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Everything posted by Thea

  1. I'd take my dc to see him, regardless of whether or not I like him.
  2. I think that culture is often overlooked in these discussions. America's culture is one of fierce individualism. That drives our attitudes towards many things, business, parenting and yes, guns. IMO.
  3. We did the same. Almost. Met in Jan, engaged in May, married in Jan - 10 days after I turned 21. This past year we celebrated our 20th. And yes, my mother was less than thrilled as well, especially since we got married in Vegas.
  4. Oh boy. I think I could write a book! I grew up in New England and now live in the PNW. Last year we took 2 months and traveled all over the country with the dc in our RV. *East coast food rocks. There's nothing like a NY/NJ bagel and it isn't pizza if you don't have to blot it before eating it. *Smoking in public (even under no smoking signs!) seemed prevalent in the south. *Everyone, and I mean everyone, asked us how we liked the food when we were in Lafayette LA. (Loved it btw). I bought three 1lb shaker of Chachere's Creole seasoning for three dollars at WalMart in LA. Here in OR a tiny, tiny shaker is over $3.00. *I see boiled peanuts were mentioned. We bought them and ate them--in MS at a gas station convenience store. They had them in crockpots. My ds loved them, I thought they were ok and everyone else thought they were gross. *PA drivers do NOT know how to merge. *We went to a buffet in GA and there was a whiteboard behind the cashier with Bible verses written on it. I've never seen that here in OR. *The further NE you go, the less friendly people seem. I use to live there so I *know* people are friendly, but they don't make eye contact and say 'hi' to you like they do here (and in the south). *If you are in W. OR or WA and carrying an umbrella, chances are you are a tourist. *The PNW is super casual compared to the east coast. Jeans are acceptable attire everywhere. *The WalMart in Utah had a fine jewelry section. That was weird. And the WalMart in Texas had a McDonalds in it. We have Subways in ours. *Marshmallow Fluff can be found with the Baking goods, the canned fruit or with the peanut butter depending on where you are. *I live in the land of Starbucks, but the coffee aisle shrinks noticeably the further east you go. Boy, did we miss our coffee. My little town of 6k has 4 drive through coffee shacks AND a Tully's inside our grocery store.
  5. Stubborn Twig is another good read. http://www.amazon.com/Stubborn-Twig-Generations-Japanese-American/dp/0870714171/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343245691&sr=8-1&keywords=stubborn+twig
  6. No one has a chair here--his dad has a chair and no one ever sits in except him. eta: dh grew up in a non religious home
  7. I'll be 47 when my youngest graduates high school. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I am looking forward to hanging with my dh. I have now idea what I'm going to do with myself. None. Since that day is only 6 years away, I feel like I need to start trying to figure it out.....
  8. Yes--my ds was about 4. I was unloading the dishwasher while he was eating chicken nuggets--I look up and he's silent, staring at me with wild, scared eyes. I remember calmly dropping the plate I was holding, rushing to his side, flipping him down between my knees and hitting his back--when that didn't work, I did the Heimlich on him and the nugget flew out of his mouth, across the room. He started crying hysterically. And then I completely fell apart for three days. So, so scary. I will never forget the look on his face.
  9. You stand a chance of losing her with either option. You already know the path that the current school has her on. It seems to me that there is a chance that the residential school could be just what she needs. If she blows it then she does CC while staying at home. :grouphug:
  10. Send her TM. That would be my (HARD) decision based on what you've said. I'm sorry :grouphug:
  11. I would go out of state. I would, however, do everything in my power to get a sleeper car.
  12. Love it! So much better--you look tons younger! I'm always jealous of those who look great with short hair.
  13. I think she means the washcloth/sponge, etc.
  14. For my ds it was Peter and the Starcatchers. For my oldest, Because of Winn-Dixie I'm still looking for the book to hook my youngest....
  15. I don't believe you *can* help. This. My mother moans constantly about how I *won't help her* and THAT'S why her house looks like it does. Um, no, I won't waste days of my time moving useless items from one end of the house to the other. The condition of her house is not *my* fault. Of course, my mother insists that she is NOT a hoarder. I think your only plan is going to be cleaning it up when she no longer lives there. I'm sorry. I do, unfortunately, understand.
  16. I'm pressed for time so I'm responding to remind me to come back to this thread later. We've raised my niece.
  17. Our county named our local transit company... S.C.A.T. with a running cheetah on the side. Stood for South Columbia Area Transit. Really people? Coming into town is a billboard shared by two gas stations. One is Chubbs, the other Skinnys. :001_huh:
  18. I wear one, hubby does not. He almost lost his finger when his ring got caught on the ladder of his work truck. No more rings for him.
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