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Everything posted by Joker

  1. "Crap" ~ I hate that word and I don't know why. My dh will use it if we're having an argument and he wants me to laugh. He knows I hate it.:tongue_smilie:
  2. I've been using 1 cup full strength during the rinse cycle for years now with no problem. I don't add anything to it so I'm interested to see what others say about oils.
  3. Anyone been to the Georgia festival, near Atlanta, or the Florida festival, in Deerfield Beach? I'm trying to find a good one for my dd's. They're both pretty much the same distance from us so either will do. If you know of another good one in GA or FL please let me know about that as well. Thanks!
  4. I thought I would post this when I saw the other FB post. If you're on FB go to settings, then privacy settings, then block list - in the person box type in automation log - if you have any hackers it will bring them up here. I had five and I blocked them - most of my FB friends had between 2 and 5. I am admittedly tech. challenged but I didn't like finding these random people listed as people who I could block.
  5. My 4th grade dd read today in R&S English that won't was originally from woll not. None of us had ever heard that before and I'm not finding much information online. Can the hive help us out? We are wondering when / what time period was woll not used and when did it change. Any information would be helpful. Thanks!
  6. We only have one of the expansion kits but we have a lot of fun with it. We purchased a sea kit and we now use roads and boats and there were new cards - I can't remember all the extras but I know we felt it was worth it. Now I'm off to check out the deal on Amazon - thanks! :001_smile:
  7. If citizenship doesn't exist then who / what is the gov? If there are no citizens who determines who gov is and what they protect?
  8. What Dreams May Come Howard the Duck (my little brother used to rent it every time we went to the movie store and I fear I will never forget :)
  9. My dd was also on Singulair for about 18 months and had horrible mood changes. We took her off and she now takes Allegra for allergies and Flovent as a preventative asthma med. So far we've had no problems. The Allegra she's been on for about 12 months and its caused no problems. The Flovent is somewhat new (just a few months) so we'll have to wait to say for sure on that one. Hope you find something that works!
  10. I'm thinking of using these for our science and was wondering how long one kit or cluster took to complete. Also, what did you like / not like about them? Thanks!
  11. My dd7 has been off and on steroids since infancy due to her asthma and airway problems. She's been healthy for the last 18 months but this month she became very ill. The doctor prescribed orapred and my dd is itching like crazy. No antihistamine would help either. The pulmonologist said in his 20 years of practice he has never had one such case.:001_huh: Has anyone here had this reaction to steroids? If so, what alternative meds did you use? Her dr. is saying she just has to suffer through it because the meds are necessary but its horrible to see her so uncomfortable. Thanks for any help.
  12. My niece is allergic to just about everything and she has no problems with her wheaton (sp?) terrier. She will break out in hives after just a few minutes around our dog but she's fine with the wheaton and he's made her a great pet.
  13. What type of diapers are you using? We had to be careful with the brand / type of diapers we used on my older dd because she would get those same kind of horrible rashes - don't know why, but if we stuck to a particular brand she was fine. Hope baby heals soon!
  14. My dd, 9, wants to read the Pendragon series. The last few months she has read the Lemony Snicket books, Little Women and Tom Sawyer. She came to me tonight and said that there were unexpected bad words in the Pendragon book. I did a search and what I found said that there were a "few" bad words in the book. I have not read the book - she wants to read it for her "vacation" book since we are going out of town. I will not have time to read it before then. I had looked it up and thought it was for 8 and up so I was caught by surprise. I would like to know if anyone here has read it or their dc's had and if it is ok. She knows about swear words and has actually never (at least I have never heard her) used those words. Thanks for any help.
  15. I am interested as well as to how to download the original Mario. I have very fond memories of playing this with my brothers on their Nintendo. Please let me know where/how to do this. Thanks!
  16. My dd's are 2 years, 6 months apart and they have their own toys. They have toys they share also but we don't say all toys are shared (and we don't have a problem with sharing). There are things they buy with birthday money and gift cards and I would not tell them they had to share those things with each other. When the newness wears off they always share their things with one another but I am hesitant about making it a priority. I don't buy them gifts for special occasions with the intent that they will both use/play with them.
  17. My dd's love the Lego games (Batman, Star Wars and Indiana Jones). We recently purchased Wii Sports Resort and have loved it. We've been playing everyday. We also like the Outdoor Challenge.
  18. I have never made my dd's "color" within the lines and I never will. It seems so ridiculous. They can follow directions and they know how to color but they would be bored to tears if they were forced. They both went to kindergarten but I made it clear as soon as coloring became part of the everyday that it was not going to be pushed in this house. I just don't get it. They like to create on blank paper - every now and then they'll want to color something but it is rare. I don't understand forcing a child to color. I would talk to the teacher and try to find an alternative to your nephew having to color everything. I understand those that say he needs to learn to follow directions but this could set him up to hate school and learning. Hope things work out!
  19. This is what I've been wondering as well. I read an article earlier in the week about a girl who had it for four months!?! My niece had it about a month ago and still doesn't feel well.
  20. Anne of Green Gables, Little Women and E.B. White are loved around here.
  21. My 7 yr dd just finished reading The Trumpet of the Swan and loved it. She finished it quicker than any other book she has read. Does anyone have any suggestions for similiar books she might like? She has read Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little already. She also enjoyed Mr. Popper's Penguins. (She obviously likes animal stories.) I'm trying to find more books for her because she enjoyed E.B. White so much and wants to know what she should read next - but I don't know. TIA for any help!
  22. No, I'm not a vegan. That's one of the reasons I asked here. All the info. I've found so far online says its not that common unless you're vegan or much older than I am. The dr. says it happens though and she wanted me to take the supplements first to see if it is a problem with me absorbing or me just needing the supplements. I did grow up eating red meat with basically every meal but because of dh's family history of heart disease we only eat red meat about 1x week. We consume a lot of chicken and fresh veggies.
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