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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. :iagree: A bullseye rash indicates the earliest stage of being infected and it is not likely that anything would show up in a blood test. They will probably take the blood, however, and when your ds completes the abx, they will do another test.....or not. Different practices, different protocols (Hmmmm, is that a word?). And, as the poster said above, the test results are not always accurate. When my dd received a positive western blot, i nearly fell over. They had been treating her for pneumonia.:glare: Best case scenario: you get the abx and they do blood work. All symptoms go away. You return to the doc in 30 days, they do more blood work which shows antibodies. which means you all did the correct thing. Also, if your doc does blood work, ask them to check D3 levels and prescribe prescription strength D3 of your ds' are low.
  2. Sciatica pain will run down your leg from deep in the buttock. Pulled groin muscle, maybe?:confused:
  3. of course.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  4. Glad to hear that. A headache is a symptom that you need to get him the abx. Your ped will prescribe doxycycline probably. Try to get Doxy AND Ceftin -- you want ideally 60 days of each but your ped probably won't do that. Go with the 45 or 28 days and a return visit and then 28 days more. Same with the ceftin. The doxy is for the lyme infection. The ceftin is for the co-infections that the tick typically carries. You want BOTH. My dd 13 had it over the summer - because of a stupid misdiagnosis, the kids was sick for 8 weeks and missed ALL of her summer. The doxy did not really work well. It wasn't until we began the ceftin that she turned a corner -- literally 72 hours after starting the ceftin. If you want to know which supplements, give a holler -- i have that info. And, you would be doing him a huge favor if you went gluten-free, sugar-free and dairy-free while he was on the abx.
  5. Otis is a cavachon -- a cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a bison Frisee I wish i had gotten two when we got otis -- otis would love having another puppy to play with. Over the weekend, we were at my sister's house and my niece was there with Adelaide - who is Otis' sister. They bonded immediately and played together the entire weekend. Otis had a ball.
  6. Here's the dilemma (and if it isn't, in your case, that's going to be really good news for you). Most lyme specialists won't take insurance, and you first visit will be upwards of $300 -- ask them these questions when you speak with them. Speak to the nurse in your peds office and ask her what their protocol is regarding a bulls eye and abx. Our former peds office had such specific criteria regarding a bulls eye, that they looked at ds' and said they 'weren't impressed with it.' Well, we weren't imnpressed with that, and off we went. The peds nurse should be able to tell you under what circumstances they will prescribe an antibiotic. If you have a good relationship with your ped and are comfortable with advocating for at least 28 days of doxy (48 days would be better), then be prepared to do that depending on their protocol. Believe it or not, the people i know who have done well getting abx are the ones who go into an ER.
  7. is there a way to easily and quickly share one item with everyone in your friends list - using share? Right now, I have to go through every single person individually (b/c I have no idea what I am doing). HELP!!!!
  8. Yeah, well, what's a little bias between friends, huh?;) We miss you guys -- i mentioned to my kids that William and Kate are in Kuala Lumpur........kids not impressed........only care that you and your family are there. We went someplace with michael last week - i cannot remember where - and he wore his malaysian soccer jersey (which he wears almost everyplace) and it was a huge hit. Miss you guys!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Thank you and thank you -- please watch, bump and share --- share, share, share.:001_smile:
  10. I am so sorry. Praying. Your sister in law is beautiful. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  11. Thank you -- I, for one, would like to see a tween show with visible parents who aren't fools.;)
  12. Remudamom: Do you know that my dd and her dh named their new baby 'Regina?' Do you know what that means in Latin?;)
  13. I don't like to use it, but flonase works and i don't experience side effects -- when the season is over, i stop using it.
  14. Thank you -- I love your avatar!:001_smile:
  15. It's an easy one -- no one who adores classic movies should have to cheat. The only thing that would have been easier would have been to ask a question about Casablanca.
  16. my big fat hint was going to be that it's a classic......then i realized that Kate is in it. What the heck else would it be? Kate shares the lead with another icon.
  17. Totally agree -- to the OP, IF it is lyme's and you don't go, $120. is going to seem inexpensive compared to what you will be spending on supplements, whole foods, etc. I would err on the side of caution.
  18. ok - pirates of the caribbean QUESTION: Katherine Hepburn is Rose Robert Morley is her brother.......what's his name? What movie is this?
  19. i know it -- i'll wait for someone else to have a chance at it and i'll think of a question.
  20. :lurk5: If you view the promo, please give this a bump. thx:)
  21. I might leave it alone and wait......at the first sign of fever and headache i'd be in the doc's office. OR I might go in to the doc's office anyway and ask for 45 days of doxycycline. It's kind of your call.:)
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