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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. One of my older dds had a similar situation when she was 5 and in private school. It was a bullying issue we learned, she was placed in the other K class, and in a matter of minutes, all was fine. Had her distress continued, I would have removed her from the school.our Six years old is still quite young -- all a young child knows at that age is that they are unhappy -- i say this alot here so please forgive me, all other things considered, her little voice needs to be heard. My mom kept me in school in first grade and I was miserable - i had the meanest first grade teacher on the planet - i am not exagerrating. It was a private school, and my mom had no intention of removing me from the school. I remember it like it was yesterday, and by third grade, I was suffering from colitis - I became an incredibly nervous child from that year in that classroom with no one listening to me that I wanted out.
  2. d.a. -- CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK -- see above. There probably aren't many of us who wouldn't be able to say that above statement honestly with our own 'how not to be a parent' words in red. Me? I yelled for years - not an iota of patience -- took me forever to realize i was doing what my mom did (she truly should not have had kids) and don't even get me started on the other stuff - the sarcasm, and everything else. You at least have a physiological basis - your kids know that you love them -- that's important. Be kind to yourself. (((hugs)))
  3. Language will have to be added regarding the baby's temperature, etc. :glare:
  4. Hi, Chris: DD13 started today,and we somehow managed to survive locker night. :glare: Anyway, dd loved her first day of school - she is so excited! Hope your dd has a great first day as well.:D
  5. The b1 injections have been the difference between dd32 being practically an invalid, and her running and working out at the gym and being pain free.:grouphug:
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You know, sometimes the issue with the cats is that some litter gets stuck in their paws, and when the cat is carried or picked up, contact occured. Praying, Jean.
  7. We used the bell with our puppy who is 5 months old. We have this big old bell (an exagerrated version of the bell one rings on a counter top for service) -- i bought it at homegoods. We would ring the bell everytime we put his leash on him to go out. After a few times of that, we would take his paw and 'help' him ring the bell when we put the leash on him. He began going to the bell by himself after a few weeks i think. He was also helped by the fact that we have a 4 yr old hound and whenever the hound would let us know he had to go out, we would take the puppy too (and ring the bell). My dh read about the bell thing after googling it.:001_smile:
  8. Sounds wonderful! Priceless that you and your grand daughter can have this time together. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: And, yes, sounds like she keeps you on your toes. Your daughter is blessed to have you for her mom!!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:You, DA, should have someone bragging about you!;)
  9. Thought of you during the night and i wanted to toss this out in case you haven't tried it or heard of it: Vitamin B1 injections -- apparently can work wonders on fibro pain -- taken daily.
  10. I think it is fine for you to sell to the local person - many people now put that the item goes to the first person who gets there. I have to agree, it is a kind of gray area.
  11. Well, as the parent, you still have to make the final determination as to whether or not what the therapist says is appropriate for your kid. You have the final word. Nothing wrong with asking the therapist what his/her 'next' suggestion is.
  12. :iagree::iagree::iagree: a new bike route is necessary - even if it mean putting the bike in the car and riving someplace so he can ride and get the time he needs. This other situation clearly is not working, and it is fairly clear that no manipulation of the situation is going to make it work.
  13. When my dd32 was so ill I thought she was going to die and we had no idea what was going on, my sister (the M.D.) told me it was all in dd's head and she needed to get a job and start putting 'food on the table.' 8 years later, we learned it is Ehlers-Danlos. And, yes, my sister is one of those people who thinks that fibro is a catch all diagnosis for: there's nothing wrong with you.:glare:
  14. Heather -- you probably should go back. and, ftr, recovery from pneumonia requires lots of rest and the cough typically lingers for awhile. (((hugs)))
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