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Everything posted by Tiberia

  1. I was done a year ago, during the pandemic. I took several months to think and explore and research and figure out what I wanted to do. I didn't want or need to work full time, but I wanted something that was fulfilling to me, but not a huge time commitment or stressor. I also didn't want anything that would come home with me (no grading papers, homework, stress or work when I'm not at work). I ended up getting training as a home care aide (short, easy training class), to help elderly in their homes. Now I work only two days a week, and that's enough for me. It gets me out of the house, brings in a little money, and I feel like I'm helping people. But I also have time for my family and to find new hobbies and work on my fitness and health. I had also looked into working at a library or bookstore, but Covid shut those down. I would have been interested in working at a local university as an advisor for the dual enrollment program, but Covid put a damper on that, too. I was able to get the job with home health because it's considered essential during the pandemic, and they're always in need of good workers. My main advice would be to give yourself time to figure it out. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to figure it out right away. You need to "de-school" a little bit yourself. Enjoy the journey!
  2. We need pictures, or it didn't happen. Go for a slow stroll early tomorrow morning and get some good shots from different angles. Pretend you're talking on your phone while you're actually taking pictures of the entire house and yard.
  3. For all of my childhood and much of my adult life, I thought that giraffes ate fish. It was only when I was in my late 30's that I realized that their tongues look like fish.
  4. My kid just got a rejection email for an online application for Panda Express. She applied a year ago, and has been working in her current job (not at Panda) for almost a year. She's glad she didn't wait to hear back from them...😆
  5. There's a Geography Songs: Sing Around the World cd that's really fun, available on Amazon. Or below on YouTube. (Continent and Ocean song is at the 49:00 mark. If you get the cd, you can pick the countries and songs you want to do a little easier.) I'd have the kids learn a song a week, and do a map, starting with the continents and oceans. Play the song over and over while they color, then have them sing it. I'd so some individual continents or countries in the following weeks. You can get maps online for the kids to color. Maybe have each kid do a short country report about people, customs, food, etc. The folktale idea sounds really fun, too. Get a giant world map puzzle and have contests to put it together the fastest, team or individual. Or if you don't want to buy a puzzle, cut up a map. Have team Jeopardy-type contests about the geography the kids have learned. Pretend you're having the Olympics and split into teams from different countries and play the anthems in an opening ceremony, then do contests where the kids do sports, and play anthems for the winners. Good luck. This can be a really fun class! (ETA Don't underestimate the kids' ability and willingness to memorize some of these songs. It's perfect for this age group, and they will surprise you with their memorization skills!)
  6. Yellowstone is our happy place; we've been there 6 times in the last 9 years. If it's your first time, or the kids' first time, you absolutely want to see Old Faithful and Grand Prismatic. There's a hike from the Fairy Falls parking lot that will get you to the Grand Prismatic overlook, which give a nice perspective. Do some research to find it; it will be less crowded. The park road is a figure 8, with an upper loop and a lower loop. The lower loop has all the big name attractions: Old Faithful, Grand Prismatic, Yellowstone Lake, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. These are all worth seeing. If you'll be there for a few days, maybe do the lower loop for two days. You can do hikes in each of these areas. There are extensive walking trails around Old Faithful with other features that are interesting. If you want to eat at Old Faithful, go to the cafe while the geyser is blowing. All the tourists will watch it blow and then stampede into the cafe. During the eruption is the best time to eat. Then hike around until the next eruption. The kids can get a Junior Ranger patch by filling out pages with fun park information about animals and features. Adults can get the patch too. I got mine as a 55 year old! The upper loop is where we go to see wildlife. We spend most of our days there driving up and down Lamar Valley looking for wildlife, or for groups of people with spotting scopes- which indicates that there's something to see. Bring binoculars, and don't be shy to ask others what they're looking at. You could see wolves, bears, elk, big horn sheep. You will see plenty of bison no matter what you do. The upper loop is less crowded than the lower loop, but it's also interesting. I recommend getting up very early and getting to the features early to beat the tourists. You may not be able to do this, but it's well worth it to beat the crowds in the early morning. Be prepared for lots of driving; but the scenery and animals are breathtaking. I hope you have a blast!
  7. You are not alone😃 We have successfully bought and sold vehicles, sports equipment, furniture, tires and other things on Craigslist and FB marketplace. Unfortunately, the flakes (and scammers) seem to be part of the deal. We do what Lucy/Katie does: give address only when they're on their way. Many people are not flakes, but it does seem like there are a lot of people who are completely unconcerned about inconveniencing others. That's what's maddening: a simple text of "we're not coming" would be so helpful. The scammers are at least entertaining and eager: "We are very interested in your item and would like to pay you by check. We will make the check $1000 over the amount, and you can keep half and send my brother a money order for the other half. OK?" We have only done bigger/ costlier items, always for cash only. I probably wouldn't put up with the flakiness for less than $100.
  8. I have landlord friends who do this. Don't give them the money until they are completely out. Have it in cash, and give it to them only when they are out the door for the last time, with all their stuff gone. Then change the locks immediately. They won't be motivated to move if you give it before they are gone. My friends learned this the hard way.
  9. Praying for wisdom, strength, and comfort for all.
  10. I'd ice it on and off (use packets of frozen corn or peas if you have them), rest, and elevate, and take pain relief with some food. Put pillows under it and get nice and comfortable, then have a few hours of watching tv or reading. Then maybe have someone take you to urgent care later today, so they can assess it and wrap it properly. Sorry this happened to you.
  11. Interesting, but I think you want to put this in the chat board 😉
  12. He was going to get two, and name the second one Xerxes. I'd like an update as well.
  13. Why do people join the forum and then post once on a zombie thread about a non-homeschool topic? It would make more sense if they were a spammer and linked their product. This has happened a few times lately. I’m truly curious and slightly amused. ...or maybe I should give Mr. T the benefit of the doubt. Welcome to the WTM MyrryyStn!
  14. Parental Guidance with Billy Crystal and Bette Midler as grandparents is pretty cute and good for tweens
  15. I would also like to enter my dear doggo in the cutest dog contest.🐕
  16. Ok, so I finally had to come in here and check why you all are still talking about the "big hand on my avatar." Now I understand. Very cool, Bill. Carry on everyone...
  17. Tiberia


    We need an update with pictures. Hope all is well with dumb mama and kittens.
  18. Tiberia


    and now I need an update on the cat...
  19. My dd17 is on low dose for depression, and it has helped a lot. It also cleared up her acne and made her heavy periods much lighter. I had a bias against bc for religious reasons, too, but I see this as medication. Dd is not sexually active.
  20. Early on in the pandemic, when I had to go out for groceries or for work, I started doing a nasal rinse every night and then using Xlear nasal spray with xylitol. It's supposed to keep the virus from attaching to your nasal passages. Don't know if it works or not, but I never got covid despite being out a lot for essential work and shopping.
  21. Do you think your parents would allow DHM access to your children in their efforts to mend the rift in his family? If you don't trust your parents, I would never allow the kids to stay with them if you are not also there. You can still have relationship and boundaries with your parents, but if they are untrustworthy or if they keep trying to fix your DH, they may lose the relationship. That's on them. You set your expectations and boundaries, and stand fast. Don't let them manipulate and guilt you into something you're not comfortable with. Practice your escape lines, like Katy suggested. Don't get sucked into lengthy discussions or explanations. "I appreciate your concern, but it's not your business. I'm not going to discuss it with you." or something similar. Since they're your parents, you would be better to do all the discussions and boundary setting. I'm sorry you are going through this. Your own family (dh and kids) are your family now. Tend to each others' needs and don't let the whirlwind suck you down. ETA: If DH parents show up at your parents' house before the scheduled event, have a plan to leave immediately.
  22. We finished homeschooling last year shortly after the lockdown hit. We exited our coop with no fanfare or celebration, due to covid, and I had to figure out my life after homeschooling. I did love homeschooling very much. It is definitely a transition to end this stage and launch your last child. I gave myself lots of grace and time (well, covid gave me time) and started to figure out what the next stage looks like for me. Take your time and realize you're grieving some parts of your life that will never be the same. But, there's also a new part opening up. I wish you well, and I'm sorry our final years had to be during a pandemic. No one saw that coming or knew how it would impact every aspect of our lives.
  23. Welcome! I started out as mostly a lurker in 2008, but contribute every now and then if I feel I have something to add to the discussion. I'm also done with my homeschooling journey, but I find new perspectives, interesting information, and friendly camaraderie on these forums. I'm glad you found us and have come out of lurk mode. You shouldn't feel any pressure to post, ever, but I hope you feel the freedom to do so if you choose.
  24. We often just put a glob of dough (about two cookies' worth) in a small dish and microwave it for ten or fifteen seconds. It's awesome, but everyone has to do their own.
  25. It sounds like the family you made is kinder and more mature than the family you were born into. Hang on to those people who give you love and strength. Offer grace to those who are mean and immature, but don't expect them to fill your heart. And, keep your distance if they are trying to wound you. You have a lot to be thankful for; I'm glad your kids are rising to the challenge.
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