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Everything posted by Thea

  1. I buy a lot of books. Some online, some at B&N and yes, some at my local bookstore. I like my local bookstore--the problem is that it is actually in the next tow over--I'm there all the time as my dc's dance studio is located there BUT I'm usually there late in the evenings and the bookstore is closed then. I can order online at my local bookstore, which I do occasionally.
  2. My 6th grader is using The Story of Science along with SL's Core 6/G. It's been a great fit for her. She reads it independently -- I'm not that impressed with the teacher's guide as most activities are geared for classroom use and difficult (read: too much work for me) to adapt to an individual student.
  3. Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry/Ridley Scott. My ds loved this series.
  4. My 12 yo is getting a lap desk, a nice bracelet, fuzzy socks, warm fuzzy ugg type slippers, blank sketch book, some perfume from Justice that she likes and a top. She wants a lava lamp--I think I'm going to let her Nana get that for her. I'm not sure what else... She's easy. Now, my 13 yo ds and my 17 yo dd....Oy! No ideas there....
  5. Well, that's kind of a bummer that your dh's company has that attitude. My dh travels--so far only to AZ--however, there is potential for travel all over the world and his company encourages families/spouses to go. They won't pay for the spouse's airfare (although they encourage the use of miles accumulated to be used for that purpose), but, as I was told by the VP, a happy employee is a productive employee and if having the spouse along makes the employee happy, they are all for it.
  6. We have two extra phones that the dc take when they go somewhere, but they are not 'theirs'. They share them. They can get their own when they can pay for it. My oldest has an itouch and she uses that at home for social networking and texting.
  7. Between 7:30 and 9:00. I'm a night owl and not usually in bed before 11:00--usually it's midnight.
  8. My dh answers his cell--if he can. He's usually really busy at work, so I mostly text him. Sorry he's not answering.
  9. Sadly, this is how my ds came across it last year--he was searching for Harry Potter. :(
  10. I have nothing to add except to commiserate-- My 17.5 yo hasn't been able to find a job either--she's gone everywhere. Initially, we wanted her to find a job (we live within walking distance) locally and then get her license so she could pay for insurance, gas, etc. Well, it became apparent rather quickly that that wasn't going to happen so she has her license and we are paying for insurance. She has volunteered at our local zoo and is part of their program for teens. She has over 1000 hours under her belt, is involved in the Leadership corp, has assisted with camps, etc., and has interned at her dance studio. Still--nothing. It's pretty disheartening. She does have a student account (with debit) as does my ds. Here, the bank lets you open one (with a parent) at 13. The Dr. thing has me stumped. Here, the dr.'s office doesn't want you back there with a teen. She had to repeatedly state that, yes, she wanted me to accompany her. I share the frustrations of the OP.
  11. My dh did not enjoy Disney when we were there this past April. He did, however, enjoy Epcot. I would definitely try to eat in Germany (the dc and I ate their when I took them to DW in '09). I would spend most of my time with him there, visiting the various countries, sampling food and different drinks.
  12. You forgot Sally Field and, of course, Julia Roberts. No way a remake could get any better.
  13. I do spell my dc names traditionally. I did take an 'e' out of my youngest's name. There were already two and I felt the third, while the traditional spelling, was overkill. Heck there were only 6 letters, half of them didn't need to be e's. :001_smile:
  14. Congratulations! I finished it August 19th after starting and stopping and being stuck on weeks---it took me two years. I wanted to work on speed, but I found myself making excuses to get out there soooo I downloaded the Bridge to 10k app and completed Week 1 Day 2 of that program the other day. I'm still slow as molasses (I run a mean 13:30 miles :rolleyes:) but I'm out there jogging for 40 minutes. Never thought I'd do that. :) Once again, Congratulations!!!
  15. We live really close to the WA border, so it's not that uncommon to end up in WA for something. This past March-May we did a cross country, 8600 mile, RV trip. We definitely left the state. :) Now, out of the country? My dd went to Peru this summer, but it's been 18 years or so since I've either been to Canada or Mexico.
  16. Our Driver's ed is taken through the local high school, taught by one of the guidance counselors. The cost is $375, but $200 is paid for by the school district. Good luck. My dd had her permit for two years and just got her license September 1st. It's been hard for me to let her drive. Harder than I thought.
  17. Moving Beyond the Page. I wanted this to work for my youngest, but she absolutely *hates* it. So, it's back to SL. We'll do Core 6, Winston Grammar basic, Jensen's format writing and Lightening Literature 7. Not sure about Science. She'll continue with Horizons 6. I ordered what I still needed and hope to start next week.
  18. Agree with the aeropress fans--best cup of coffee ever. We usually use the french press -- lazy. I also own a Bialetti stovetop espresso maker, but I haven't used it in ages. While I prefer coffee, I do appreciate a good cup of tea. I brew loose leaf (mmm, nothing like a good mint looseleaf) in this or this (works for coffee too.)
  19. I finished the C25k in August and am now working my way through the Bridge to 10k. I'm still a newbie BUT it took me two YEARS to finish the C25k. Now, I had breaks in there, obviously, but I spent months on a week until I could do it well three times in one week. Good shoes, stretching after the run and taking it slow are key, imo. And I do mean slow. I run a mean 13:30 mile. :rolleyes: Good luck--don't give up.
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