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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. 'When' the teacher was allowed, he/she might use the 'mimeograph' machine. That was seldom. My entire time in school (short stint in public school - very short and the rest of the time in Catholic/private school), we did not ever have worksheets. We answered questions in complete questions, always copying the question/problem out of our book. It was 'instant' copywork.;)
  2. I was thinking: 'The Gatekeeper';) Thank you -- tons of snuggle time on the horizon! Denise: I don't have to tell you that if i didn't laugh, I'd probably cry......OR drink a lot!!!!!! :D
  3. continuing to pray -- waiting is so hard.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  4. (((hugs))) THAT is so nice -- thank you. I think of the Salve Regina chorus everytime i say her name.:) Got them in the mini van!;) tee hee!!!!! Oh, and dh and I are hosting the brunch after the Baptism (which probably won't be till December). MIL is always hosting everything at her house and since we are not in NJ but in Va, we don't host anything.......well, enough of that. I've been in touch with a gorgeous country club and this party is OURS!!!!! UPDATE: Stacey will go home wither thurs or fri. I will go to their house on fri and stay till monday morning. I will be the baby/mommy nurse and I will make sure stacey sleeps all night and stays in bed/off her feet all day. I will show her dh what has to be done and how to run the house. PS: I will also keep unwanted visitors away.;) NEW PHOTO BELOW:
  5. Glad you contacted the doctor. Ask him/her about wearing this: the prenatal cradle. It may give you relief. http://www.docortho.com/Prenatal-Cradle.htmli I wore this when pg with twins -- don't know what i would have done without it.
  6. Bethany, I am so sorry. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  7. Thank you and thank you. Cannot wait to get back to nj and see my dd and that beautiful baby girl. Thank you for the song, and the name has grown on me -- as I said, stacey's MIL was so clearly not happy with the name (that her son announced) well, that made me think it was just perfect.;)
  8. Susan C: Thank you! I am going to spend a few days with her to make sure she cements herself to that bed. I can take the time to give them both a rest AND to teach her dh what he needs to know to be able to keep things running smoothly so she can rest. Julianna: Thank you - :001_smile: - and honestly, and here I am admitting it, I love the middle name so much, and i know that it was one of the names I suggested as a first name, I am going to call her Regina Quinn - first name and middle name. I was so scared and worried when I was waiting for Stacey to get out of the O.R. and so upset when I saw her in the recovery room, as long as they hadn't named the baby Hermione or Brunhilde, I can live with it. I should also add that stacey's MIL doesn't seem to 'like' the name, and that makes me like it even more.;) Thank you!!!! I have co-op today with the twins, but I will have my laptop with me and I am hoping for good updates and more baby pix.:)
  9. Thank you for the update -- continuing to pray for Hannah. Excellent news!!!!:party::party::party:
  10. awwww, thanks. I have demanded more pictures - there were no new ones today. I've filed a formal protest.:D stacey is improving and i am so relieved. Every day out of the O.R. is a wonderful thing. I am tweaking, adjusting and moving things around so I can go stay with her and her husband and basically be the night baby nurse so they can sleep -- probably friday through sunday -- i'm up at night anyway so i'm a natural for this. And, I will get quality baby time. :001_smile:
  11. of course.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  12. Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. Her hemoglobin is 7.1 so it is moving up in very increments but up is better than down. Her doctor would like 12. She is very very tired, but hanging in there with breastfeeding. She got out of bed today and walked a few steps. Her heartrate is much lower (97) and her blood pressure is normal. Her doctor (who I adore) is extremely cautious and told her he doesn't think she will go home till the end of the week AND then only if either my sister or I take on the job of 'nurse' and go stay at stacey's house. I had actually been tweaking my friday and weekend schedule to do just that if stacey and her husband wanted me to go and stay there so I'm glad her doctor said it's non-negotiable. I can be certain that she stays in bed and does nothing except nurse the baby - I can also keep her a**hat in-laws away. ROFL!!!!!!!
  13. I remember finally bringing my beach chair and sitting on the beach at this time of year. Oh, it was gorgeous! The best month of the year!:)
  14. Thank you -- i didn't have a timeline, only the one when i delivered stacey 33 years ago and the same thing happened, but it seems now to be the same -- that's good to know. And, i imagine it will be fun -- it will be what I make it, right? and I intend to make it fun.:)
  15. Thank you all so much....i can't wait to go up to nj and see her again - probably thurs or fri. Stacey was able to get out of bed this morning and they are going to give her food so i am encouraged by that. :)
  16. So precious! What a face!!!! Congrats!!!! Love the picture of all three of them together!!!!:)
  17. UPDATE: Doing this quickly as I am running out to 9am Mass. Stacey's doctor says that he will be much happier when he starts hearing bowel sounds- which he is not hearing yet - sorry for being graphic. They are going to let her try a liquid diet today and are going to let her walk 3 feet to the nursing recliner and see if tonight she can shower and walk back to bed. The baby is 'awake' and hungry. Stacey's milk is coming in, so mother nature is definitely on the job. Stacey is still weak, and they will decide today if there will be more transfusions. Her doctor (as are we) is very pleased that they have avoided the OR for almost 48 hours now. Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming -- I know we are seeing positive results because of those.:grouphug:
  18. Thank you! (((hugs))) tee-hee ----the name is great - they are so totally flummoxed by it, they are stunned into silence. thank you -- yup - she has a lactation consultant and the it is going well thankfully. ~smiles~ LOL!!! Yes, I think the fact that it is ca$h is what will make it work -- no receipts, no paper trail. ;-) Thank you all -- stacey seems to have had a relatively restful night - she is not sleeping well, but she does feel like she is getting some strength back. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. (((hugs)))
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