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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I think that it's always been something that parents normally want for their children. It's like their "start" in life. At one point, it would be a share of land.... animals to start out with... houses to move into.... I totally would love to be able to leave my children with property and or money to help with life. Especially now that it seems like they'll have a harder time with our economy. I think that a will spelled out fairly will help. My husband's mom has said that her four children will receive the $$$ she has when she dies. If one of them has no children... and that son dies... that money will be put back in the pot... If my husband dies... then his children will receive the split money (my daughter receives 0). Although... last I heard... she thinks she'll skip all of her children... go straight to the grandchildren.... and either leave out one of the g-kids who inherited and spent all of the money.... or give that money to the g-kids children... (her greats) Basically... we'll know when she dies. I don't think it'll be possible to spend all of her money... and at the beginning when she told me about it... the insurance money that her husband left her... that she didn't know about.... whatever is left after her is a gift kinda from her husband to his children.... :-) Something like that. We're as broke as broke could be... so if we get some... cool... if not... well... we don't. I'd personally rather her give us $$$ so we could fly out and see her once a year. We're too broke to do that.
  2. Cursive First... It's sold by Spell To Write and Read.(SWR) It's not expensive... I used it for formation of the letters.... but not necessarily the sheets that go with it... :-) (Startwrite is what I use for copywork)
  3. :grouphug: I don't have your concerns with my children. BUT, I think there is NEVER a problem with seeking out the best opportunity for your children. Look at you. You've given it your all.... all that any parent could do. IF there's something out that which may help your son... barring money problems... I think it would only be pride that would keep a parent from doing the best. Think about it... you're putting his success before your initial plans. I'd say... give it a go.... When it's over... all you can say it, "I did my best, given my circumstances." That's all anyone can say, right?? :grouphug:
  4. I'd pass all of this off on my attorney. I'm having my attorney look at this, and my attorney will decide what's legal. I don't want to get in the middle of what Grandma wanted. End of discussion... when discussing again... repeat. I bet that she didn't have it notarized... because she didn't want it to be that way. Old people can get things done, if they want to... I think that everyone has a tendency to be greedy when there is money involved. But seriously, if your dad was alive... when he died.... the $$$ would be yours. It just happens that your dad died first... My opinion:-)
  5. This is going to sound super crazy, but why "secular" when you're other kids are doing Catholic school?? I understand not wanting verses on every page, but you are excluding a huge sector.... from what you could choose. Some material is just the best... regardless of the fact that it's Christian. (kinda like my math isn't from a Christian company, I chose Singapore.) Just a thought:-)
  6. Actually, it's kinda funny, but if you've looked on the Love and Logic site, they do the hard sell for when you come sign up for school. You sign Johnny up for kindergarten, and the school says, "Great, we have a parenting class that parents here like to take so we can all be on the same page. Would you like to come on Mondays or Thursdays for the class." I'd rather have that from Church than the school.... :-)
  7. I apologize in advance for not having the author of this schedule for SOTW in a year. I also think that just going through some of the questions, although they are "easy" would be a good springboard for hearing if the cds or books are being understood. Also, they could be kept in a file for "proof" of some sort, although you will want to go deeper than... just the SOTW for highschool :-) As an bit of a "base" I really like the "Men of" series... Rome, Greece, Middle and Modern. You can get them free, or for a nicer version... MP. Then you choose between the Study Guides of Greenleaf or MPs. There are many threads for the views of each. You can get free downloads of these. I would also have him read or listen to....many books... but for a start.... Carry on Mr Bowditch is a pretty easy read but worthwhile. George Washington Carver and also some others like this... Burning cds off of the free downloads will be your friend:-) ANCIENT WORLD Weeks 1-7 Week 1: Meeting First Peoples Week 2: Build Pyramids in Egypt Week 3: Travel to Early Cultures Week 4: Feuds & Fights in Mesopotamia Week 5: Glorious Greece Week 6: Gladiators & Caesars in Rome Week 7: Christians & Barbarians in Rome MIDDLE AGES Weeks 8-16 Week 8: Exploring Britain Week 9: Islam Grows in the Middle East Week 10: France & the Fierce Vikings Week 11: Britain Becomes England Week 12: Difficult Times in Europe Week 13: The Mysterious East Week 14: Asian & African Places Week 15: Exploration of the Americas Week 16: Renaissance & Reformation CHANGING TIMES Weeks 17-25 Week 17: Spain & England Collide Week 18: Back to Asia Week 19: World of Empires & Colonies Week 20: New Powers on the Scene Week 21: The New Country of America Week 22: Turmoil in France Week 23: China: The Land of the Dragon Week 24: New Ideas & Industry Week 25: Freedom Fights in America MODERN AGE Weeks 26-36 Week 26: The British Empire Around the World Week 27: More Freedom Fights in America Week 28: Problems in Empires & Colonies Week 29: All Around Asia Week 30: The Expanding United States Week 31: China's Modern Age Week 32: World War I Week 33: World War II Week 34: After the Wars Week 35: Communism and Civil Rights Week 36: A New Day for Freedom
  8. I went to a trainer that trains for Schutzhund training and he trains police dogs in the area. They are actually very positive and it was a great experience. When I first got my dog I fudged on having a fence. My husband had just torn it down to rebuild it. (SO I knew it wasn't forever). I walked him 3 times a day.. so about 2.5-3 hrs a day. After the first week, I got to start training. Of course, by then... every muscle from my head to my ankles were just exhausted!! and stretched... and I had lost some serious weight. BUT, I couldn't be sore forever and the walks were just draining. After the very first training session I could walk him with pleasure. He is a smart, great dog. It was enjoyable to have him walk gently ... but normal for a dog... and then to take him to a fenced area and just let him run. (He loves those toys where you throw the ball far... and they chase it.) One thing that helps with recall... is you throw it... and on their way back, you command "Come". They come straight back to in front of you. You say... "Sit" and then... "OK" and you do it all over again. :-) My dog can do this for a long time. This training... by saying all of it once.... helps recall. You want them to come and sit... so that they don't come back straight by you...into say.. the street. This can literally save their life. One thing... that is important... is not to command over and over... you want them to come the first time... I would also recommend someone that you find that is at a professional level. Mine I found through a friend. I would not do anything that is with someone who is not really trained. (So, no petsmart, petco...etc...) Mine is fortunately inexpensive. $85 for two months... $15 for the collar...... and it's for the life time of the dog. I went every week for 8 weeks. It was amazing to see the difference in the dogs... from the first week-the last week. I'm sure that there is a way to find good "positive only" trainers, too. I would ask Hornblower, if she doesn't respond without asking:-) to lmk a good way to find "trained trainers" :-) As always, I admire Hornblower's response, and respect that she's found purely positive ways of training. I just needed a more immediate response... and it's what I found that worked. She knows I still don't have my pup trained to not be on the counters... I'm gonna work on that some year. :-)
  9. Then none of these little kids who are just making mistakes... (because their parents are Christians, and so we want to believe our children will remain "in the faith") would need spanked... You only spank for heart issues... which would be sin... so.... the whole spanking issue would not be something Michael Pearl would believe in for children of Christians, right?? Mistakes... hmmm I was taught that when we become Christians, we are no longer Sinners... but rather Saints.. (of Christ) and that we can sin... but once "redeemed" we won't be "sinners" like before Salvation... hmmm
  10. So, now's your time to start training. I use a pinch collar... because that's what I started with. I don't really have to click it (or pinch him) anymore because he's really good. Hornblower thinks that's a bit too wicked :w00t:... and so she has some good suggestions for positive training with different methods. Either way, now's a good time to get him training. Recall training has saved the day for my dog and me more than once... as even though I'm pretty lazy now... the training I did when I first got him.... has remained pretty well :-) And, I do have to say... that if you do some type of "metal collar" like a pinch.... I would recommend pinch over choke... and German made at that... (they're better) and don't think I'm a Pearl ite with this... I don't go around pinching my pup all the time.... And... I don't think anyone should use it without understanding what it does... and how to do it... and to well... I don't know when I got it... it saved my dog. I could not walk him without it.... and I used it till I could get him to walk without killing me (he came to us at 2 and was VERY strong) I now have a happy healthy.... dog who I take around in my van.... and he LOVES me... me especially... and will come back tail wagging... when he really wants to chase a cat or whatever.... (which is really nice when your kids are being snots ... to have a dog who just loves you.) BUT, if I had a puppy... and I didn't start with a full grown dog... then Hornblower's clicker training and other positives would have been great. I'm still interested.... :D
  11. Well, I stress about things like this too. I have found though, that children react well, when they are told by parents who are "in charge". (gently of course) Ok, this week is the last week for preschool. We hope you get to go next year, again. At 3, he might not even realize everyone it still going to still be attending... Hopefully, you can have him go to some headstart or something... if that's what's best:-)
  12. World Magazine.... Do you happen to have it? It's so inspirational, that whether you are a Christian or not, read it. It's a whole article on Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy and the son they adopted when he was really old. (Michael Oher) He ended up at the 2009 NFL Draft in NY) First for yourself and then maybe give it to him. It's the November 21, 2009 issue. There's a movie coming out called "The Blind Side" coming out, too. Anyway, they did some serious education in a short amount of time. School and more school.... (with after school training) to bring up his GPA so he could do the sport he wanted. If I had 15 months, and a students who would really work.... (and it will be hard either way).... I would do the following, I think. (How much money do you have??) There is a schedule for SOTW to do all four books in one year..... I'd have him listen to the cds. My daughter listens over and over and over. I'd get Classical Conversations Foundations book... used is fine... you can get it cheap. Make the few corrections you need. Introduce the material one week at a time. Leave off the latin. (Get the cds.... and just rip your own cds with this.) I think that the CC memory work gives a good foundation for the learning you'll be doing. I went through it with my public schooled step-daughters. (bright kiddos) and they know most of it.... It seems like a good amount of "pegs". If he'll do the chants~songs.. it'll be easy... but the songs are a bit childish... but you can't get them out of your head once they're in. Math... I'd go back to the beginning, if he's not strong.... and work through the books with him to see where he is... (after you kinda get a look at where he is through placements) Maybe have him do the lessons in halfs or thirds with you checking to make sure you know right away when there is a problem. For Algebra, I have friends who love Video Text, and we've started a bit in that. It's something that I actually want to go through with my daughter. And then.... of course... he'll need some life skills courses. Is everyone set on him leaving in a year? Maybe he can hang out with you a little longer, if he needs some confidence. I think that at this age, it's just important to... not make them feel like they're on their own the day they turn 18. (that's scary) and to give them.... here's where you are... here are some different spots you can get to... Where do YOU want to end up.... and then break it up... and show them how to get there. That way it's really "team work". If you both budget his time and school work, perhaps he can pick...say Sundays... to totally have off from school. Also, just listening a few times to different MP3s of subjects can really help some people:-) :-)
  13. It's all over our Classical Conversations Directors board how hard it is to do rock candy. We just did them a couple of weeks ago... I chose to do salt crystals.... they didn't work either. (Even though they worked at home...)
  14. I use to nanny in Leonia, Somerset and Manalapan... I miss... the Mozzarella, the bread.... the delis... the Friday dinners..... yup... the food. There were a couple of really nice malls, too:-) Oh yes.... I miss New York, too... :-)
  15. CC (Classical Conversations) doesn't exclude people from joining, they just choose to hire tutors who can agree with a basic Christian creed. I know that there are families from a ton of different backgrounds that are part of CC. :-)
  16. Gosh... My daughter loves sleep-overs and she just wants "normal" friends who can bike to the pool... walk to the library.... do classes together... and have giggly sleepovers where everyone stays up painting nails and laughing. She is constantly asking when she can have real friends like her public school step-sister... who is with us half time. The bad thing about it... is I do feel bad for her. Our homeschool friends here are such a contrast. Family life is great... but I wish that she had friends to just hang out with... and spend the night. :-)
  17. I'm happy for you!! It's great to have a spot to call home!! Good for you!! Maybe you can get your mom on board. :-)
  18. Do you not like VideoText? You can purchase one level to see if it works... at least she could use it by herself. I bet my daughter could tutor her... too bad you're not here. (Oregon:-) Perhaps look for a "mathy" type person at a highschool... someone who could explain it another way?? Look for the engineers... you're sure to find a match... Perhaps some retired patient... slightly aspie type person?? :-)
  19. My husband won't drive a female babysitter home. If we do sleepovers, I stay here... or the girls come with me. Come to think of it... I'm not sure he'll be left with any children. He's the most trustworthy man besides my father:-) that I can think of.... and we plan on keeping his reputation that way. It only takes one whisper to change your world.
  20. I know that when my daughter took the SAT Latin subject test, she was surprised at the amount she did not know... Vocabulary and more that was a surprise. She's a smart cookie... we had used Henle :-)
  21. Wow... and the fact that it was a woman.... what disrespect.... and that would or has the possibility of.. her feeling physically threatened. Is he getting "adult sized" work?? For one thing, it sounds like he needs to understand that teachers are like bosses... they may be wrong... but your approach to that is everything. :-)
  22. Ok... You know what I think after reading this whole thread?? There is no way I'll recommend any parenting book. All of them have something wrong... and you know... the whole Pearl response is what bothers me more. Everyone has a different idea of abuse.... and I guess my wooden spoon swat for my 6 year old... every 2 months or so... screams abuse to some. I consider sending kids to their rooms... over and over .... worse for my son. (we don't really do any punishments, often) Gosh, last time I had him sent to a chair... he screamed as though I had done something horrible. It's those times, from the outside, that someone would think he's being abused. I think the underlying question, after... what would God have me do? Is... how will my child look at this... when he's an adult? and what would I want my parent to do with me, if I were the child? Those questions call me into a different spot when I'm questioning the best approach, and would take away much of the heaviness from punitive punishments.... (and occasionally, perhaps you'd be more stern??) This whole thread makes me want to pray for my parenting skills, pray for my children, and also to teach my children Logic, which would solve the mindless thinking problem.... :-)
  23. BTW, my son... off of some kids cd he listened to...(which one?) was the one who explained about husbands being leaders, wives obeying their husbands.... children obeying their parents. What cd did I give him?? (Did I say he's SIX!) I added after we all were looking at him, that husbands are to love their wives and Christ loves the church.. :-)
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