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Everything posted by Joker

  1. I was wondering the same thing but could not word it as well as you. What I remember most about Sunday was going to "big church" with my family. Sometimes it was unbelievably boring but I understood, even at a young age, that it was important.
  2. My 7 yr dd loves to be creative. We keep everything - boxes, tissue paper, old shoes and shoe laces, paper towel rolls, etc. We also make sure we always have glue, tape, tacks, scissors, popsicle sticks, etc on hand. We never know what idea will pop into her head but when it does we just get out of the way and let her go. I have no idea what this means for her future but we all really enjoy the directions she takes. :001_smile: My 9 yr dd has been saying since she was 6 that whatever she does when she's a grownup will involve traveling. I get lots of books for her about places she's interested in. She wants to see everything and go everywhere and then start all over again. I have a feeling I will hardly ever see her when she's old enough to leave the nest. :glare:
  3. I don't have any words of advice but I'm in the same boat. I go back and forth daily on what is the right thing to do. If I don't have family get the vaccine and something happens I will feel responsible and if I do have family get the vaccine and something happens I will feel responsible. In the end I'm just going to go with my gut (it usually works out well) and hope for the best.
  4. I find this interesting because it is not the case with our friends. I have always wanted to keep my kids in when they are sick (admittedly because they get sicker than most) but I have not seen this in others. I have never felt that my dds were "more" protected. I have kept them in when they are sick because I know they can get very ill if they are already compromised and around others who are sick. I guess what I was really asking is if vaccines are truly going to protect my dds. Wil they protect them even if they are around others who may have picked up certain illnesses? I don't want to put down those who do not vaccinate - I am just trying to find out as much as I can.
  5. We've always said legos around here. Now I have to go check it out and see if I need to have a talk.
  6. I don't know how you feel about giving a pill but Comfortis worked amazingly well for us. Nothing else was working but this did the trick and our puppy had no ill effects.
  7. Same here with my mom trying it. I remember she quit when she found out we were only washing the one or two items we needed to wear that day. The water bill went way up. I didn't start picking up after myself until I had my own apartment. I wish my parents had made me pick up after myself but I was able to learn in a short period of time on my own.
  8. I guess I worry that the unvaccinated could pick something up and pass it on to my child - that mayble my dd's vaccine wouldn't work as well as its supposed to. I have taken for granted that those in my circle vaccinate their child(ren) so I haven't had to worry about my dds. I was asking to see if anyone could let me know that as long as I vaccinate my own I don't have to worry about others. I wanted to know if I needed to worry about being too close to those who do not vaccinate.
  9. Maybe so, but mine doesn't have that automatic feature. I don't use normal detergent and dryer sheets because my skin (and that of my dds) breaks out. I bought a cheap washer / dryer at Lowe's that would do the job needed but without all the extra features. We didn't request it - it was on the showroom floor. I must assume because of this that maybe not everyone has a washer with that feature.
  10. What do you do when you find out your closest friends don't vaccinate their 4 dcs? We spend a lot of time with these people and I already knew they were against most medicines and antibiotics but I did not know they refused all vaccinations. I have two dds with respiratory problems. My youngest dd has asthma and a small, narrow, twisted bronchial tube which has given us many problems. She is on daily Rx to prevent her from getting too sick and her left lung from just giving up. Will my dd's be fine as long as they get all their vaccinations or is there a chance they could pick up something from friends? (also found out that our friends closest friends - who have 9 dc - don't vaccinate either)
  11. These are all so funny. I was in Target today with my 7 yr dd and she wanted to look at Halloween costumes. There were a lot of Barbie and she said, "Barbie is such a fraud." :001_huh:
  12. My washer is a 2005 model and has no automatic dispenser. I have to set the timer to add vinegar (this is what I use in place of fabric softener - it is much cheaper and I've had no problems). I even got out my owner's manuel to double check - so not all machines have one.
  13. The Who Was books are published by Grosset and Dunlap. I find a lot of them at the local Barnes & Noble. You can view them on Amazon also - just type in Who Was series. HTH
  14. My 9 yr dd who loves history and biographies doesn't like this series either. She loves the Who Was... series though. There's not as many of the Who Was as the other books but they're adding new ones all the time. HTH
  15. If I remember correctly its used to test for ovarian cancer. (not that you have it but you could get it) I had to have one when I was 20 because of some problems I was having. Due to my age and no family history they wanted to do this test before something invasive. I didn't know they suggested it for everyone though.
  16. My second dd has the same problem and I think it was also caused by ps and their desire to not correct those mistakes. This year we are using "Dictation Day by Day" (a free google book online) and she has greatly improved. She was acing all tests before but now she is able to correctly spell the words in everyday writing. I wouldn't worry but I would start working towards correcting. HTH
  17. Thanks! I'll check these two out and see if they're a good fit. Do any of you have any suggestions for me? I feel very ill equipped going into these discussions. These are things that were never talked about within my family. My big sis still does not discuss such things. I found out everything from other girls in school and most of those were not accurate. I don't want it to be too uncomfortable for either of us so I could use some additional help with ways to approach and discuss.
  18. I need some help. I grew up in a wonderful home but there were some things that just were not discussed. ( changing bodies, sex, etc) I have 2 dds and feel unprepared to deal with those same issues but I want to be able to. My 9 yr old dd is starting to develop in ways that I know I should talk to her about soon so she doesn't feel weird or that something is wrong with her. I need book suggestions - some for her, some for me and some for both of us. If you have any suggestions or advice please chime in. Thanks!
  19. My dh was in the Marines and his first set of dog tags said "Atheist" - his CO saw them and told him to take a few hours to fix the "mistake". :001_huh:
  20. Can you guys give me some good books to read on the subject? This thread made me realize that I am not ready to be the best teacher to my kids on this. Today at my library I picked up "Finding Darwin's God" by Kenneth Miller and "The Evolution - Creation Struggle" by Michael Ruse. Has anyone here read these and are they any good? I want something that will not bash religion because my belief in God will not change but I am very curious and would like to research and learn much more. Thanks!
  21. Do any atheists here wish they could believe in God? I am a Christian and my dh is an atheist. I knew that when I married him 11 yrs ago - but I love him. :) He says he wishes he could believe but he just doesn't. He goes to church with us on Sundays and he is the one to pray with dds every night. He doesn't want them to know that he's an atheist because he says he wants them to have hope. He knows more about religion than I do (his dad is a minister) and he often helps me when I struggle with things relating to faith. I hope there is no offense taken to my post - I am just curious if there are others who don't believe and wish they did.
  22. I think Gwen was Chrissa's friend. (came out last year) She lived in a homeless shelter and was able to move into a home. She was in the Chrissa movie and there was nothing wrong with it.
  23. I've always mixed Florastor in some applesauce for my dd's. I get it at CVS or Walgreens.
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