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Everything posted by Joker

  1. I've been reading lately that many Texas schools are going to have a Bible as literature class in public schools. I don't live in TX so don't know anything for sure but what I've read say they are not teaching the Bible as the word of God or even that God exists - they are teaching it as a historic piece of literature. Anyone know anything about this or what it may mean for other states?
  2. I was going to look into the Charlie Bone series for my dd 9 who is just finishing up Percy Jackson.
  3. Wow - thanks! I have a lot of researching to do now.
  4. Next year my dd's want to move away from Abeka Science (a mix of everything) and focus on one or two areas. We all agreed we wanted to go with chemistry. Anyone know a good program for 3rd and 5th graders. Is the rec. in WTM for 3rd grade challenging? My 3rd grader has been doing science and history at older dd's level since that's where her reading and comp. is. Any reccomendations welcome - we're Christian but don't require cc materials. Thanks!
  5. I second spellingcity.com - my dd's 7 and 9 have been using it for several months.
  6. Off topic, but have you tried to get her vision therapy through an opthamologist? My dd needed vt and BCBS has paid for it through her pediatric opthamologist. I find I can get very little paid by BCBS if I go through an optometrist.
  7. I was able to get her switched to a different location. It is at another school but the girls are from different places and the coaches are not teachers - so I feel better. The closest Y that offers the program is about 45 min. away so the local schools are our only option. She has really enjoyed GOTR and we never have had any problems. This one situation just didn't feel right to me.
  8. My dd, 7, had always said "calerpittar" instead of caterpillar. I'm sure she'll figure it out on her own but for now it's too cute to correct. For some reason same dd has also called bras "hair bras " - I have no idea why.
  9. I was home with my youngest dd and put a video in for her on the older tv. I called dh, he came home and we watched the coverage all day. I remember not being able to sleep that night because everyone involved could not simply turn off their tv and close their eyes (why should I be able to). I also remember 9 months later giving birth to my second dd. Labor and delivery was full and I didn't make the connection until the nurse explained.
  10. My dd's were both using scissors "that worked" around age 4. HTH.
  11. Yes, I have a worry about exclusion - brainwashing and herd mentality, no. I don't think teachers are evil, but I think that all of her coaches being teachers from the same school and all of the other girls participating being from the same school are worrisome. We have already been excluded, via email, and I don't think it would change much. If this was our introduction to the program I may not have thought anything was wrong. This is our third time and this is not the norm, so I am concerned.
  12. Thank you! :001_smile: I was beginning to think I was crazy for having reservations.
  13. I don't know these coaches so I don't know if they are reliable or reasonable. The fact that they are teachers doesn't make it an automatic assumption for me (in my own personal experiences). I am a worrier when it comes to my kids but I never worried about their safety at Girls on the Run and I'm not worried about their safety in this situation. I just don't like the idea of all the coaches being teachers at this particular school and all the girls attending this school. My dd has always enjoyed this activity and we have never run into this problem before. It just hit me as something I was not comfortable doing.
  14. I guess I'm just concerned she's going to feel like the odd guy out. I just received my first corresdpondence today which is how I found out everyone (all coaches and girls) but my dd is from that school. They already had a "team mom" (which we never had before) and had already designated other things/jobs that usually don't happen until after the girls first week. My concern is if I wait and see then I might not be able to switch her to another location that still had open spots now. After reading the responses I started to reallly think maybe I was just being too sensitive. I called dh and he doesn't want her there either - so I guess that's just how we are.:)
  15. My dd, 9, is about to start her third session of Girls on the Run. It's a program for girls 8 - 12 and they train for 12 weeks and it ends with a 5k. They also talk about self-esteem, nutrition, etc. Her prior experiences have been at a local school but the coaches were not teachers and the girls were from several different areas. This time we had to switch locations due to schedules and all the coaches are teachers from that school and all the girls go to that school. They will be meeting in one of the classrooms to change clothes, have a snack and do their "lesson" part of the meeting before going outside to run. I'm not feeling very good about this. Would any of you be bothered or am I just being too sensitive about the situation?
  16. It's 2 am here and I'm up because ???? I want to sleep but I can't - it has been an eventful day and I cannot seem to shut down.
  17. I didn't think I was worried that much about the swine flu, but... this afternoon we spent a few hours in the ER and I was very uncomfortable. There were people everywhere in masks and they looked soooo sick. I told my dd's to sit and not touch anything. I am suddenly nervous about the upcoming flu season and will probably take extra precautions.
  18. Thanks for the info - I'm not so stressed about it now. The only other thing I found was that we should toss his clothes in the garbage because he was standing directly under the bulb when he broke it (he was playing the Wii and is so embarrassed) so I'm sure there was debris in his clothes. I found info online that said to not wash them.
  19. Is the mercury really a big deal that is in the bulbs? My dh broke one in the ceiling fan with his hand! We had to go to ER for stitches and am now home - I've picked up all big pieces and used tape for tiny pieces. I am about to vacuum the area - are we good after that? I have my dd's in their room but I still feel nervous.
  20. Yes, Lolly, that is why I asked you guys. I looked it up on wiki and thought there must be a mistake. Thanks - she said that made sense because he has a friend that is half goat. (would have been nice to know before my search) :tongue_smilie:
  21. My dd, 9, is reading "The Lightning Thief" and she asked about this word. I looked it up and I'm still not sure what to tell her. I started explaining thinking it meant satire, but that doesn't fit. Please help. Thanks! I meant satyr! Sorry, I can't change the title - arrgh!
  22. Yes, we'll watch. We didn't vote for Obama but my dh took the day off for election day and inaugaration day. My dd's were involved and understand that the election process and the Presidency is something special. We will listen to what he has to say and then we will discuss it together. I will admit that I might have a problem if they were in ps. I may not want them to watch it and then be directed by their teachers. I want the discussions to be with me or dh.
  23. I don't think I could feed my family of four on $200 if I was shopping at Whole Foods. Our closest is a half hour away, but it's expensive. We only go about once a month to get soap and other items we can't get locally. Try the local farmer's markets instead. I make as much as I can from scratch and I can buy the bulk of the ingredients at the local grocer. HTH!
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