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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Well, I'm not a feminist... but my husband is not like some... I suppose.... he doesn't mind me using him ;-) As far as praying or not... I could use that but wouldn't..... How bout, I asked my boss (yourself) and he said "No". :-) And gosh... my husband "gets" to be gone all day... he's gotta be the heavy for something!!
  2. You can do this thin where you stir in water the night before... with raisins. (I know some eat it like this without cooking...) You might alternate with other good for you meals. My mom eats lowfat yogurt... (usually homemade) with pineapple on top... with a few crush roasted almonds... with sliced bananas... It's called..... Yogurt Sundaes... :-)
  3. I have to say, that when feeling whimpy... or if it's how you believe.... this is a great opportunity to put it on your husband. My husband doesn't let me.... whatever.... it's one they can't argue with. It also it very quick. :-)
  4. Hopefully you're lucky and they weren't actually dropped in water! :-)
  5. I do believe that God disciplines His children sometimes, but picture Him with tears in His eyes, versus some type of "laughing God over our sadness." I'm one of the ones who has defended reading with Wisdom... tons of books... and I didn't take any of the book to extreme. But, even I.... read the Pearl's response and see no humility, sadness, love for the child who was killed, compassion for parents who didn't understand.... who wanted to do good... but lead themselves down the wrong road. I don't believe God laughs when one of His children are killed in the name of discipline. Surely there must have been a different response of sorrow that was possible. God help those who lack humility..... Sad for the influence that could have been for good... that is now for evil. Perhaps Mike Pearl should try a kleenex and prayer... instead of selling more books. It's a sad day for followers of Christ. Where is his earthly accountability?? Where is his church?? ;-(
  6. If you're just doing raw because of health... but no allergies... it's probably fine. Of course, I actually would choose not to purposely give the regular kibble to my pup. I have done cut up weiners for my pup... (ok.. so I admit.. the kosher no filler ones when they get "too old" for humans) But, if the dog isn't having trouble with grain, it shouldn't be a big deal. For me though, I try for no grain.. so I do stuff like dried beef heart... and no grain treats.. :-)
  7. Hi There, Not sure who's around Corvallis... we're in Salem:-)
  8. Hey There, I'll bite:-) I'm curious what type of curriculum you're using?? Mine, is my daughter's participation in Classical Conversations will be about $1500 including books and such. My son will be $450 for tuition and such... and about $100- $150 for books at home. So, for two... I'll be at just over $2000. I did want to do Latin for my daughter, which would have been $450. for the year... but it meets at 6:30am... because it's done so that EST isn't too late in the day. I don't think I can convince my daughter to wake up that early :-) :-)
  9. I have to say Hornblower... everytime I look at what your animal kiddos get... I just think how lucky they are. Wow!! If you weren't to get the bones for that many times a week, wouldn't bone dust work out? It helps my pup do ok with the other... at least. As far as fish, I'd like to try some... Is it just the same as chicken bones? I don't worry about that, at this point, since he just crunches through it... The Herring would be good. I'm not sure how much it would cost. How often do you do fish?? Also, when you do Salmon, is that with bones and all?? I would be willing to purchase some canned fish, but have always been a little bit hesitant. I do know that he knows how to discern what to "not eat". I gave him our cooked chicken leftovers... and some how I had left about 3 bones in it. He kinda just picked them out and put them over to the side... Weird thing is I was just thinking about being careful... and it just happened that time!! (And yes, I'll be more careful!) :-)
  10. By Christian, are you meaning that you're "culturally Christian" as in... well... someone who knows about Christianity? Because if you mean "Christian" in the sense I think of Christian... then you would believe that to be a Christian you would have to receive Christ.. If that's true, I don't understand what you have against the verse that points to your part in Salvation. Perhaps I'm not understanding what you have against the verse. Wanna hear a funny?? When I nannied, I was looked at square in the eyes by the four year old... who proceeded to tell me that... "You are a Gentile, I am a Jew." 20 years later, I remember the first time(and probably the last) that I had that announced to me. I just looked bewildered as the parents tried to explain why she was telling me that. Hmmm.... Yup... I'm a Gentile.
  11. I personally like having a "statement of faith" much like a "Missions Statement" for leadership, but don't mind if there are people in the group that aren't Christian. In other words, if there's a "Director" of the group, I'd rather well... a Christian... and at that... Conservative... but... as far as who's running in the grass with my children... I'm open on that. :-)
  12. I thought that the responses were nice. Take care of your child. It wouldn't even get to my husband... before I had dialed some number to the police... Makes you wonder!
  13. Where did you do your Teacher training on SM?? :bigear:
  14. Hey there, Down the line, I'm wondering if there's a negative for registering my rising 7 year old... in 1st grade for this coming school year. We have to test here, in 3rd grade, and I'm not sure I want to do that sooner than I have to... It seems to be "the thing to do" for people to register their children a year behind.... whether they are in Public School or another school environment (including home). Is there a reason that registering a year behind will bite my in the tush, later?? His bd is in July, so at the earlier age, I wouldn't have wanted him to start school "on time", but academically and socially... he will be on target later.... (it's just his activity level that's wouldn't have been ready for sit down academics early.) Thoughts?? :bigear:
  15. Yes, Thanks!! What an interesting person. What a hope for those who feel "different". :-)
  16. Well, I don't know about others... I don't feed my dog pork. For $70, I would walk away with 70lbs of heart, kidney, and just a bit of liver. Tongue and the oxtails would be great, too. Bone meal should be a matter of asking for it. It's 5 cents a pound for me. You can kinda make "meat balls" with it... The chicken I purchase is 69 cents a pound for the whole chicken. I've purchased chicken hearts etc... (including chicken feet) from a guy who as organic chickens... He just asked his butcher for the left overs... They were about $1.00 a pound. For me, your "deal" wouldn't be so great. Just want you to get the best deal!! PS, don't forget to ask for any heart, kidneys etc... from any goats and lambs they slaughter. My pup loves those!! To make it less messy, you can kinda portion it out based on the weight you need... into ziploc bags. I usually reuse ziplocks when I do this.. kinda over and over... by just popping the used ones into the freezer to use again... (of course... just for my pup's meat.)
  17. If you're just trying for "more salad" then tortilla roll ups might work... A piece of meat or whatever... and a big thing of lettuce:-)
  18. I do see why you're asking. AND, I do believe you should submit to your husband. BUT, you have a direct "line" to God as well. I consider myself ultra conservative, take the Bible as authoritative, and don't understand this.... I even ask my children... at a certain point... about their own health. I do think you should do research, talk with your husband, and take his concerns into account. I don't see why he would want to make the final decision about your health. So, in principle, I believe that you should submit, but I don't understand why "submission" come into play very often. You love your husband, and so you listen to his advice; your husband loves you and so he cherishes your life more than his... :-)
  19. When we tried to take something back, I thought they were going to call security or the police, because my normally rational husband... was going insane. They were just not reasonable, and we've never gone back...
  20. Yup... that's it... and I read it and went through the problems with my girls... (17,14,and 11) just for fun:-) Well... it was fun for some of us... :-)
  21. I pay $5- $5.50 in the larger city, I hear they can go for $7 a doz. These are organic... :-)
  22. I don't know what the link is... but if you're gonna print it.. check out how much it is for a copy from your local print shop. It's usually not that expensive... :-)
  23. IF I had to choose between the meatloaf -v- tacos and the sleepover... I might love and logic him. Sure we can have tacos, if you'd like to have meatloaf tomorrow. Dinner will be ready in about an hour and a half. :-) But the sleepover?? Sure he can spend the night there. Just ask them where his mom will have a bed. OVER my DEAD body would my son sleep in an unsafe house. With a smile, of course ;-)
  24. My mom just made Chicken Divan... with turkey... and it tasted the same... Good:-)
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