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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. My mom and I often tell eachother our dreams, but rarely anyone else. Know your audience I guess.
  2. This week I did PT exercises twice, arms twice, biked once, and went to ballet tonight.
  3. I don't know the complete size range, but I saw the sale on Pink bras today and was surprised to find one I loved in store.
  4. Did end up stretching late last night while watching the end of a documentary. Today I did a 20 minute walk through the neighborhood, and later hopped on the stationary bike for 5 minutes at high resistance. Biking always feels good but it's probably counterproductive to what I need from my legs in ballet.
  5. Swam 2 hours yesterday. I have stretching on my agenda today but haven't yet made the time. Family is winding down so will be soon.
  6. When we were teens, we only called our mom "Mother" when we were being snots. It was backtalk without being backtalk. LoL
  7. I do think there is a common, natural progression for most people. I don't have any memory of calling my parents mommy/mama and daddy/dada, so I must have abbreviated to Mom and Dad early. My husband and his family also use Mom and Dad. I live in the South and know very few people who use those names for their parents. Of those I know who do, it's exclusively older women who use Daddy and men of all ages who use Mama. My kids still use Mama and Dada like they did as toddlers and it has struck me as unusual but we haven't asked them to change their speech.
  8. Thank you. I did have an Epsom bath, applied Tiger Balm, and took half a muscle relaxer I have had since auto accident. Better today but still not 100%.
  9. My back and neck were inexplicably, terribly sore yesterday so I did a little with hand weights and called it a day.
  10. Finished Lottie Moon. Easy to read and in top half of the YA missionary bios I have read now. Rereading (via audio) Whatever Happened to Penny Candy for eldest child's co-op class preparation. Just started the 2021 version of Teach Your Own by John Holt and Pat Farenga.
  11. I feel you. Mine did Saxon Alg 1 last year and earned a lowish A but hated it. I thought it was easy to teach. We switched to AOPS Intro to Alg and are like 9 lessons in and we are both confused. We stopped using the book this week to spend some time in Alcumus. I am not sure what to do at this point.
  12. I cleaned out my grandmother's pantry recently. She had a tsp of McCormick cinnamon with a BB date of 1996.
  13. I have opened name brand canned tomatoes that were intact and stored appropriately and only 5 weeks after their date and had them spurt foam all over the kitchen, so I am wary of out of date tomato products. Otherwise, I can go pretty far out for most foods.
  14. I had strep a lot as a kid. My kids have had it often, and they present atypically. One has had scarlet fever as a result, even with immediate treatment. It's a pretty nasty thing and requires abx.
  15. Happy birthday Mine is in the least common group. Both of my kids were born on the most common day of week (Tues) but not within most common hours.
  16. We have done family curriculum, age-specific curriculum, and just read the Bible and a smattering of Christian books/devotionals. We all prefer to read the Word, discuss, and then do a page of something like Indescribable or Then Sings My Soul or a missionary story.
  17. Ballet ran a little over an hour. I woke with stiff legs today. Overall not bad after the summer hiatus and covid.
  18. I graduated PT. I am sore from what I did yesterday and have not worked out today. Hoping to feel better before ballet tomorrow.
  19. We are loyal to Terra Delyssa nonGMO EVOO from Tunisia.
  20. We just finished test 1 for level 8. It was a longer and more intense test than I remember from years past. We will be taking a break next year when he is actually in grade 8 and I am not sure what we will do for HS. I love RS English but I think completing 2-8 is more than adequate if we can continue to use those skills in HS. Younger son is in level 2 and I love how gentle but repetitive it is. I am keeping the entire set for sure. Maybe my grandkids will need it someday. 😆
  21. I am reading Eats, Shoots & Leaves and a biography of Lottie Moon.
  22. Walked 2 miles today. Back at PT on Wednesday after 2 weeks off. Back to ballet on Friday. Tomorrow I'll probably focus on stretching and hand weights.
  23. We are doing well. I signed him up for a K-2 nature club where they will do nature walk and games and crafts once a month at different parks. We are rotating CLE math (midway through 200s), LOF (finishing Cats), and a cheap math workbook that has a different skill on every page. We do CLE 2-3 times a week, and the other two 1-2 times a week. This is so he really cements some of the concepts CLE runs through quickly. It's hard for me to not compare to big brother but I'm working on it.
  24. Cabbage rolls, pintos and cornbread, biscuits with sausage gravy, and stacked apple pies. She's still with us, but she can no longer manage cooking. I have shed tears.
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