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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. Thank you all so much! Your assessment means so much to me! I typically err on the side of *itchiness -- I am thrilled that you all don't think I did that. Thank you again!
  2. the twins will be 12 in october -- they are shocked every.single.morning when I tell them to make their beds and brush their teeth.:glare:
  3. Thank you. Yes, and my concern was that it would look like I had dropped the ball. You message me and I will be happy to help you -- why do people think that the 'home' in homeschool means we are sitting at home doing nothing?????:confused: Thank you -- that is precisely what my concern was -- in fact, as soon as I sent the email, I sent it again to everyone in the group who he informed that I was looking into getting live music. THAT way there is no question that I did what I was tasked to do.
  4. Thank you -- my dh is going to tell me I should have ignored it and not responded, but I cannot do that.:)
  5. typically when I sign up or volunteer for something I am going to get the job done no matter what......and I mean that......no matter what! However, three weeks ago, dh and I attended a parent meeting as we had indicated interest in helping with Youth Ministry through our Church. I volunteered to post an event announcement on the group's FB page (I did that), and volunteered to offer some marketing suggestions to increase attendance at the event. I spent an entire day (that's right - 8 hours) two weeks ago researching, reading, and providing to the youth ministry leader my suggestions regarding increasing attendance. My suggestion was live music (it's an outdoor fun fest). I contacted a local, fairly well known Christian band who happened to be not only affordable but had the date open. The documents, contracts, riders were sent to me and the youth group leader. I have no authority to sign/authorize any of it which is fine with me. I expressed to the leader that time was a factor and within 48 hours the band (whose leader is one of the nicest people with whom to communicate) would require an answer as they received other inquiries. Youth leader tells me he doesn't think so. ok. I ask why (because I am curious) - no response. I have to tell the band that they can release the date as we will not be moving forward but hope to be able to speak with them again in the future. Youth leader emails me 12 days after I have originally presented the idea to him and asks if I think we can get the band.:001_huh: Tells me he has been really busy with alot on his plate (and who isn't?) and maybe we should try to sign the band now. Below is the email I just sent him -- I didn't want to be snarky or nasty, but I wanted to be clear that this ship has sailed for me and I am not spending another nanosecond on it. Hi, X: Attached is the information regarding the live music -- This was originally sent to both of us on 8/14. You will have to contact xxxxxxxxxxx directly regarding availability. xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Band xxx-xxx-xxxx http://www.facebook.com/nameofband He is incredibly accessible and an amazingly gracious, friendly person; communicating with him via email and facebook was a pleasure. My advice would be to get on this right away if you are still interested in live music at the xxxevent.
  6. Are the female meteorologists all wearing 'red?':confused: Here, when there is 'weather news' (accu-panic), they are all wearing red.
  7. This reminds me of an article I read a few years ago in a 'kitchen' magazine. The couple went to purchase a new kitchen faucet. The new faucet made the sink look shabby, so a new sink was next..and then new countertops......and then cabinets.....and you get the idea.;)
  8. When our house was first going on the market, the contractor still had a dumpster in the driveway -- i cannot tell you how much 'We might need this someday' crap went into tht dumpster. THAT was 18 months ago. You know what, if we need it, and it it's gone, we will go buy it again. Chances are whatever it is, it's at Radio Shack and costs less than $10.
  9. tidbits of crap go into a black heft trash bag and into the refuse container and taken to the curb. DH hates that I do things like that, but it's the only way to keep ahead of this stuff.
  10. Some of this is starting to make sense -- last week, I was dropping off forms in the office of the local middle school and a mom and her son were meeting with someone in the office getting his paper work together. They had recently relocated here from Tennessee. The mom was questioning the admin. about the absence policy here in no. va. The mom was saying that under certain circumstances and with a certain amount of absences (I think a doctor's note was involved - I wasn't totally eavesdropping - just about 60% ;)) the student would be fined and if the fine wasn't paid, grades would not be released at the end of the year. The admin was trying to conceal her astonishment that this was an actual practice someplace.
  11. Michael's has Buy One-Get One Free frames. I am framing things from 1st and 2nd grade (my kids are 6th and 8th) and I am framing pre-K and K and elementary school art work from dd33 and dd32.
  12. :iagree::iagree::iagree: and heaven is opening the garage door, backing up a 1-800-got-junk truck, writing a check and sending it on its way.;)
  13. :iagree: I can hear dirt, so I cannot tolerate any. Visually, I don't want to see lots of 'stuff' - at least not in my house. It doesn't bother me at all in someone else's house, in fact I rather like it. If done right, it is homey and attractive and lovely. And, I sit and soak it in, but am perfectly fine to go back to my own home and enjoy the lack of clutter. It's really a personal thing for me -- I like the look of comfortably lived in..........I just like it in someone else's house. I wish having small things around didn't make me nuts.
  14. Jennifer -- i have to say that thinking back on the st. maarten fiasco, while we had no electricity and no water - for a week till we were able to get to San Juan, a big problem can be downed trees that prevent one from getting to the stores for water and food. So, on that note, I would find a walmart or target and get water, a cooler case, ice, pb&j or whatever your kids will eat that won't spoil, a deck of cards, ALOT of stuff for you to drink ;), and be safe rather than sorry. Sometimes it's not high water or anything like that, it's what the wind brings down so if you have what you need and can stay put if you need to, it's not unpleasant. :grouphug:
  15. :iagree: It doesn't hurt to have flashlights and stuff like that, but finding those at this point might be difficult so i don't think i would go crazy. We were in a category 5 hurricame in St. Maarten with dd13 when she was 7 mos old. Can you say NIGHTMARE????? Since then we travel like totally neurotic, freaked out, weather-phobic nerds -- we were scarred for life from that one. Isaac I understand is a tropical storm and really, we have nor'easters that are probbaly worse than him. Hunker down - enjoy. Oh, and yes, you are correct. The day before Hurricane Lenny hit St. Maarten, we went to the Butterfly Farm on St. Maarten -- we were the only ones there -- us and the butterflies. Anyone with a brain in their head was at the airport selling their first born male sons for a seat out of there. Oh, and the butterflies -- I am sure they fared worse than us.:glare:
  16. Sounds like you did an excellent job. Will be thinking of all of you!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  17. I don't think it's nuts -- I think it's wonderful that you are caring for your sister's cat and the cat has bonded with you.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  18. I was going to come back here and ask if food was one of the languages and if not, why not? It is DEFINITELY my dh's language of love.....that and 'listening' as in being a captive audience while he does his information dump.
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