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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I like the book that's written from Darcy's perspective:-)
  2. Ohhh. Ella Nora (Nor... for "Norris") of Nora Rae... too:-) Hmmmm...
  3. I'd go with "Norey" or a girl:-) Or stick with Norris for a boy.. Can you not do it for a middle name? It actually sounds cool... Braeden Norris... whatever... Or... Norris... and then a middle name that they go by. Depends on "Why" you're suppose to use Norris... I actually prefer it over Norman or whatever was suggested.. Norrie is kinda cute. Norrae:-) hmmmm.... :-)
  4. Mine had to be purchased and I haven't fully figured out how to use it... But, thanks for the nudge:-)
  5. & of course, that they believe in the Trinity:-) :D
  6. I'd love to have it... If I had an actual "tutor" for my daughter... I'd pay:-) :-)
  7. If it makes you feel better... our Royal Academy of Dance Teacher says that it's all the same to start at age 8:-) course, we found that out after 3 years... :-) It'll work out when it's time... :-)
  8. Seriously, to a wedding, don't you always invite your guest and their choice of guest? (spouse, friend, date)?? I can't imagine limiting someone to coming solo... As far as at your house, he's young, not mature yet... and probably just needs a gentle heads up about letting you know/asking you. :-)
  9. Too bad the State doesn't use their resources to take care of the children who have been entrusted to their care. Really, when their record looks good, then they should take time to go after parents who don't entrust their children to the State...
  10. Hey There, Sorry I haven't actually USED Challenge, but I've been observing it. I've observed a Challenge A and then my step daughter did Challenge B last year... but she is totally independent. She did the core... and some of the Latin. She was really much farther than the Challenge B Latin. (She was doing Henle with another class). So, as far as Latin and Math, which aren't "Core".... we did other Math and Latin. The amount of time for the "Core" is enough that I really can't see assigning other work, besides maybe typing, during the year. BUT, it's 30 wks a year... so there are "extra" weeks. The one thing I could see is perhaps 1-2 hours a week of kinda "after-school" type stuff. For me, I'd look at doing some extra writing during the off time (summer), like some "Classical Writing" type material. Of course, we're doing Essentials... and I plan to do CW on our off time:-) My step daughter had never used IEW, but was able to successfully and joyfully do the IEW program. (Oops... we did IEW instead of Math due to too many ages/grade levels. It was a GREAT choice for us!) She said that it was the best writing class she'd had, ever. She is an A student in PS and this was a year she took off to be homeschooled. So, for me, that was a good recommendation. She also really liked the Key Word Outline process. Because she's used many methods, I really think she writes well. As far as re-writes of Scripture, it bothers me to see "The Message" and such used in Church and such, but for writing, it's not meant to be read as "Authoritative Scripture" so I don't think that would bother me. Haven't done it yet. What I've heard about Challenge A, and 7th grade in any school in this area, is that it's a year of independent growth on the part of the student. It's learning to be accountable for your own work and the "how to" process of learning, is worth as much as what you learn. Do I have a problem with the content of Challenge A? Well, it's not exactly what I'd do, but I do plan on having my daughter do it... and doing some "extra work" in between. (Perhaps more Science... etc.) I will also do only the Core, as she's not using the level of math that she'd be doing in Challenge A and her Latin would be too boring for her... as she's already way farther. I would talk to the Challenge Tutor and ask about correspondence with them. I have a tutor who I've been emailing with... in another state.... and she sends out a report each week of what they did/are doing/will do the next week. I would want this for 7th... :-) I have seen 2 children of my own.... go through this time, and I think that a class situation can serve many individuals well. I look forward to seeing my daughter make the same strides. :-)
  11. This is exactly what I did before I sent my daughter to school. Of course, I had two older steps that went there. I think if you wanted to do that, meeting the principal before you ask might help. I actually wanted to choose what teachers my children... did not have. Who they ended up with, after the ones I crossed off... was fine:-) Carrie
  12. Thanks for the post! I'm loving the math, though I don't know if I'd trade our freedom for their safety. Hmmm... what is freedom?? :-)
  13. Funny... I know someone who just named their son Benaiah. :D
  14. Hi There, We're doing Info Mtgs on the 2nd Thursday of each month... For Classical Conversations.... starting... January 14th. You're invited!! If you know anyone in Oregon... who may be interested... pls let them know! Thanks!!
  15. Straight Forward Grammar and diagramming Sentences..... "Advanced English Series" has you put it under the verb with a backslash and then line from that.... so that the line you write on is parallel with the main line:-)
  16. :grouphug: Always sad when you know it could have been different... BUT, that doesn't mean it has to be your problem anymore!
  17. Hi There, I'm a little bummed. I just bought the LFC A from someone, thinking that it had both Classical and Ecclesiastical, and upon reviewing what I received... just got the Classical DVDs. Does anyone have any info about this? Is there an upgrade that I can purchase for the new one? Perhaps this is the oldest one? This is the 2003 edition. Anyone here to help me not feel bummed?? Thanks!
  18. My dad is doing "lose it" I think on his I-Phone .... so if you have one.... Carrie:-)
  19. I kept an Avent Pump by my bed.... If I woke and he wasn't awake, I'd pump for ten minutes or so... stick it in the fridge or in a lunch bag with a blue ice... and go back to sleep. (Or run to the restroom which is what I usually had to do when I woke up:-) I built a great supply of milk in the freezer which was important to me, as I hate formula. I wanted enough for 3 days.. in case I ever needed to use it. I used a system of a Rubbermaid box.... I would put my milk in the bags that seal with a "zip" seal... and lay them down in the box to freeze. Every 8 bottles... I would put in a Foodsaver bag to save... so they lasted:-) Worked for me.... I also gave him a bottle and paci at the hospital... (with pumped milk) and nursed him past toddlerhood... so it didn't interfere with anything for us. I am a "nurse wherever I am" mom... but liked to include my husband...mom and his siblings with feedings, too. I used the Avent bottles and was able to nurse/bottle feed... with no problems. Good Luck!
  20. Gosh.. first time ever... I got mine to do about 3 real hours today. Memory Work done online... (12 wks of Classical Conversations Work...) Listening to SOTW.... and Famous Men of Rome... on CD.... Math.... and.... also... Bible Catechism at the end of the day. Oh... and Science...YAY..... But... this isn't usual (he's 6)
  21. favoritebabycarrier.com You get a 90 day money back guarantee:-) Carrie
  22. How bout "Beau" as the middle name? Could be "short" for something... but I couldn't find anything that would really sound good. Could be short for Boden. Like "Bowden" or.... Beauden. pronounced "boe den" Kinda like Broden Beauden. I like it with a "y" but wonder if that makes it look like you're trying to make it look feminine... Boeden.... Boedin... Beaudan Kinda like it:-) Hmm:-) Carrie
  23. I have to say that the only thing (well one thing) I don't like is the answer key part... straight in the book... No way to take it out... I would have preferred to have it with me... and then grade everything. For my daughter... it was just too easy to get help from the answers. SO, If I was going to do it again, I'd read and do everything with her. But.. the stories are cute:-) Carrie
  24. Hey There:-) Relax:-) My homeschooled brother wasn't reading until he was in third grade... and 8! (He's 32 now... with no problems that linger:-) His birthday was in Sept... so he was an early 3rd grader/young second grader. This was years ago... and my mom was more like a "Better Late Than Early" kinda mom. BUT, she diligently read high level material to him and was good at playing games with an educational bent. (She wasn't an "Unschooler") Anyway, two months after he started reading, he was reading at or above grade level. (My mom used WRTR) I'd say.. take a couple of months off of him reading... and concentrate on Math:-) Read Math books... (Living Books are great for this... There's a thread about Sir Cumference going on right now...) Anyway, when you come back.. I really think that a set of Phonics... like from Writing Road to Reading... or Wanda Sanserri's (sp??) program. I just taught my son the cards until he started spelling words randomly to me... then I knew he could read if he chose. If you just try to stop stressing, realizing that he will read... you'll enjoy the process more. Now that I know he can read, I try to have him read each day to me. When we get to a word that he'd have to "guess" because there's a combination of letters that he can't decode... I read that... and then he goes on. In this way.. he doesn't just read low level books... and I see him becoming a good reader. I point to the words for him, in hopes that it won't be something he does. I figure that when I stop.. hopefully he'll be a mature enough reader to continue reading... without pointing:-) I also point to each punctuation, so he'll pause.... use an excited voice, phrase the sentence as a question... He learned about punctuation in a Shurley Grammar co-op and I think learning the punctuation before he started reading well... has really helped... Anyway.. Enjoy... that's one of the beauties of homeschooling... Doing 3rd grade math... and early kindergarten reading... at the same time! And... talking about Science Eclipses.... reading about Romulus... instead of just studying your street!! Carrie:-)
  25. I'm planning on my son at least... getting an AA before he goes away to college... I'm hoping that he can really have a great learning experience... with not too much $$$ owed. I'd really like him to go to New St Andrews... and if he does that...... We'll owe more... and he'll have to probably go at the regular age of 18... Carrie:-)
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