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Everything posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. Interesting! I am sure law enforcement would just love to spend time trying to track down the owners. Not. :glare:
  2. On my kindle, if you hit the gear icon at the top right, it will show underneath, unlocked, volume, wi-fi-, sync and more. If you hit more, it will take you to settings. There should be something called my account. This gives the person's name. Maybe that would help if you contacted amazon.
  3. So rude and so hurtful. I would not stop your child from doing her presentations. In fact, I would tell that lady you have been thinking about what she said and that if her child is not understanding, than perhaps the child should step out during that time. I would also let her know how hurtful her words were to your daughter. Frankly, I think she owes your daughter an apology and would be tempted to tell her so. If she isn't in charge, I would let the leaders know.
  4. :grouphug: Glad your day got better. Especially the alone part. Who knew grocery shopping by yourself could be cathartic? ;)
  5. I'm in the market for a photo scanner Good luck! The markets where I live only sell fruits, vegetables, meat and cheese!
  6. I almost got killed by someone who just drifted into my lane on the highway. I had nowhere to go since I was under a bridge. Luckily, I could slow down. They continued to drive way too fast and shift from lane to lane. Yep, thanks to talking on the cell. My son was freaked out because he could see the car right next to ours and that the man was on the phone. It was like, "If I had a rock I could have thrown it at him and knocked him out!". Also, not a good idea to back out from a parking space in a crowded parking lot and be holding your phon up to your ear while backing up and trying to steer the wheel. It's as if all common sense has flown out the window.
  7. When I first read the title I thought I wonder what happened that the dh is getting money now that his wife is in a coma. :glare: Oh yea, I am not cynical am I?
  8. That's what I was thinking. I read in one of the article's that Amanda is still holding on to the hope that she will be able to go back to Italy one day. I just don't think I would want to go back. ever.
  9. My dd told me friday, "Mom, I have learned how to speak dolphin" and proceeded to tell me to come eat sounding exactly like one. Yes, I sure am teaching my children skills for life here :laugh:
  10. We don't do Easter baskets here. A couple years I have gotten them a religious book or one that had to do with character.
  11. Thanks! Just made my evening. :thumbup:
  12. Nope, I wouldn't do it. If your dh still wanted to go, and you were comfortable having your kids stay at home, that is what I would do. No way would I pay $20 when my kids could stay home by themselves. If your kids didn't go, I would make sure if your dh shows up that you aren't still expected to pay for babysitting even though your kids aren't there. It sounds like they are thinking everyone is in this so we will all split the cost type thing.
  13. Sounds like you handled it well. Since it sounds like the lifeguards weren't intervening, I would be tempted to tell the mangement what happened and that you are contemplating not returning. Kids should follow the pool rules. Lifeguards are there to enforce them. (At least that was part of my job when I lifeguarded.)
  14. Glad to hear everything went o.k. I am sure you are super glad it is over and to be back at home!
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