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Everything posted by Joker

  1. I've been struggling with math and my 7yr second grader. I thought she was having a lot of trouble with math facts so I've been trying different things this week. It seems when we do our oral drill she's super fast - in fact it seems she knows all basic add / sub (to 18) quickly if I call them out. When we move to flashcards she takes longer but she does know them. I've noticed when we do flashcards she looks at the card and then closes her eyes to figure out the answer. My dh thinks she should have to do the flashcards just as quickly but I'm thinking that she's going to get bored and frustrated if I keep pushing her on something that she already knows. She does well on tests and seatwork. So, what would you do? I'm not saying I would drop the flashcards but should I put a huge emphasis on her getting the answers quick with the cards if she's doing it fast orally? I hope I'm making sense - I've been worrying about doing what's right for her and its starting to drive me a bit crazy. Thanks.
  2. When my dd was that age I hated doing reading. She would ask the same questions over and over and over again. She knew all her letter sounds but had no interest in learning to read. She is now 9 and in the 4th grade - she reads above her grade level and loves reading. I think as long as you are trying, don't worry. They will take off when they're ready. Good luck.
  3. So sorry you're having trouble. What do you mean by swollen up - everywhere, extremities, where?
  4. I love Freaks and Geeks! I'm jealous. :tongue_smilie:
  5. Thanks everyone! I was able to find SOTW at the library and should be able to pick it up next week to see if it's something I want to pursue. I will also look into the other suggestions.
  6. I was happy to see this thread because I've been thinking I must not be doing enough. Our days seem shorter than they should be but my 9 yr dd, 4th grade, has been doing most of her work independently this year. I do the same as you - teach the lesson and have her do problems on her own. This thread has made me feel better - thanks!
  7. I really enjoyed Mere Christianity. It's interesting that is was my dh, an atheist, who actually recommended I read it.
  8. I need some recommendations for history of the middle ages, please. My dd's are 7 & 9. We didn't end up following the WTM for history. We have done the ancients twice (don't ask - it just happened and they enjoyed). We are doing American History this year because we started off with an election unit study the end of last year (for obvious reasons). They have been begging to study the middle ages - they're really just into King Arthur (they really liked Merlin on NBC). I am planning to do middle ages next school year but don't know where to start. I don't know if SOTW would be a good fit since we haven't done it prior nor will we probably do it after - so any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
  9. When my younger dd was about 4 she asked what the name on our car was. I sounded it out and said its called a toy - ota. She looked puzzled and said, "I have a toy Yoda, too.":) We call our car Yoda now.
  10. Have him read John Gatto. My dh said they are never again to go to school after reading two of his books. Good luck!
  11. This thread got me thinking - so I sat down and figured out our budget. We spend about $240 / week for a family of four. :001_huh: Granted, that does include all grocery items - toiletries, dog, etc. - but I thought it was much less. Our snacks are fruits, veggies or granola bars (which I make) and I cook most meals (I'm not including meals eaten out in grocery budget). I will agree with pp's that it is very dependent on what your family eats. You should not try to reach another person's expectations. I am going to try to cut back on any extra's through the end of the year and see how that goes - but it is truly dependent on where you live and how you eat.
  12. I don't know if its been mentioned, but "Winnie the Pooh". My dd's still ask for the stories today - and they're 7 & 9.
  13. :lol:So my dh must have a really bad time when I was on bedrest and unable to "perform my duties" for several months!?!
  14. We love our little guy!!:001_smile: He is awesome with our girls and very affectionate. Growing up we always had male dogs so I actually don't have any experience with a female - so I guess that's not too much help. Good luck!
  15. [but...uhh...why do the neighbors have a pile of bones behind their shed? :001_huh: :tongue_smilie: I wondered as well but didn't want to ask.:)
  16. Kiddos doesn't bother me. My initials are M.F. and that's what my mom always called me (still does). I didn't realize until I was about 13 why my friends and siblings thought it was so funny. :glare:
  17. :iagree: I have one outgoing and one very reserved dd and I wish people would let them be who they are. Some don't realize that when they talk about how quiet and shy a child is - in front of them - that it really doesn't help.
  18. My dd is using 4th grade R & S and we do most of the work orally and she is definately retaining information. I see the crossover to her everyday writing - even when she's playing with younger dd and writes a quick note. She remembers it all.
  19. I'm glad I asked. See, I just didn't know that Abeka 3 might be advanced - my 9 yr dd blew through Abeka 3 last year so I just assumed it was at a normal pace. I guess I'll look into this and see how things go with younger dd. Thanks!
  20. When we move on to mult / div next year is it going to cause a problem if she hasn't memorized her facts? This is a concern for me. My older dd knew her facts inside out and breezed through the Abeka 3 math. I'm worried my younger dd might have trouble. Do any of you have dc's that didn't do well with memorization but still did well with mult and div? I guess it just seems everything I've read said they need to memorize, memorize, memorize these facts. Thanks for the replies - its probably more of something that I need to work on (my ideas of what is right/wrong) and not so much dd's problem.
  21. Will you share the title, please? My older dd is very interested. Thanks!
  22. My 7 yr dd (2nd grade) is not doing well in memorizing math facts. She knows the answers and does excellent on tests but does not know them quickly. I have finally realized that she doesn't seem to do well with any rote memorization. This week I have drilled her on doubles and was finally able to make out what she is saying under her breath. If I ask 9 +9 she says to self, "5 + 4 is 9 and 9 + 4 is 13 and 13 + 5 is 18 - if I ask 7 + 7 she says 3 + 4 is 7 and 7 + 3 is 10 and 10 + 4 is 13 and so on. She seems to take the long way around but always get the right answers. I get that she is grouping but it is always different. She even does this with very easy questions - she seems to have her own way of doing things and I don't know how to make the most of it. Do any of you have dc's who just don't do well with memorization? What do you do? This is the way I've been taught and is the way I thought I would teach both dd's but it's just not going to work with my youngest. Should I just quit being worried or does she need to know her math facts quicker?
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