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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. I made what I call 'air traffic control' when we moved into this house. we have a rather good sized mud room, so on the largest wall in that room, i put up cork wall tiles in a large rectangle. I have a large paper desk calender in the center. i write on that in pencil. on the wall to the right of that, i have a write on/wipe off 7 day martha stewart calender that sticks on the wall. each week, i wipe it clean and copy from the paper calendar what is going on to the write/wipe 7 day calender. i have two vertical hanging cloth pocket organizers that are made for magazines, but i have the pockets labeled: catalogs, church, take out menus, bills, kids, coupons, etc originally, i had 'kids' but now i am going to have everyone's name separate. on the counter on the other side of this wall, i have a place for the day's mail to sit so it can be opened and then put in the appropriate pocket of the hanging organizer. mostof what i purchased is martha stewart from staples-- i love the colors, i no longer have a junk draw anywhere, and we have expanded into the garage with a shelf system for dog leashes, garage door openers, ikea shoe storage containers, etc. i will get the camera and take a picture of my wall.
  2. Keep a journal -- write down everything dgd eats and drinks. I know that when i had this happen with dd33 (when she was 18 mos old) it was milk. have your dd hand baby daddy a notebook and tell him that they have to write down everything the baby eats and drinks, the laundry detergent they use, etc.
  3. here is a simple super easy thing to do (and i love the pumpkin scented play doh). Glue raisins on pieces of paper and let dc use the raisin as the starting point to make pictures. say, a butterfly, a bunny, glue a bunch of raisins and maybe connect with lines to draw a kite. My sister used to let my niece wash the dishes in the kitchen sink -- you would have thought you had taken her to disney! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Update, DA: Grand daughter #3 could be here as early as tomorrow but if not, then definitely monday afternoon.:D
  4. I would have done the same thing, and you weren't rude. I think that I have had to leave an event just once with my kids -- b/c of inappropriate behavior -- they never forgot it. I applaud you!:hurray::hurray::hurray:
  5. :D My mom was buying a wedding gown for one of her grand daughters and cribs for the twins I was pg with.....all in the same weekend.
  6. I have five - ranging in age from 33 to 11. I have two grand daughters with number three expected literally any minute. I guess we will have to agree to disagree. fwiw, if my MIL paid any attention to any of her grandchildren, I'd fall over from the shock of it.
  7. I'm a grandma, and you're joking, right? :confused: And, i guess after everyone else weighs in, we'll know whether or not you are indeed as you labeled yourself.:tongue_smilie:
  8. yes - in walmart it is near the cat stuff in the pet department. in petsmart, it is with all the cleaners. it saved us from having to replace all the rug in our SUV when the kids were little and a sippy cup of milk got dumped unbeknownst to us and then the truck sat in a hot garage for days.:ack2: A friend who has a farm and like 20 dogs told me about it.
  9. WalMart or PetSmart and get Simple Solutions or Nature's Miracle. Trust me on this!:grouphug:
  10. I would send someone to lowe's or hd for hinges. and then i would remind him in six months. :glare: OR, the container store did something with fabric and it was adorable but i am really not a fabric person -- fabric was pulled back when one needed access to the shelves, and fabric hung down when the shelves were not being used. And, i like the basket idea.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Is it possible to have language in the court documents regarding fevers, trips to the ER, sick visits to the ped or ER and have those events impact/adjust the visitation - that would seem to be in dgd's best interests. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Do you lift the lid on the crock pot? :confused: Because there is another way to get dinner out of the pot and onto the plate??????????:confused:
  14. I know how difficult this is. Gosh, your mom is so young -- :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. :iagree: Doesn't Carly Simon have a song she sings where she is singing to a male named Jesse? :confused::confused::confused::confused: Well, in her song, Jesse sounds irrestible!;)
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