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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. thank you for this suggestion -- i called them and told son in law to tell the doctor that we thought we should have this test done in case it hadn't been. thank you all so much -- your lovely words and prayers are so very much appreciated. hugs from me.
  2. You are all so kind......thank you! Faith: I cut and pasted your sage advice and sent it to stacey. thank you for taking the time to share that. :grouphug: While my son in law was scared to death yesterday and looked so forlorn that even I (in my awful emotional state) felt badly for him, his parents are a**hats and I think they expect to show up next week and have stacey put a meal on the table for them. Yesterday,when the doctor was speaking to stacey's husband and I was paying attention (the doctor and I have known each other for years), the FIL wouldn't shut up. I glared at him. When the doctor was finished, stacey's husband and I were shaken and upset and trying to compose ourselves. Mr. a**hat says: 'Oh, everyone goes through this. It's just that they had to clean things up when they got in there.' :cursing: At this point, I had kept my mouth shut for 7 hours in this idiot's presence. But now my worst fears had been confirmed and my mind was racing. I took a few steps towards him and said: 'It's a uterus, douchecanoe. Not a toxic landfill.' And I walked to the nursery to watch my grand daughter. Fortunately, the MIL and FIL left -- I was stunned. their son was like a zombie -- I stayed (you couldn't have paid me to leave) and he and I 'bonded' I guess. I don't think he's ever seen that I have any purpose, but I think his opinion of me has changed.
  3. Thank you and thank you. :001_smile: i am going to tweak some lesson plans and fall probably asleep doing that. While this was physically draining, emotionally the worry just totally did me in. thank you again.:grouphug::grouphug:
  4. UPDATE: Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. Her hemoglobin is 7.1 so it is moving up in very increments but up is better than down. Her doctor would like 12. She is very very tired, but hanging in there with breastfeeding. She got out of bed today and walked a few steps. Her heartrate is much lower (97) and her blood pressure is normal. Her doctor (who I adore) is extremely cautious and told her he doesn't think she will go home till the end of the week AND then only if either my sister or I take on the job of 'nurse' and go stay at stacey's house. I had actually been tweaking my friday and weekend schedule to do just that if stacey and her husband wanted me to go and stay there so I'm glad her doctor said it's non-negotiable. I can be certain that she stays in bed and does nothing except nurse the baby - I can also keep her a**hat in-laws away. ROFL!!!!!!! Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming -- I know we are seeing positive results because of those.:grouphug: photo of Regina Quinn is below. She arrived on 9/9 at 11:11am. She weighed 6lbs and 10 oz and is 20 inches long. She is just perfect. The sweetest temperment. My daughter, Stacey, began to bleed out in the OR after the c-section. She remains very weak, and is being watched closely. She has received a blood transfusion (yesterday) and we are waiting on her latest blood test results to see if she will have another tonight. Regina Quinn is nursing well which is good for stacey as it is helping her uterus contract. My two older grand daughters, Allison and Emily, saw the baby yesterday afternoon and were enthralled with her. My son in law is off from his teaching job till October 15, which is a good thing b/c I see it taking a while for Stacey to get back on her feet. I drove to NJ just before midnight saturday -- by the time i arrived home here last night, I had gone 39 hours without sleep and had spent 10 of those hours driving. I napped long and hard today, and I anticipate an early night tonight. Stacey is going to try to get some sleep she tells me -- she still cannot eat and she is hoping that by this time tomorrow they will let her have some jello or liquids. I have decided that if hospitals had cash bars in their family waiting rooms, this country would be able to fund health care for ALL. I dauwatched many families have a lot of drama for quite a few hours.:glare: good thoughts, positive wishes and prayers are much appreciated for Stacey's full recovery. thank you
  5. it would be worth it only if the only place i could said items was at TJ and I was going to lay in a supply. My haunts are wegman's, WF, and TJs. It would have to be worth my time.:)
  6. You can do this. dh and i did a gorgeous, elegant wedding on a shoestring in 9 weeks. your dd sounds like a wonderful young woman with a good head on your shoulders. And for you, SPANX!;)
  7. Sharenet has info about most if not all of them.:) we started compass last week.
  8. Just my .02 -- the co-op where we are taking classes one day a week (algebra/geometry, us history, and chemistry) b/c this particular co-op has a reputation for being meat and not fluff, offered Mandarin this year for the first time in addition to their regular offerings of Spanish, French, Latin, German. Mandarin was booked with a waiting list so long, they scheduled two additional classes and still had a waiting list. The other classes (span, french, german, latin) have their usual numbers. I was speaking with a school psychologist and she said that on her radar, Mandarin is the new 'IT' class - at least here in NoVa. Where I have to say, it is probably going to be as useful in an ER as Spanish is - and I am not being sarcastic.
  9. One year ago today, the Donaldson family lost their beautiful, brighter than bright, twelve year old son, Jack, in a flash flood in Vienna, Virginia. The link to the thread I posted on 9/14 is below. Here is a link to Anna, Jack's mom, at 'listen to your mother' blog readings in DC this past Spring. Anna continues to inspire me with her strength, graciousness, and faith. The youtube videos of all the bloggers who participated went up yesterday -- If you can take the 7 minutes to hear Anna's reading, it is definitely with the time. My dh just watched this - my kids cannot believe it has been a year AND still cannot believe that Jack is gone. I totally understand why Anna has named this a 'crapiversary.' I thought that Thursday was bad being the actual 'day' in day/week/month time. Today is much worse - I actually don't care how i feel today, I so wish that all positive thoughts, etc be sent to Anna, Tim and Margaret -- I cannot imagine their feelings today. I would so appreciate it (and many of you have already fb'd me telling me that you are doing this) good thoughts, prayers, blue ribbons, on behalf of the Donaldson family today -- and I know that the Donaldson family cherishes these gestures as well. Thanks!:grouphug: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=310142&highlight=drowned
  10. This is what we call it here. It goes like this: everyone take a five minute break: bathroom, drink, whatever. And then right back here because we are at the POINT OF NO RETURN which means we are over the worst of it. ONWARD!!!!!
  11. Thank you for this -- my niece is a juilliard opera graduate and we all try to keep on top of opera things.
  12. i don't care for it -- it plays every night when i am watching frasieer re-runs. the one that i really hate - not trying to hijack - is the Christian Mingle Dating Service commercial.
  13. The warm compresses will definitely give her relief. DS had one when he was little that was so stubborn, he had to be put on antibiotics.
  14. in red, then that is your story. go with the name you love!:)
  15. well, when she gets tired of you agreeing with her, she can take a rest from you and get tired of me agreeing with her.;)
  16. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: DH does all that in our house -- i wish nothing to do with it. but here's a funny: my parents married when they were very young. my dad was in the navy and they lived in Hawaii. My dad handled all the finances. Well, at some point,after he paid all the bills, there were checks bouncing all over the place. My mom took the checkbook to see what had happened. He had added the date into the balance. My mom took over the finances from that day on.:D
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