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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. What language is she learning? How does she feel about it? I would think that she could catch up quickly :) Could you do some serious study besides the camp, before Sept? :)
  2. I like to whistle. :) In my days of working retail, I would whistle on the way up the stairs. This older guy would whistle with me when I started up the stairs which would turn into a duet :) We liked it. I was 23 so I'm not sure I cared what others thought... ;)
  3. Depends on where you look. When I was much younger :) the books I looked at did indeed say something along the lines of "poor house" or "house of the poor".... And they did switch it because of the "known meaning" of the name. Now when I just looked again there is the meaning of it being associated with "poor" and I also see "house of figs" and close to that. Coolness of the internet :)
  4. How are the child custody laws there? It really depends on what leverage school has. If it was between home education and private school.... and one would sway her to live at her dads..... I would take my daughter in school with me! Just a thought...
  5. That's incredible! Sounds like she has a Sunshiny mom who has helped her start a Sunshiny future!! Congrats!! :)
  6. Honestly I'd take her to a good place that trains/socializes dogs and right away, too :) I'm not sure if you spent time properly socializing her, but it's seriously important :)
  7. My relative in law m*l*sted his daughters, his step daughter, and did some things to his wives.... (and neighbors) Seriously, I would have counted it as "good & right" for him to be killed. While he was r*ping my cousin or after.... The problem with after is that the evidence then needs to be "played out" in court. But if he had been caught? with evidence? We would have cheered and my cousin may have not screwed up her life after.... on top of that's the way our family found out that cervical cancer was a s*xually transmitted disease.... All the ones that we knew that he m*lested... got cervical cancer... :(
  8. We were going to, but it was harder than I thought..... 2 adults at all times is the best idea, even with background checks, I think..
  9. Wow!! That little girl won't have to worry about that guy again. Of course, it's horrible that she was there for the killing, but it's self defense when you kill someone stealing from you, right? (At least in some states) This is stealing from the child/s*xual assult/and more.... That dad would have the sympathy of every juror... No way they would think a jury would find him guilty. Good thing screams were heard and it was done in "public"...
  10. Gosh, I love borrowing! I was raised to only borrow what you would/could replace.... and to treat it well :)
  11. I voted full name, but we only have last name.... I could imagine first... but not really both...
  12. Last names on jerseys should be fine. I mean seriously... we're all around when my son has his jersey. As far as walking around town, I don't want him to have his shirt with his name on without me.... But seriously, he's almost 9yrs old, and he doesn't go places without me yet...
  13. Christmas (Peppermint) Jo Jos :) Organic Vodka Sauce (for pasta), Organic Blue Corn Chips, These little tamales...., Organic Animal Crackers, these fruit popsicles...(can't remember what they're called, but they're blended fruit in "otter like" packaging), Fruit leather, Licorice Scotty Dogs, Organic Fruit/potatoes, really good yogurt. Yogurt drinks for kids (wildberry or strawberry) The yogurts like "go-gurts" but organic, Dried Bananas :) YUM!! I can go into a Trader Joe's and shop in about 10 minutes for what I usually buy. It's awesome!! :) (Oh yes, organic juice is good, too! )
  14. That's so sad... maybe some depression going on.... Life at the end can be hard :(
  15. I bought lots of books like Cindy Neuschwander's books and Greg Tang's. He doesn't love doing "book work" but he's good at math :0 He's almost 9 now and he's evening out ability wise, but I think he'll probably make another "jump" soon :) I really like the way that Singapore teaches mental math. Have Fun! :)
  16. "We're doing what God has put on our hearts; are you interested in home education for your family?" And, when someone utters the words, "I could never do that" I inform them that they just jinxed themselves. I've hear those words for almost 30 years... and even if it takes a few years... the next time I meet them they're usually homeschooling and have totally "forgot" their words :)
  17. Very good that you did as you were led.... and that you were able to hear of how it was spent so well!! :)
  18. What did you NOT like about it, and maybe that would help. There are a few Catholic ones that have started. OR, if you just don't want to do a CC group... there's always starting one yourself :)
  19. Well... We were told for training, "e" on the last of the name is best. Could be an old wives tale... Just a thought :) I like names like Phoenix and such for dogs ;) Ariella is cute :) Hmmmm :) Can't wait to see her! :)
  20. Well, at least when you start to say one name.... you'll have time to switch it to the other if you're wrong :) Ugly... but she'll be explaining to her own kids... :(
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