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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hi Karis, Before I spent too much time thinking about this, I'd ask if your Challenge Director would let you skip. I think that 11 is too young for Challenge I, but I don't have direct experience to connect this "thought" with. We do have one student who might end up doing Challenge I...(skipping Challenge B) but they are already 13. :-)
  2. Ok, so right now, CC is doing LNST 3 & 4 in Challenge A and then LNST 5 & 6 in Challenge B then Henle book I Units 1-6 in Challenge I and Henle Book II in Challenge II. I would just relax until 2nd grade and then decide based on where you are... where CC heads... etc. I would do the recitations that MP (Memoria Press) suggests... and then perhaps if you get that going... do the LNST. I actually don't care for LNST... but you don't have to get rid of them.... Just wait :-) I think that Challenge A vocabulary will be good for my daughter to expand her... well... vocabulary. But, like I said.. by the time your son is in 7th grade, things might be different... But... memorizing the info I've linked... that can't do anything but get you set for further Latin study :-) (Pm me in a couple of years when my son is older... he's in 1st right now...) :-)
  3. you can get them from... one of the Christian channels.. for free:-) Liberty Kids is good too:-)
  4. Oh yes... freshly milled whole wheat flour.. in things like homemade cookies. If you make bread, at least a half a slice with peanut butter?? It's easy to pack bread..... Or.. if not that... like Great Harvest bread? Our Great Harvest uses freshly milled flour. I feel better about the rest of my son's diet.. because I limit sugar... and he gets freshly milled whole wheat flour products..... I feel better ;)
  5. We kinda do this. You can let them count to say... 5 or 10 and then let them spit it out in the sink. It gets on their taste buds... but shouldn't make them gag. ;)
  6. OK... so many of the latin posts would be from Memoria Press. When you go there, check out the articles. I think every one of them is worth reading. I'm doing CC, as I said, I will be preparing my son to start Henle or something at that level, in 6th grade. 7th at the latest. I will have him do much more translating than just Henle. I want him to read "original language" sources by highschool. So, in Challenge A, he'll be attending Challenge I classes... (or a small chance... Challenge II) I wouldn't worry about LNST, because honestly... by the time your son is there... I think they'll be using something else. I am having my son do some of LFC because... I got a good price... he's got an incredible memory... and it makes me feel like "we're starting". I also have a goal of him starting Greek in a year or so.... I love CC and plan on going the whole way with it. BUT, it's not all I want. I want Greek and Hebrew.. although he may have to do Hebrew later... I am doing the "Latin Centered Curriculum" with him but just go outside of it.. by doing CC's memory... because... well.. I like it. It is a good mix in my opinion. I have much education to catch up on.. if I'm going to feed my son Latin and Greek... but... if I can't do it... I'll find others to step in... Happy Reading!! http://www.memoriapress.com/articles/ http://www.memoriapress.com/articles/Spring09/dead-language.html http://www.memoriapress.com/articles/Four-Principles-of-Latin-Study.html http://www.memoriapress.com/articles/Spring%2008/joe-paterno-latin.html What to do: Memorize the whole Latin Grammar Recite the Latin Grammar Orally Drill Grammar Forms for immediate recall Overlearn...until it is second nature.
  7. http://www.wallsofbooks.com/ Is a really nice spot to read. It's by our very own Angela in Ohio. She has plotted a course that I believe works nicely with doing latin, period, but especially with CC. With my older kids, they did LCI and LCII and then Henle... and now more Henle... and after they worked on LCI&II.... and at least after the Henle the first few units... they would have fit into Henle I (Challenge I) but alas.... there isn't one here.... so we're stuck doing Challenge A unless I have her take courses somewhere else for Latin... ;)
  8. OK... I'm not into dissecting poop... but... it's eating all the bones... YUCK
  9. I appreciate the thoughts.... Some parents that I know will choose to have their children either do half days... or stay with g-parents for those days... (or trades with friends...etc.) I know for my little one... (7 this summer) he does better with half days... so perhaps we'll do half at the practicum and have with grammy... ;) As far as tutors going... I know that they want you to attend all three days... But, the kids are optional.... :) Thanks for the hints... at the very least, perhaps it'd be good to have kids do a "quiet time" for part of the afternoon... just to cut down on the stress and buzz.... Thanks Again!! Anymore??
  10. Wow, I'm looking at our 6B that we'll be starting soon. It's gonna take a bit to dig this out of my brain. I'd bet that it's gonna be harder than the TT for a while. It's a pretty serious jump from 5A&B. :)
  11. The lady at the end of our road had a stroke... couldn't talk... "no hope of recovery". She's much older.. but she taught herself to talk forcing herself to say nursery rhymes... and she did well. Of course, this was maybe 10 years ago... But recovery is possible. Just give a bit of time.. Prayers for you in this really rough time.
  12. Makes you wanna grab and run, yes? There are so many of us that would love to just... love on 'em... that it's a shame that we can't have them. Or..that their parents can't grow up. :-(
  13. It seems to be simple for us. I shower my dog, but if the bath is occupied... though he doesn't like showers... he'll go in there. Don't run water... Have a bit of his food in your hands.... (Perhaps have a old towel in the bath) I can't remember how big your dog is now. Get your food.... let him smell it... Say, the dog's name... "Come" and sit by the bath. Personally, I'd just do that... put the food in the tub... and sometime soon he'll hop in to sniff. Here's the thing, I do meat with the bone dust. I don't rely on the bones during the winter...especially. With bones, Brownie prefers to drag out his bone... which I don't like.. until they are REALLY clean. In the summer, it's a bit easier... cuz you can just throw it outside:-)
  14. Hey, I don't still see the same Chiro... or I'd ask about him adjusting my pup.... As far as sparkling clean... I clean my tub out with whatever normal cleaner and scrubber I do it with. I really wouldn't want to be putting bleach in my dogs kennel. I might do it once in a while... But... that's one of the reasons I don't use the kennel... too much trouble. Really the tub didn't take long for him to train to eat in there. Maybe 3 or 4 times? I also give him water on demand. So... he jumps in... and if I don't come give him water... he jumps out and back in.... I get it ;) Or.. he'll come and bark to get what he needs. It's much easier and cleaner than dog bowls... him just drinking straight from the faucet;-)
  15. I guess that part of it, is they are "parents"....., but it's like my husband and me with my 11 year old.... there's another person involved... and many times... I distinguish that he's her step dad. We live around my (step) children's mom.. many times we've been all together.... and relationships are expected to get complicated.... (my husband and her... me.... before her current husband..... he was their...hmmm) I'm just saying... it's not like it's not hard all the time to try to decide what to call everyone. I happen to not agree with family structures with 2 legal moms. That's just me. But, if I were to have a friend with "two moms" and that's what they called themselves... (both moms) then yes, I'd say... "Parents"... It's not like I would be agreeing that the lifestyle is the best... it's just that they would both be "parenting" the child.
  16. My daughter will wake up soon, she'll remind me that she needs to eat, she'll be reminded to do her IEW.... she won't.... she'll scream... I'll be told to die... that she wishes she never saw me again... that she hates school... that I should just go hide back in here (the computer) with Y'all..... and then eventually she'll get through (some) school work.... and she'll make me chocolate chip cookies.... and I'll feel better.... BUT, somewhere in there... she'll also tell me that I'm the meanest mom ever..... SO... I'm pretty sure at some point... I'll get the title... today... and every day.... till she's 18. Lucky me!
  17. I think "guardian" was more like mom and step.... where she just combined it. Obviously one of them is the mom..... (at least the pregnant one who pushed her out.) Where to go from there is not obvious. Perhaps the other adopted her, perhaps she came into the girls life after... which is more like a "step"... perhaps it was her bio child... and the other the pregnancy part.... With this..... OR, perhaps the little girl has a dad that's involved... and her parents are a bunch of people. I thought "guardians" was just referring to the people in the story.
  18. If you still have a crib, and it's the right height, you can "side-car" it by taking off the one bar... then my husband... took a piece of plywood and stuck it under my son's mattress... and under ours... so they didn't slide... Or, you can put the side done... and scooch it up to your bed. This is most stable, if you scoot... crib to a wall.. and then bed to the crib... My husband was told to raise the head of our bed... and you could do it for your bed and crib, I suppose... (my husband has a bit of a "problem" with acid..) ;)
  19. My SIL... which we have almost NOTHING in common... completely pumped for her daughter.... from pretty much the beginning to one year. She wanted the best, but her Type A personality lent itself towards pumping and feeding. She also worked. She liked the "convenience" of a set schedule.... and so kept to it. Even when she was with the baby.... pump and then feed it.... So... I think the month before the baby was one... she got formula... and I'm sure that my SIL was glad to stop... :)
  20. What a great thing for your son. I'm glad it eased his hurt.... that's so important. It's hard to make new friends... and this seems like a real extension of friendship. :)
  21. http://www.britaxusa.com/car-seats/chaperonehttp://www.britaxusa.com/car-seats/chaperone-basehttp://www.britaxusa.com/strollers/chaperone Maybe if you got them on a really good sale??
  22. I believe that a church should be able to teach from their point of conscience. They are going to teach a certain way. Abortion is wrong, God's design for marriage is a man and a wife, marriage is to be forever...without divorce. etc. I would not want my children taught the things I've mentioned... and more.... if I didn't believe them. It's really the parents pitting their choice of school... against their child. It's not the same as BC and other such "private matters". The priest put on their that if parents were protesting for divorce, that their family would be dismissed as well. I mean... look at the Catholic Church, of which the school is a ministry, they can do different "Church Discipline" based on their beliefs... which you submit to while attending.. And.. when I read the blog, I read humility.... and not pride. That's my opinion.
  23. Mine is a watercolor pic of my son and me when he was younger. It's the way I wanna remember him when I'm old:)
  24. I would order one... if I knew that there is no lead in it... Hmmm.. anyone have that info?? :)
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