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Everything posted by Thea

  1. My dh hated Disney when we where there for three days during our cross country trip last April. He 'mildly' enjoyed Epcot, but has no desire to ever go back. The dc have been twice--I took them for a week long stay on property in '09 and then our past trip at Fort Wilderness. My oldest has also been to Disneyland. No one is interested in going again. Except me. Guess I'll have to go with a friend or something... :)
  2. My younger two see the same ortho and they have chairs for parents in the treatment area and they ask you to come back.
  3. I think the AAA site might have something like that. The online trip planner they had when we were planning our cross country RV trip s*cked, but I've received email notices that it was improved.
  4. Something I didn't see mentioned was what a friend of mine said after visiting France. Everything is small. The stairs, the bathroom stalls, the chairs---a few extra pounds and you will receive a 'cue' from everything around you that you need to slim down. Just another possible component. Here, everything is huge--our cars, our aisles, our bathrooms.........
  5. 5'9 I use to be 5'10, but apparently I've shrunk a bit in recent years.
  6. No, BUT my brother was due to be sentenced for drug possession when, the night before, he decided to party one last time. He partied a little too hard and OD'd and passed away. He was 23. :(
  7. I was diagnosed with MS in 2001. There is some great info on this thread. The National MS Society website has some great info and a link to an online community.
  8. They open new pj's, a calendar and an ornament for the tree. If my Mom comes over, then they open her gifts as well. She didn't this year, so they open friends/neighbors gifts.
  9. We traveled in an RV around the country for two months this past spring. It is definitely fun--and stressful. There is a yahoo group- Families on the Road (FOTR) - that anyone who is even thinking about an extended RV trip should read. (eta: I did keep a blog and use to have the link in my sig-if anyone is interested. http://bounderbeast.blogspot.com/ )
  10. This was my youngest (the poster child for birth control). You have my sympathy. She was NEVER on any schedule and fussed and screamed for hours on end. I didn't like her for a long time, HOWEVER, once she started moving, she was a different baby. It was like a light switch. I swear she was just p**sed off that she couldn't go where she wanted and couldn't communicate. It's hard, hard, hard. I wish I had some advice that would help you NOW. All I *do* have is a delightful 12 year old. I actually like her now. A lot. :)
  11. I have credit cards, a mutual fund account and a car in my name only. I set up the utilities so I think there are a couple still just in my name. Dh has a couple of cc's and his truck in his name. Everything else is in both of our names.
  12. We have 12. Well, dh has 12. That said, he recommends a 6 inch Dobsonian reflector from Orion telescopes as a basic, backyard starting telescope. HTH!
  13. I hear you--loud and clear. Your dc are all only a year older than mine and I can no longer ignore the fact that we, as a family, are entering into another phase that will require a great adjustment on my part. Makes me sad too. (((hug)))
  14. This. I loved my open floor plan when the dc were babies/toddlers. The back half of my house is the dining/kitchen/family room --there is a hall with a bathroom and laundry room that leads to the front room. I could put a baby gate there and still have access to everything. Then they started growing up, getting bigger and wanting to occupy the same three square feet in front of the fridge.
  15. This looks a lot like what we are doing here. Right now I'm paying for insurance/gas and encouraging (nagging) job applications. We do *not* fund her social life. She does receive a small allowance, however, she is expected to help me drive everyone around. The phone she uses when she drives somewhere is one of the the dc's phones that are shared between the three of them.
  16. I'm sorry you had to make such a difficult decision. (((hugs)))
  17. Weird. I've used Rainbow twice and the absorbent pad was there.
  18. It sounds reasonable to me, however, I am not 18. My oldest will be in three short months and *already* knows everything so I highly doubt this would strike her as reasonable. (hug) So far, I dislike this stage of parenthood the most.
  19. Sounds great! We did a two month around-the-usa trip this past March-June starting in Oregon, heading south and east, up the coast to DC/PA and then back It was fun-usually- and a lot of work. I kept a blog if you're interested. It's not written well, as I did it while we were on the trip, but you might get a few ideas. http://www.bounderbeast.blogspot.com
  20. Disneyland once and DisneyWorld three times (once as a kid and twice as an adult).
  21. Regular plates here, however, that is all I have. *IF* I had company plates, I would use them for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.
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