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Everything posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. My favorite food is Mexican. I'm with ya FionaS, love tamales. The best I ever had was when I worked with Medical missions in a remote village in Honduras. They fed us corn tamlaes to thank us. Yum... Can't say I have ever any as good as those. I love cats, especially all gray. I love Chocolate labs. I love swimming and used to lifeguard in high school.
  2. Thanks for letting us know! I wouldn't have thought it would be a problem not to download immediately.
  3. This brings back a memory. I was at an art museum. My two kids and another child were sitting at this table doing a craft. The craft was making a construction paper cat. In the room were college age students and other adults in addition to this elementary homeschool group of children. This boy starts saying to me, "Come look at my pu$$y. Isn't this such a nice pu$$y?". "That is what I am naming my cat, pu$$y. "Seriously, I am sure I turned bright red since everyone. could. hear. This child was not using his indoor voice. As I am turning bright red, I really am also trying hard not to laugh. I just had to give myself a pep talk in my head that only the older people in the room would actually know that word wasn't acceptable. I also kept thinking, please teacher, move on to the next activity. However, when my child starting saying the same thing, I did go over and tell him to call it a kitty kat, quietly in his ear. Later, when my child asked, I told him that some words have more than one way of being used and sometimes it isn't used in a nice way. Ah...good times...good times...
  4. For the "I'm bored" and after I have suggested some alternative things to do, then I let them know that if nothing sounds appealing, it must be time for them to go home. Sometimes, they say they want to go home, sometimes they miraculously find something else to do. As far as the food, I would find out what is liked, and make it (not saying you haven't), if they refuse that, I would offer up an alternative. If I felt the child was just being stubborn and annoying, then I would tell them they perhaps they would prefer to eat at home. When I see the parent, I let them know the child didn't want to eat so they probably are hungry. ETA: If I thought I had a fairly decent rapport with the child, and this was happening all the time, I would address it. In our house, we don't whine. Maybe even, "we would love to have you come but the last few times you haven't seemed very happy (and tell them what has led you to believe that i.e. saying you're bored) Perhaps I would even mention to a parent that their is no problem with you feeding the child, but the last x (amounts of time), they haven't wanted was avaible so perhaps packing a snack or something they could have for a meal would be a good idea so they don't come home too hungry.
  5. Glad your evening went well. Too bad the food wasn't good. I take it you didn't box up your leftovers? ;)
  6. Awe Bill, I'm so sorry. Sometimes life just really stinks. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  7. I started out watching Another World, when it ended got caught up in Passions. I also liked Days of Our Lives.
  8. Unless it will make the situation worse, my vote is for getting a cocktail as soon as possible. Unless of course no one else has one. If things go well, than great, if they start to go downhill, bathroom trips. Have to check on the children trips ;) I'm sure you will do great. I just had to do one of these just recently. Thank goodness everyone already had drank several cocktails before I arrived. They were super chatty so I could basically, just nod and give encouraging prompts for them to continue talking.
  9. I have been mulling this thread over now since yesterday. Here is the question that pops in my mind: What is it that would have someone continue to believe in prayer if their prayers weren't answered? Of course, this really has nothing to do with responding to the OP happiness in having a prayer answered. To the OP, thanks for sharing your happiness! For the rest of the discussion, thanks for giving me something more to ponder over as I think personally why I continue to believe in prayer even when my prayers haven't been answered and I have had pain, upon pain, upon pain happen in my life despite prayers that have been made. I am not being snarky. It is good for me to think about something that I have just assimilated into my life and relied on for so long. This helps me move from the top layer of what I think, to something deeper.
  10. I love the rings I purchased through them. I wear them almost everyday. I have had them now for almost three years. Good quality. Some of the jewelry is pricey, but it is good quality and they have some really nice pieces. Artsy.
  11. Aww! So cute. Congratulations!
  12. I saw this. I thought it sounded gross before they explained it. It is clever how they figured out how to preserve it. Not that I would want any of that jewelry though.
  13. My thought on this belated subject is: just serve everyone of drinking age around you a few margaritas, and they won't remember or care anymore if it is a social faux pax ;)
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug: I never sent Thank you's to people who did things for me to show they cared when my mom died. I wouldn't expect a thank you from anyone if I did something for them. When someone has run into me or called, many times, I have been thanked. However, it would never occur to me that they should have done that. It defeats the intent behind being supportive when someone is grieving, imo. ETA: I think what you wrote is beautiful. Only send it if you really want to send it, not because they demanded it.
  15. I loved watching him growing up. What a great way to look at things: bad happens but there are always people who will help.
  16. I think it would depend on the tone of your co-op. Some I have been in that were religious, the parents would have had a stroke on the spot of they found out the person didn't fit whatever their idea of religious was. Others would allow x amount of people who didn't fit whatever their religious ideas to teach. Personally, I never have cared, especially if they know what they are doing. Especially for subjects like grammar and Math. Better someome qualified who knows what they are talking about than someone who doesn't know it and makes things more confusing than they need to be or just plain is wrong.
  17. :lol: O.dear.me. I am having visions of some guy coming to the door indicating that there are many varities of meat available to choose from.... I have seen the meat truck in our neighborhood but no one has ever come to our door. I know there is a Swanson truck that I see regularly. I often wonder what all they seel but never enough to go look online.
  18. I was thinking it was nice he came and sat back down to finish dinner with everyone. I have seen this happen where the child leaves and starts watching t.v. I am not sure I would think rude, especially since he ate what was prepared. It would have be nice if he had asked if he could have them though.
  19. We just went through the Holocaust muesum and watched the footage of the U.S. response/lack of response. People wanted U.S. to boycott the 1936 Olyympics. Many people wanted us to go. People in the government were divided on this. We went because it was decided that we didn't want to the Olympics become about politics. There were people who thought that if we didn't go, other countries wouldn't go and it would impact Hitler's regime. People in the U.S. and other countries did not want to open up their immigration laws because they were afraid of the impact of more people on the economy. Many people wanted U.S. and their countries to allow people safety in their country. Many people did not. This also played out at the higher political level. At one point someome referred to the book burnings as bibliocaust. In the footage it says they were (media) trying to come up with a name for what was going on and chose refer to it as the Holocaust. I really have only thought of it in my mind as referring to the systematic annihilation of European Jews (as well as Gypsies, people with disabilites and anyone who didn't fit their version of what a perfect person would be) by the Nazi's.
  20. Yes, saying no is harder when you know them and they won't take no. Stick to it! You don't want a dog in there and that is that. I agree with WendyK, if something goes wrong it is worse with friends or friends of friends.
  21. That's wonderful! It was such a nice deed you did. It might not have taken that long, but you went out of your way to do it and it is so nice the person was grateful! I hope you get a Kindle for Mother's Day too :thumbup1:
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