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Everything posted by Joker

  1. Lovedtodeath, I found Hebrews 4:1-11 to be interesting. I have come to the recent realization that even though I grew up "in" the church and even went to a Christian school that I did very little Bible study. I have been soaking up all I can from here and other places. I have started my own Bible study and I find the YE / OE to be interesting and have trouble deciding what is right for me. Would you mind sharing (you can pm me) any books, articles, etc. I might find helpful? Thanks so much!
  2. My dd, who is now 7, had a problem with one her eyes for a number of years. We didn't like the first dr. and switched. She has made a huge improvement. The first dr. had us get her glasses as well. The new dr. said she didn't need glasses, but we did do eye patching. She would alternate eyes every day for an hour to help strengthen and train the eye. She also did eye exercises with a popsicle stick and pictures. Her current dr. can manipulate the eye and make it wander / cross but it only happens on its own now if she is sick or tired. I would probably try to find another dr. Hope you figure it out. ETA: We recently took my older, 10 yr dd, to our new dr. because we thought she had developed a problem. Turns out her vision is affected and she needs glasses. The dr. made a comment that he was glad she didn't have the lazy eye / crossing problem because by the time they're 10-12 it becomes harder to correct. So, If I were you, I'd probably try to find another dr. for a second opinion.
  3. I've been thinking about this thread a lot tonight and trying to find out why it bothers me so much. I keep thinking about how protective I am of my dds and yet I don't like the idea of saying no. What if the dad was not divorced, but widowed? Would it make a difference? Would you say it was fair that that little girl should not have any sleepovers in her own home and room because of the possibility that her dad might molest them? I worry that we could be sending a message to our dds that no man can be trusted. It just really bugs me and I don't feel I can put into words why. Hope you figure it out.
  4. :lol: I laughed so loud my dh wanted to know what was going on. I could so picture it and it just made my day. Thanks!
  5. I was the same as your dd and I vividly remember those nights where I had to tough it out on my own. I think my parents must have thought it was something I was doing on purpose since my siblings didn't have the same problem. It was horrible and so scary. I still have issues sometimes during the night. I also don't let my dds cry it out. My 10 yr dd went through the phase, was comforted, and came out of it not being afraid of anything. I can't imagine having a child that was as scared as I used to be and making them cry it out.
  6. My dd, 10, does not like anything pink or sparkly. We are going to start trying out churches for the first time in six months and I need to find her some skirts and/or dresses. We looked for several hours today and all we found were pink and/or sparkly, flowery dresses. We also found a lot of mini skirts. I don't need her whole body to be covered but I would like her to be able to bend over in public if necessary. She has become somewhat of a tomboy, I guess. She prefers shorts or jeans and t-shirts. She would like to find a skirt that isn't too short and doesn't have flowers or glitter. Does anyone know where I might find one? Thanks!
  7. I'm going through the same thing. We have been in FL five years now and have not found a church to attend. We have been to so many that I've lost count. Some seemed ok, but over time turned out to not be a good fit. There were some we literally ran from. We're going to try a new church this Sunday for the first time since September. The last church told my dd, 7, that she was disobeying God and could go to hell for dressing like a witch at Halloween. :confused: She picked the costume because it was her favorite color, orange. We have tried every denomination and the non-denomination ones as well. I'm am praying that we can finally find a place that we feel welcomed. I would love to have a church home again, but if this newest one doesn't work out we may just give up for a long time.
  8. We had problems with Claritin and now we use Allegra. It's not actually called Allegra, it's the generic pill form (fexofenadine - sp?). It works wonderfully for my dd. ETA - it's only available as a Rx
  9. Could it be they want to do more tests because of the meds he's on for his lung problems? My dd has some lung / breathing issues and they've kept a close eye on her growth when she's on certain meds. She's tiny but they haven't been concerned enough to do any tests. Just a thought. I hope everything works out.
  10. Your mom must have been told the same as my mom ~ which is not what Mrs. Mungo showed with the links. Interesting. My mom and dad were married 20 years and divorced for 5 when he died. Social Security told my mom she could collect benefits after her 65th bday. This was almost 10 years ago so I guess I'll look into it now. Maybe it has changed and she just doesn't know yet.
  11. I have never really had a problem with dandruff before and I am going nuts. I have a very dry, itchy scalp. Our FL weather lately has been cold and dry so my skin has suffered. I guess it has also affected my head. I have been using Head and Shoulders this week and I don't think it's helping at all. Does the hive have anything to offer? ( I also try to use only natural products. ) Thanks so much for any help.
  12. I love R&S and both my dds enjoy it as well. They actually look forward to reading the lesson aloud to me every day and showing off during the oral parts. They have retained so much ~ I can't imagine something else working so wonderfully.
  13. I have Abeka spelling grades 2 and 4 as well as Rod & Staff reading grades 2 and 4. I ended up not using them and was going to put it all up for sale, but I would rather give it away to someone who had a need. I may have a few other things as well. PM me if you feel she would use those. No need to help with postage just let me know where to send.
  14. :iagree:with everything Hornblower said. I was your dd. Years later my mom told me they reacted the way they did because a counselor told her that if they pushed back too hard, I would be gone. They spent more time trying to figure out who I was instead of who they wanted me to be. Looking back, I was actually relieved I was allowed to finish up my last year of school at home. I was very peer dependent and pretty much followed the crowd. The friends I had been friends with since grade school had turned into some bad teenagers but they were all I knew. I hope you're able to work things out.
  15. It's called "The Adventures of Clutch Powers". The girls have really enjoyed seeing the entire Lego city come to life. Their favorite part was when they travelled to a medieval world. They received the medieval market for Christmas so they're working on putting it back together right now.
  16. There is a now a Lego movie out. I purchased ours at Target. My dd's watched it after school today. They laughed the whole way through and are now making a Lego mess recreating some of the favorite scenes.
  17. I second the timer idea. My younger dd, who hates cleaning, will get involved if she's trying to beat the clock. It works well for us if we can do this at least once a day.
  18. :) These are so funny!! Recently I was telling my dds about the day they were born. I told my older dd how she took all day to arrive. I then told my younger dd that she arrived in less than two hours. Older dd said, "Because I left you a map." :tongue_smilie:
  19. I knew my grandmother died before anyone told me. I was in my 7th grade history class and knew something was wrong with her. I started crying and my teacher sent me to the office. They told me I had probably just dozed off and had a bad dream. While I was there, my dad walked in and when he saw me we both started crying. It was absolutely the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.
  20. We have loved the Klutz learn to knit book. We purchased it for my older dd and we have all used it a lot. I haven't knitted anything in about a year and recently decided to take on a project~ I went back to the Klutz book as a refresher.
  21. I'm so bummed. :glare: My dd has read the whole series and has been excited to see the movie. She was concerned she wouldn't like it because the only book to movie she's liked is Narnia. She was really looking forward to this but with all I've read and now this thread ~ I don't think it's something I want ( or she wants ) to see.
  22. I thought the commercial was sweet ~ but the idea that if you wear your seatbelt you will be ok ~ not so much. I believe when it's your time, it's your time. My dad and brother were in an accident and both had their seatbelts on ~ they both passed away. I don't know how to put into words what I feel about these types of messages. I wear my seatbelt and make sure my kids wear theirs but I hope the time never comes where I have to see if it actually helps. I've heard several times how if people would just wear their seatbelts... Please, don't get me wrong ~ I get it's safer and everyone should buckle up. I just hate the implication that those who die in accidents didn't buckle up ~ it's just not true! Arrgh, I feel like I've rambled and I'm sorry but this thread has bothered me all afternoon. Maybe I was just getting some things out.
  23. "perhaps" and "indeed" ~ My younger dd says these all the time and I love hearing them. I wish they were used more often.
  24. I don't know what to think. The thing that bothers me is that the "panel" also reccomends starting kids in school at age three. I really don't agree.
  25. I was the opposite. I was so sick in the beginning that I lost weight. The dr. with my second dd told me I needed to gain x lbs by the next appt. or he would take action (whatever that meant) ~ so I switched dr.'s. I had two healthy babies and so did my bf who gained 50+ lbs. w/ all of her dc's. I think every woman is different and as long as they're eating as healthy as they can they shouldn't worry too much about the numbers.
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