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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. I would take him either to an opthamologist or the ER -- the opthamologist is probably your best bet.
  2. Below is the link to the Kickstarter promo for OurShow in which ds has a part - he plays the part of John D. Weber. DS' screen name is Michael McCosh. I am NOT sharing this for funding support - totally not doing that. I am sharing this and asking that you will share it if you are so inclined with your friends and family, and you ask them to do the same. The wider this is distributed, the better chance it has of becoming funded -- but not by any of you.;) And, ftr, all the kids in the show are homeschooled kids. And it wasn't even planned that way. Thanks and enjoy! My ds' part is at the end. http://kck.st/QexDaz
  3. I'm quoting this post bc it mirrors what I know about one of three people who have had the surgery. A family friend (who was a recovered alcoholic for many years - think 20+) has gastric bypass. She lost weight and did well for about 3 years. Suddenly, we learned that she was drinking again. She was stopped for DUI. She went to rehab. She did learn in rehab that it is not unusual for an individual who has had this type of surgery to replace one addiction (food) with another (alcohol). Another friend had the lap band done about 7 years ago. She can no longer eat without vomiting, and most of the time she is on liquids. She has lost about 100 pounds - she looks fabulous. She feels crummy, but she is so thrilled that she is thin, she couldn't care less about how she feels. Finally, another friend had gastric bypass. I just saw her yesterday, in fact. She has lost about 150 pounds and she now weight about 100 pounds. I don't recall the details, but she nearly died, and now has a host of health problems. She doesn't look well. Her color is pasty and gray.
  4. Hi! My weekend was extremely busy - traveled to NJ to be the baby/mommy nurse to daughter, Stacey, and her husband and my beautiful new grand daughter. They were able to have two uninterrupted nights of sleep while I cared for Regina Quinn. And, I daresay, I gave Stacey enough guidance with b-feeding that she feels confident about continuing. We all went to brunch today-- we went ot one of stacey and her dh's favorite restaurants. I think it was such a momentous occasion for them -- they have been waiting for so long to bring their baby to this place for sunday brunch. photo below. Outdoor games: just about anything -- volleyball, foursquare, badminton, softball, really, just about anything. Busy, busy week. Dh leaves on travel tomorrow. We have dentist appointments, doctor's appointments, I have to bake cookies and send them to NJ, DS 11's kickstarter premiere is tonight in about 20 minutes, wednesday is co-op and back to school night for dd13, religious ed meeting on thursday night.:svengo:
  5. When it's right, it's right.:001_smile: The dress sounds like it will be stunning when your mom does the train and veil. A story: About 7 years ago, the twins' pre-school teacher was being married. She had a photo of a 'wedding dress' that was not a wedding dress at all -- it was part of a 'set' for a photo shoot. It was a lingerie photo shoot -- the dress looked like it could be a wedding dress, but it needed some tweaking. all that being said, it was very, very pretty. I 'found' the dress - yes, that's right, THE dress. I was friends with the bride and I did most of the 'planning' 'coordination' for the wedding. The dress was precisely the dress in the lingerie catalog where the bride had seen it, and it was beautiful. Brought the bride to see the dress -- yes, she loved it. it was THE dress. She was going to bring her friend who was an amazing seamstress and have her copy it. :confused: Why, you ask? b/c she wanted to say her dress was 'custom made.' :confused: I tried to walk through this with her, but it was all about.....well, you know what it was all about. Her friend saw the dress, made sketches, they spent a small fortune on fabric and notions -- probably 12 times what the dress cost at the shop where we saw it -- i kid you not. And her friend made the dress. She made the dress in totally different fabric than the dress in the bridal shop. The dress in the bridal shop was soft, flowy, had alot of 'illusion.' The custom made dress was stiff, heavy and wrinkled if you looked at it. The seamstress was ironing out wrinkles minutes before the bride put it on. The change in fabric totally changed the 'feel' of the dress -- what can I say? The bride spent a ridiciulous amount of money on something that was not memorable at all. The monday after the wedding, one of the teachers at the school where we taught asked me what i thought of the bride's dress (this teacher was my co-teacher) -- I told her what i wrote above -- the original dress was very very pretty - the custom dress....not so much. She agreed and that was the consensus of opinion. Oh, and the bride, when i brought her to see the dress that WAS the dress in the photo, wouldn't even try on the dress! She spent a small fortune having someone make a dress that she had never even tried on. big mistake. I think your daughter did the right thing!:grouphug:
  6. I adore. I first read her in 1980 - A Wrinkle in Time. I have introduced all my children (no pun intended) to her since then as soon as they would appreciate her.
  7. Congrats to ds12.......gosh, i remember when he was ds10........they grow up so fast!:D
  8. Yes - it exists. I cannot recall the name of it, but at one point when we were renting a sfh from a woman who was an absolute b*tch, she told us that anything we did that she didn't like, she would put it up on a website that she belonged to where landlords would go to check reports on renters. And that was precisely the way she described it - a credit bureau for renters.
  9. :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:
  10. SIL needs to put on her big girl panties and get over it. Do not engage with her. Let.it.go.
  11. Let.it.go. I don't see any drama except the drama you are anticipating which means there is no drama. Now, be kind to yourself, pat yourself on the back, and go do something fun.....for you.:grouphug: You've handled this incredibly appropriately. If anyone doesn't think so, it is their problem, not yours.;)
  12. I can do 'plain.' ;) Thank you so much -- They are likely coming home from the hospital tomorrow and i will arrive at their house tomorrow -- I can get ideas from her and read the link you provided tonight. I do know that it is a kind of individual thing -- that much i have learned from her. And, when she isn't pg, she is on medication for it - and i understand her meds are effective - but her diet is still a big concern. Thank you all again.:grouphug:
  13. Little victories! We will take them any way we can get them! :hurray::hurray::hurray:
  14. Praying for you. People expect you to be in a fog - you do not have to make witty conversation - or any conversation at all. Thank them for coming -- onto the next person. Years ago when I was in college, I had to go the viewing of a beloved family friend whom I had always called 'uncle.' I was devastated - my dad called me at my dorm to tell me the details and where I had to go. I was crying and I said that I didn't think I could do it. My dad (who was a wonderful dad) told me that everyone comes into the world with 'ceremony' and they leave with 'ceremony.' He went on to say that was why I had to go to the viewing. I never forgot it, and when my dad passed, I could hear him telling me that - you can do it!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: My sister was diagnosed at age 46 and she was stage 1. It is six years later and she is fine.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  16. You have done the right thing. We tried to sell our house (corner of West Avenue and 42nd Street) - it's still there - with not beachy interior. BIG MISTAKE. We re-did everything - furniture wise -- went to Ikea and Pier One and who knows where else and made everything vacation-like and it worked. Hang in there -- some folks right now are hesitant because of the november election, but with this gorgeous weather, it can only help!:grouphug:
  17. DD33 (stacey) has IC* and I will be staying with her and her husband for a few days beginning tomorrow. I know that she cannot have anything acid-y or citrus-y --and I want to be able to prepare them some meals for the week and leave them in their freezer. Would you be so kind as to share your IC meal ideas and hints? Thanks *Interstitial cystitis (IN-ter-STISH-ul sis-TY-tis) — or IC
  18. http://www.carolinelawrence.com/ Not in verse, but my dd devoured these when she was younger. They are mentioned in 'LCC.'
  19. Thankfully, the selling part is behind us, but if you would please come to northern virginia and say that to prospective buyers, you would be doing a great public service.;) And, we had one couple last year around labor day who I finally had to ban from our house. They would come and sit for one or two hours. Go away, come back. Tell our agent they were thinking about it. Come back. Sit for two more hours. They had done this three times without an offer and I told our agent they were no longer allowed in my home without a ratified contract. we never heard from them again. When people want to buy your house, and they are in a position to do so (and if they are not they shouldn't be looking), they jump on it. Our buyers did it with our house, and we did it with this house. In fact, I cannot think of a single home I have sold in many years where that has NOT been the case.
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