc.
  22. IIRC, 2019 and 2020 also had flooding in the plains. Potatoes have been MIA, overpriced, or unbelievably small here for several months. Mid-2022, they were about $1.50/#. They eventually went down, but only as they were being prematurely harvested. Now they seem more normal in size and price, but the stores don't get as many.
  23. It's not that it sounds weird, it's that it feels weird in the mouth. I'd go for three names with two syllables before same sound at end and beginning. No one but you will call him by all 3 names, but most people will call him by first and last.
  24. We generally follow mostly the same programs year to year so not many changes. He has been working ahead in most subjects and we were going to consider 7th his 8th grade year. Recently, we have talked about the option to do 7th and then make 8th a more relaxed year instead of skipping up a grade. Some LOF or Kahn just to keep skills up, some funschooling journals, Bible study of his choice, etc. Anyway, I will come back to list our plans for 7th.
  25. Yesterday I biked and did PT exercises. Tonight is an hour of ballet.
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