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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. I love this -- our new house had been planned and prepped for the architect who worked on it -- the commute to his wife's place of business was undoable, however, and we bought the house -- brand new, never lived in, and every room painted in amazingly beautiful and coordinating colors -- NOW I understand how they did it. Thank you.
  2. Hmmmm, I am beginning to come to a conclusion as to where all the 'one sandwich shy of a picnic' neighbors live.............
  3. Kristin -- Congrats on your pregnancy -- (((hugs))) My sister recently retired from an OB practice - a large practice for the location. Neither she nor any of the doctors in the practice had any idea what the billing person was saying to people on the phone. All of the MDs assumed that everything was humming along perfectly well....that's what the admin staff was supposed to be doing....keeping everything rolling along. Long story short, the young woman who was my hair stylist at the time called to make an OB appointment - she did not have insurance. Her family was wealthy -- small farming town, her family owned much of the land in town, tons of $$$. The practice would not give her an appointment, per the billing manager, b/c she and her dh did not have insurance. The young woman said they would pay the entire amount in full, up front, cash - not matter what the practice asked for. Billing manager said no. A few weeks later, I go in for a hair cut, she is visibly pg and the first words out of her mouth were: 'Wait till you hear what your sister's billing manager told me on the phone.' Well, the damage was done - I did tell my sister and she was horrified - & tried to make amends but it was too late. I actually had to find someone else someplace else to cut my hair b/c every time I went, she would go on and on about how amazing her doctors were..and tell ridiculous stories about how they had 'cured' this woman and that woman. I understand how hurt she was and how belittling the billing person's actions were to her -- my point being: attempt to get in touch with your doctor - explain as briefly yet completely as you can. In a practice as large as the one your doctor is in, they have a policy and in order to maintain a process, the admin staff is probably not going to deviate from it. I daresay that your circumstances are extenuating and i hope you are able to communicate the situation to your doctor with a favorable conclusion. (((hugs)))
  4. :iagree::iagree:I've had broken toes twice in my life -- the above is precisely what you will be told in the ER.
  5. I get all of my ideas from magazines OR i google what I am looking for and search in images.:001_smile:
  6. praying for a joyous outcome. :grouphug::grouphug:
  7. In my own personal experience when I have raised the price, it has not worked. Look at the comps, see how you are priced in comparison. Sometimes, you might be priced just right but there is a limited pool of buyers and it's a preference thing. I have found this to work (as much as I hated doing it): DH and I, on the advice of our agent, took our home off the market for 6 mos so the 'days on market' would reset to '0'. We put it back on the market about 7 months after taking it off and it sold in three weeks. We put it back on at the price it had been - no lowering necessary, and in our market (a very active one), raising the price would have been foolish. HTH ETA: Totally didn't think to address major additions or improvements when raising the price.....dh and I had a house on the market in 2001 -- one year old home, gorgeous house, TDF neighborhood. 9/11 happened and the market went flat -- we kept our house on the market, hired a builder to finish the lower level into a rec room, had the front and backyard sodded and put in an irrigation system, and we fenced in our very nice backyard. We documented the $ spent on the improvements (which was about $20k) and we raised our price $10k. We ended up with two offers both for our asking price.
  8. :iagree: If their homepage looks more like a website for a spa than a physician's office, that's probably not where you want to go.
  9. I agree -- with my mom's history though, i am relieved that i got into the office today and now i can wait for the biopsy.:)
  10. Well, i have been sending layette items for the past 8 weeks -- and i ordered an organic crib mattress and had that shipped last week. And, sunday was the baby shower, in NJ, and i really could not attend so I sent a gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers and pink balloons. And, i have washed hooded towels and washcloths sitting on my dining room table and three more little outfits and two more things so you don't have to put a snowsuit on the baby when he/;she is in the carseat -- i will send those tomorrow. I'm ready!;)
  11. awww, thank you -- yes, i would like good news. I'm glad i went in as soon as i saw it.:001_smile:
  12. update: Doctor called it 'actinic keratosis' -- (sounds like something that a little mouthwash and flossing would take care of ) - I think less than 1% of them are cancerous - b/c my mom had squamous cell cancer a few years ago, the decision was made to get rid of this today and i will go back in two weeks for a follow up and skin check. Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts --:grouphug:
  13. Hmmmmmm...... Picture frame Holiday (Christmas) Stretchie or outfit or jammies -- 'Baby's First Christmas' -- ornament for the tree Barnes and Noble -- gift card with a 'book and character' set
  14. When you find a good one, you stick with them. I am glad you are noticing improvement -- you might try ice pops/italian ice as a better tasting way to stay hydrated.:grouphug:
  15. on a doctor's website or 'find a doctor' websites.:glare: After reading 10 reviews, it is still probably a crapshoot as to whether or not one's experience will be positive and to their liking. Except the one office that 20-some odd people hated. :001_huh: I did stay away from them. That's all.:banghead:
  16. :iagree:Thank you for the reassurance-- :001_smile: -- I am thinking the same. I go today at 2pm -- :auto:
  17. Not a skin tag -- i know what those look like. It's 8:30, the office if open -- i will get an appointment and update here later. Thank you all for sharing and helping to ease my mind.:001_smile:
  18. I know. :glare: Going to get showered and dressed and be ready to call for an appointment at 8:30.:D
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