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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. My longest nursed till he was a couple of weeks before 5. I took a Cultural Anthropology class that set my understanding of nursing and co-sleeping. Funny, huh? Pretty much the only thing I remember from the class. Carrie:-)
  2. I think that cds while he's doing other things... really helps. SOTW is great... over and over and over;-) Then there are other people to listen to... If you wanna do Famous Men of.....Series... They are available to download too. Listening more than once is key for us to remember the material. I know that Classical Conversations is loved or hated... but for this.. I think it would work well. You just listen to the 3 cycles and you'd be surprised at how much you learn! Even my public school step and the one doing college listen to them.... Carrie:-)
  3. I need to: Be more diligent in schooling my children. Read through the Bible, try to apply to my life. Fix breakfast at least a few times a week. Have something for dinner each night. Be less selfish with my time. Practice "being with" and "playing with" my children. Try to "serve" my husband. Carrie
  4. I'd look on http://kellymom.com/ before I stopped nursing..... Nursing is the most perfect food.... (unless there's some type of weird allergy thing going on...) You might add some fat... like coconut oil... into smoothie type drinks, if you're worried. I'd cut juice or sugary drinks.... and nurse for as much liquid as you can. Of course, I'm of the persuasion that nursing until your child is ready to stop..... is the best. I nursed way past 2 with my children. One was chubby... the other a string bean... same milk:-) different little bodies:-) Just remember... Drs practice.... they aren't gods.... they don't know everything... they are useful for the purpose that you have for them.... I don't really like to ask them how to discipline... or feed.. my child. I need them for prescriptions and such... OF course, I'd love to have a Dr who is a Mama who I agreed with.. and then maybe I'd be able to use their advice more... PS... I wouldn't introduce milk from a cow... unless I wasn't able to give them milk... Another story altogether... but cow's milk has little value... in comparison to a mama's milk... and it's really not "better".. just a substitute... and why sub when you can give the real thing?? Cow's milk is pretty ...dead.... so when thinking "real" food.... I would be thinking ... "whole food" like oatmeal and such... Carrie:-)
  5. I've heard of "penny whistles..." key of D being good. There is one that is wooden... on a Waldorf site that I saw. It was about $12.00. Carrie
  6. Could it be pertussis? If so... antibiotics.... (whooping cough)... Carrie
  7. I didn't even notice the different sequence.... if Geometry would be easier for him... first..... that sounds great. I have heard that it makes more sense to wait until they'll be able to do Alg. I and then II with no break... Carrie:-)
  8. I'd love a recipe for playdoh like... "Mary's Playdoh."... anyone used that? Soft...not salty..... and beautiful colors and smells...
  9. Wow.... I'm so sorry.... If you're a Christian... Have you called on the church? Do you have Elders... Mentors.... Wish we were there with hugs and love for you. Be sure to ask for help. People are busy, but usually there's a good amount of help.... if you just ask...... Maybe make an appt for a Counseling Session.. now?? :grouphug::grouphug: Sorry as you go through this darkness... Carrie
  10. Enough to make you cry:-) We have friends who keep their kiwis in the fridge until they want them ripened... and then set them out... and they keep for a long time.... and kiwi jam..... YUM!! Like a hug from God, yes?? Carrie
  11. Have I told you lately... that I want you to teach my kids?? I want you here!! Carrie... in Oregon... nice little town with deer walking through our front yards... and then right back in the woods.... :-)
  12. Dinner at 9:30... Flautas... with salsa and sour cream. Then these yummy truffles that were dusted in Chocolate... Now I think I'll have some of that cereal:-) Carrie
  13. I was homeschooled in 6th.... We used A Beka's Correspondence School..... Each test that I made less than 80% I was in trouble... Lots of tests..... Lots of Trouble!!! (Suppose to have motivated me...) What I would have been good at?? Sonlight.... I loved reading... when older... I p/u The Good Earth... for fun.. Carrie:-)
  14. I'd love to have my daughters shadow professionals. Not because I want them to always work outside the home, just because I think it's good to do something profitable to their overall person.... between "graduating" and becoming a "mom". There are many women who would love a Husband and children, who God has other plans for.... For example, our lovely pastor's daughter... that is getting married this wknd... at 35... and one of my mom's friends... who planned on children... and they aren't able. Or, a husband dies... and the wife can work whatever is best..... (part/full) or the husband gets some disability.... and the wife needs to supplement. Perhaps the husband can school the children... but can't work for some reason.... Or... husband wants to stay at home and work on something... and wife needs to work... I really think it's good to have a profession:-) Carrie
  15. Meet your goal! Then.... quit without burning bridges. You never know when you're gonna be in the "need to work" spot again... Carrie:-)
  16. My daughter has it too, and my son has rough hands.... We have done some things to make it easier.... like some cream from the DR... Crisco... Coconut Oil....... It's hard.... Also, of course, watching the water intake.... what we're using as far as chlorine and such... The pool that uses salt for the "chlorine" (becomes chlorine?) actually made it better... Carrie Kids are brats...
  17. I'd love to have preschool forever. My son would love to have a "playdate" 2 times a week with local kids. Just 2.5 hours T/TH for his school life would be perfect. That's kinda how I see him doing school when he's older... at the local Highschool or whatever... Just enough to like it... and still have all his learning time at home:-) Carrie:-)
  18. I said 2nd... My first grader is just memorizing a few of the Shurley Jingles... and doing a bit of a Shurley Jingles class:-) Just enough till we start Latin in 3rd.. or perhaps 4th. Carrie:-)
  19. There are tons of threads about Singapore on here... I really had no idea how much I'd like it till I started. In fact, I love it so much... I'm gonna try their Science.... Carrie:-)
  20. I told mine that Mommy's didn't buy wipes for 3 year olds. I then used tepid water...bordering on cold 2x and he decided to go in the potty. I then purchased toddler wipes for a long time... cuz they are just nice. Anyway, it wasn't necessarily really nice... but it worked... and it didn't cause him pain.... and really... 3 was old enough. He was going... hiding... and coming back.. I figured that if you could do that.... you could.... go... hide on the potty:-) and call the mama:-) I never got mad... or anything.. just matter of fact... Carrie:-)
  21. Yup... agreeing with the rest... Don't know if someone had told about the piece that is especially meant to be used on braces... I don't think it's on all of the Waterpicks... Carrie
  22. I like the King Charles... They are really sweet looking dogs, and I've heard they have a great personality. I've only met a couple:-)
  23. What's evident when I read your posts on animals is that you live in a spot that doesn't think of dogs the same as where I live. First of all, I don't see how two hours would be enough here. Second of all, it's obvious that "crate trained" is negative where you live. Here, it's a small compromise for them sleeping with their leader. Third, I have no idea what most dogs would hunt in a backyard. And, warm enough year round? I mean... it's rainy or snowy in the States in most of the parts I've lived... a decent amount... And, quite honestly, when it's hot and such... my kids don't wanna be out running around for hours. I'm sure that on a farm/ranch it would have a great time running around. But, even on a farm... many owners I know have their dogs sleep inside so as to be with their family. Surely in the rain or snow, most would be sad to be stuck outside. (And, if I want air conditioning when it's so hot... well... so does my pup) I would not save a dog over a human, and don't consider myself extreme... but would never have an outside dog... planning to only spend 2 hours with them. Not saying that where you live... it's the same... or that your dogs would be bored like mine. Perhaps it's how they grow up.. Mine would feel abandoned in the back yard. And... traveling with us when we go out is the norm... ( And yes... he's not a lap dog... he's 60+ pounds) Carrie:-)
  24. I was looking at it about 10 years ago... It's the bestest exercise! I am a little unsure of my body and pretty shy about showing it. Which is... why I have my daughter take dance/jazz... I don't want her to show it off in a bad way, but I do want her to be able to move with confidence:-) Carrie
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