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Everything posted by MariannNOVA

  1. Oh, heather!!! Praying he is okay and you all can relax. Now, that Xanax info is quite interesting!;)
  2. Totally agree. Right now it is the grand parents......what about when one has to stand up to situations in pre school or elementary....or further down the road if the grand parents do something that will require swift and reasonable action. I have....errrr.....an issue with people who think they can continue doing the same thing over and over again and are then surprised when the result is the same as it had always been. I think it is great, da, that you are there for your dd and supportive. However, while law school and the rest are fine plans, that doesn't change this situation, and I don't see how your dd's plan that you articulated here addresses any of the issues in your original post. I am not trying to be harsh...just realistic.
  3. Accidentally deleted what I had written to you. I will rewrite.
  4. I just saw this, DA. I am commenting now -- I agree with everything I copied above. And, this is what I would do: screw the cost, and I mean it. GET THE BIGGEST FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY SHARK YOU CAN FIND!!! Get rid of that inane 'anyone can pick up baby if father is busy' clause. THAT is nonsense. If dd is the victim of anything here, she is the victim of an attorney perhaps neglecting to tellher THAT clause was not in her best interest or the baby's. LAWYER UP!!!!! Spend the money now and save yourself alot of momney and heartache later on. Think of it as the grandparents being a cancer -- you can cut them out a little at a time every year or so, or freaking get rid of them once and for all. They are bullying your dd -- stop it now. And you dd is young and has no idea how to traverse these waters.......get mama bear big time, get a lawyer with claws. Oh, and if that failed, I would find out of state family and dd and baby would be living with them and going to school there. And, yes that can be done. delete this after you have read it.:grouphug: I bolded and put in red and black what your dd has to keep in mind -- she is under no obligation legally (except for that stupid clause) to accomodate these people. Get rid of that clause -- hit the father where it hurts - in the wallet -- as far as she is concerned, in a state that doesn't recognize grandparent rights, they don't exist.
  5. Congrats!!! I heard it was because he wore his lucky Edmonton Oilers t-shirt!!!!!! :party:
  6. Same here with DD11 (turning 12 next week).
  7. I love it. I cried when the husband held the baby, and when Joe died. I laughed out loud when the cratchety nun set up the date. It's become my new appointment tv show -- I actually mnissed it at 8, caught it at midnight, and learned that it repeated again at 4pm yesterday. CTM and Homeland -- my two new shows!:001_smile:
  8. :grouphug: first of all, you are not obsessing -- you have alot on your plate and of course you are upset. Be kind to yourself. :grouphug: my oldest broke her her hip when she was 11 -- fractured it in three places - totally non weight bearing for almost a year. It was like having an infant at first, but then we figured out what she could and could not by herself. As far as two broken arms (OUCH!), there are covers you can get at the orthopods office so he can shower/bath and not worry about water. In the beginning, you will have to do more for him,but as days go by, you will both figure out stuff that he can do alone. I wouldn't worry about being far behind in school -- my dd13 is in public school this year, and I will never again fear that her younger siblings and I are getting behind -- and she is in all honors classes. :glare: I think that your main concern here is you (yes! you!) Be forthright and honest with your doc and if you thinnk you need something to help you, ask the doct what he/'she thinks. Dealing with the loss of your doc by itself is plenty to deal with and you have other stuff going on as well. :grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Cleanest: my mom........heaven help the person who put footprints on the rug -- she would pull out the vacuum and get rid of the footprints immediately. I'm not psycho about it, but my house is clean. The worst: one of my mom's aunts. Good grief. May she rest in peace, but there is not a hoarders show that has anything on her.
  10. :grouphug: My daughter and her husband learned of their first loss at 26 weeks on 10/15 two years ago. They suffered another late loss about 10 months later. They were lighting candles and doing a balloon launch tonight. Thoughts and prayers with everyone who has experienced this terrible sadness.:grouphug:
  11. Jeannie -- Thought of you last week with our gorgeous weather and remembering how the first year dh and I were married, we lived in a beach house on 42nd and whatever the heck the beach road name is (I cannot believe that I cannot remember it - is it Central Av?):confused::confused::confused: Anyway, the month of October, I sat on the beach during the day for HOURS, sometimes with a blanket, sometimes without, and read and napped. GLORIOUS!!!!! Fyi, a friend told me that oil of geranium is a nice additive to a bucket of hot water and a cleaning solution (but not bleach) -- but I would of course first check and make sure it is okay for your cats (friend has puppies).:)
  12. I agree -- I need an I Agree with an angry face - stupid AFA. FWIW, my dd13 is in 8th grade at the public middle school - this is her first year ever in public school. She was asked to be a Peer Mediator and thus was quite involved with Mix It Up Day.....getting the lunch room set up, etc. Peer Mediators and others were given ice breaker questions and when they sat as 'facilitators' with tables of kids who did not know each other, well, they were to break the ice. For dd13, she was placed in 7th grade lunch for that day, and she said it was such a positive experience for her and for the 7th graders she met. The 7th graders at dd's table spoke openly about how it feels to be a 7th grader - the new kids in school and at the bottom of the totem pole. They had a million questions for dd13 about being homeschooled, how she likes public school,k which does she like better, and on and on.They also spoke about how similar being a 7th grader and being a new 8th grader is -- (this school has a large number of military families so new 8th graders are not uncommon). My husband and I were extremely pleased with the effort and outcome -- the AFA needs a kick in the pants! ETA: Mix it up day at dd's school is done as part of an anti-bullying effort and the questions and discussions are themed that way.
  13. I would look on ebay, craigslist; look in Tuesday Morning if you have one, and believe it or not, I have found them in WalMart. I used to put them in the Treasure Box when I was a classroom teacher -- i would find them in WalMart. TJ MAxx and Marshall's.
  14. Welcome Back! The trip sounds amazing......and that is an understatement!:)
  15. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Hmmmmmmm? Perhaps testing needs to be done for Board Performance Enhancing Substances?????
  16. DD13 has been in 8th grade for 9 or 10 weeks now......:confused: It is going well - she loves it......she loves desks, lockers, raising your hand, schedules, routines, bells....she loves every minute of it.
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