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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I have no idea what you believe Scripture wise... But we do an imitation of the Steve Green's cd.... that sings the scripture.... "Do everything without complaining... without ar-gu-ing... so that you may be...." And usually he'll pop out of it.... Of course, this is my 6 year old. With my 11 year old... you just wanna pop her upside the head.... but I don't think it'd work. Obedience is a matter of the heart.... working it's way out by your actions. :-)
  2. Could she possibly not understand that it's totally involuntary? Perhaps she thinks it's a bit "fit-like"?? I can't imagine someone not having seen a few documentary type news shows on it by now.... Who knows .... maybe she has no tv?? Hugs to ya!! Sorry about that!!
  3. Nope.. I like walking without pain way too much! I won't even wear heals... You'll see me in comfy shoes wherever I am:-) And no, I wouldn't do the corset thing... although I would make sure my daughter was healthy:-) I don't do things just because of culture... We've come too far.... :D
  4. Ok.... I ALMOST think that circ'ing should be outlawed, except for religious reasons. BUT, I find it very different than binding feet... or wearing a corset. I think that this two examples given are extreme. While cutting off my son's skin wasn't something I chose, or my husband demanded, I would have had it done... had my husband had it on his list of "non-negotiable", and should he have fulfilled my requirements to have it done. (watch one before, be there with son while having it done.... and a long cut...) I would NEVER let my daughter's feet be bound... wear a corset, or have other parts of her body altered... (except for her choosing ear piercing) No one is circ'ing to be mean. I find it like vaccinating or doing anything that I don't agree with. As long as it's done with thought and information... Parent's want the best for their children and should be given the benefit of the doubt. :-)
  5. I can't stand Ellen... and so... the show cured my addiction by hiring her. And, I actually like the snarky Simon.. so the fact that he won't be there after this season.. means my problem of watching is over. :glare:
  6. I have to say that our chores went best when I took the chores from the MM calendar and divided all chores between my three girls. There are always times when Mom ends up doing extra chores.... and so I didn't feel bad about it. I then put them on chore charts and had the girls do either week one or week two... (At that time, I was dividing all the "big chores" into 2 week segments as the older girls were with us 2 weeks on...two weeks off) On the two weeks that they weren't here... of course I was doing any chores that still had to be done...etc. :-) PS... I just put whatever from the sheets that I wanted to record.... on my calendar.
  7. Yup.. all the Jewish people get to keep the covenant, and since I'm a bit envious of being a "Chosen People" ... I'll say it's not a bad trade for them. BUT, being a gentile..... I'll do the whole... don't need to be circ'd for my son... And... did you notice that it's been mentioned in this thread that when your circ is done by a Rabbi, that it's less drastic?? than when it's done by a DR.
  8. Just remember that you can choose the have a "longer cut" and that's a decent circ still, and also that it only takes one generation... for the father to be able to say, "I'm not circ'd and my son can remain intact... and be just like me." If I was Jewish, or another religion that demands circ'ing I would... but a really small snip:-) I find no logic in circ'ing just because dad is. Kids don't look like their parents in many ways, and by the time they do... they're old enough to explain. I do understand the health care part. Course, many men have grown old... without being circ'd and not had to be circ'ed in old age. I have a bit of experience with my friend's g-pa who she kinda did "hospice" care for... and I helped just a bit.... His uncirc'ed self was not a concern.... My son has had one infection, solved with 3 days of topical... kinda rubbed in meds... No problem... :-)
  9. I would NEVER just have my son done. I told my husband that if he wanted my son done... he could watch one first... and then decide. He decided "No" because he wasn't that into whether it was done or not. If you have a child that kinda just "falls asleep" I've heard it's stress related. Makes sense... it's what people's bodies do... when they are in extreme pain. Also, an interesting note, there are different lengths of circumcision. If I was going to have it done, I would have just the tip done.. and not make it too drastic. Of course, I would hope that this makes it so they wouldn't have to rip the foreskin away so much.... I babysat a little boy who was circ'd and I looked and couldn't quite even tell if he was cir'd... but sure enough... as he aged... he looks circ'd but isn't cut too close. Not sure if that makes sense... but... if you're gonna do circ'ing... it's an idea to ask for a "long cut"... :-)
  10. You wouldn't need to get the Classical Conversations (CCs) Memory Work CD. (that's one way interactive... and with pics and such) You would just need the Audio for each cycle. I would purchase the new one for each cycle. In three cycles... you have all the info. If you want the hardcopy of all the songs, I would pick up a Foundations Guide. (Used would be fine, you would just need to make a few corrections...no prob) What I would do, if I wasn't going to do CC, is purchase the CD and Guide.... (one guide covers all cycles... so a one time purchase...) I would then go through and you can pull off whatever songs you like... or that you want... and burn your own cds. Here's the thing, too. The Guide gives you a really good core to cover all your bases. You could switch out anything you would prefer to have from somewhere else... (Like if you would rather Shurley Grammar or such.... instead of the English grammar of CC) I think that CC is worth the $$$ regardless of if you're in a CC group... Carrie:-)
  11. Hey There, Anyone know people in Duncan? Homeschooling groups? Churches? It's an hour from Lawton... Carrie:-)
  12. Story of the World. I have the Jim Weiss ones.... (I and IV) and the Barbara Alan Johnson.... I and II. We love 'em. We also like listening to the Jim Weiss cds that he independently records. :-)
  13. My parents would have been in Highschool around 1965 in TX(dad) and OR(Mom) weren't taught Latin. Course... my dad taught himself Greek for fun!! He really did <unknowingly> try for a "Classical Education" without realizing... He read Classics... Greek... crazy boy!! :-)
  14. It's so exciting! Not only is my 11 year old daughter making sugar cookies, but she's listening to the SOTW I cd, on her own!! I'm amazed that though we don't study a ton of history, that between listening to the SOTW cds and also a bit of Famous Men of Rome... that she truly has a good grasp of history. Yay for cds!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azgBhZfcqaQ Wanna see some reasons why you should use a 5-pt instead of a booster? Have you seen Kyle on Youtube? This will convince you!
  16. The Regence (well ours in the Husky, but the "new" name turned into Regence or something similar...) still fits our 6 1/2 year old. I think a 5 pt is worth it... He's actually still under the top spot for the shoulder strap. He's 45 inches and I expect that he'll use it for another year or so... (I'll have him in it for as long as I can) I do like the Radian seat... how tall can they be for that? The Husky is BIG and the Regence seems to be much more compact... :-)
  17. Well, the natural hand "sanitizer" that I have it easier on the hands.... At night... a mixture of lecithin and olive oil is what I use to put on my hands... with socks on them... Baby soft:-) Carrie
  18. You don't see other children hit or spit... ever?? My son is a very gentle soul, but has tried both of those in this last year. (I suppose it's late....he's 6.5) Perhaps it's because he hasn't been around a ton of kids his age, and this last year and a half was really his first "mass exposure". Of course, I responded to his behavior and it doesn't seem ongoing, but I wouldn't have been surprised if he tried this out... back then at least... at an over stimulating childcare night. ;)
  19. I forgot. I love instant oatmeal... some of the "Mom's Best" are my favorite..... Less sugar and such. The Apples & Cinnamon flavor is really good.
  20. Sonlight Curriculum is supposed to be good at overseas sending, too :-)
  21. But... you can usually catch it before this. I got some meds for my son when his chx pox wasn't clearing up after a normal amount of time. I also kept him oiled up with a witches brew of neem oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, EOs, and probably some more. Although he looked so horrible that my DR made the rude comment... that it was good he was a boy... :eek: He actually healed up with no scars... :D
  22. Hi There, We are taking care of a 5 year old, once a week for a few hours.... He's been in the States for about 9 months. He's in PS and his mom "doesn't know what he's learning there" and so she after schools him. He came to the States knowing 2 digit addition/subtraction and he also knows how to multiply. (Two 2's are 4.... ) or (Two 2's plus 1 is 5) She also had taught him cursive letters, as she said she doesn't like printing... After all, she was never taught to print. :001_smile: So, yesterday she let me know that what she really wants me to do is work on English with him. She wants me to have "English Conversation" with him.... I only have him for about 5 hrs, which includes time for him to eat, learn and play the Wii.... He's about 1 year younger than my son, and probably ahead of him academically. (The boy reads and writes Thai, too, and is working on English) I have no idea what I should do other than read books with him and see that he's pronouncing words correctly. I'm not sure if I should invite him to come over a couple of more times a week for an hour to practice? I could have him do copy work with my son... he seems to like to write. His mom is already giving him 5 Thai words and 7 English words a day, but perhaps copy work would help? His mom seems very excited for me to do anything with him. I'm wondering if he's in a mainstream class, or stuck in an ESL class. Poor kid... .when the mom said that she doesn't know what he's learning.... I can't think of anything he COULD be learning.... Any hints for helping? For how often I'd need to "tutor" him and what I should use?? Thanks for any hints:-)
  23. You actually take your kids... or would take them when they're older? :confused:
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