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Everything posted by LLMom

  1. Sadly, my granddaughter lives 16 hours away so only a few times a year. If she were closer, I would see her a lot more. She is my first, and it has been so hard having her far away. :mellow:
  2. Check out the requirements. I would let him if they will accept everything. It is good he wants to take responsibility for his education and choices.
  3. After Christmas last year, I had 4 in school and one at home. It worked fine, although the one at home really wanted to attend school functions. We did have to keep the school schedule, but that was not hard for us.
  4. I put 2 of my children in school after Christmas last year. Yes, ask about supplies and read the handbook. Are they prepared as in do they know how to take tests, study for them, etc? 9 weeks may not be enough time to adjust and make that decision, but you can take a wait and see approach. I found it took the full semester to get in a good swing, learn all the school ropes, and adjust to learning in a classroom environment.
  5. What about just covering the basics, math and reading for the rest of this week and then call it quits. Do some fun things for Christmas if you are up for it (special books, games, movies, crafts, baking) Your kids are young. The oldest can start back on independent work soon after the baby is born. Take care of yourself.
  6. :grouphug: I am so sorry. Bipolar is a wicked disease. My 21 year old son was diagnosed with it several years ago. Life has been a living hell. My son, too was 18 when he was diagnosed. It feels so helpless because they need someone to make decisions for them, but our hands are tied. And you are not dumb to think it would get better. You want to hope, you have to hope. I get not wanting to let her back. If you need to PM me, please do. My dh and I had such a hard time with that decision, but I will be happy to share privately with you about it.
  7. Whatever recipe you use, add almond extract if it doesn't have it. It make them the best!
  8. I agree with not helping them. People have to take responsibility at some point and if people are always bailing them out, they won't. It might be a different situation if one had just lost a job or there was a serious accident or something, but they are just not spending wisely from your description.
  9. We both allow and encourage our teens to work. It really boost their maturity and responsibility, and they need the money since we have a large family with a single income. My children start working at places like fast food/grocery stores at 16, and earlier than that they house sit, mow lawns, babysit, etc.
  10. I didn't do AAR pre-reading but have used AAR 1 and 2 and really like them.
  11. Yes, a middle child but not typical in the sense at all. My sister and brother (oldest and youngest) were the trouble makers and scatter brains. I am highly organized, punctual, etc. I never really thought about how birth order might affect homeschooling.
  12. I finally published my ebook on my journey of sending my children to school after homeschooling. I hope it is a help to others.

    1. bodiesmom


      Congratulations! I'm sure it will be a great help to many!

    2. LLMom
  13. Our kitty jumps (not just stands) on her 2 back legs and begs for food like a dog. Actually, she is a lot like a dog in other ways.
  14. I am sorry you are having a hard time. The first year is hard, and probably more so when children have previously been in school. I don't think it is a matter of the wrong curriculum or the wrong method. It just is an adjustment period so anything will be hard at first. And as wonderful as homeschool blogs and forums are, some women find it hard to read them because they fall into the comparison trap or begin to believe learning must be fun at all cost. (raising hand, I was guilty of this for many years. :closedeyes:) Try to be kind to yourself, realizing this is an adjustment time. Maybe back off and do just the basics and get in a good flow.
  15. As others have said, It doesn't matter which caused it; you just need to get help. There are so many things you can do for yourself like eating well, sleeping, exercising, etc, but a visit to the doctor would be good to check things out as well as a therapist.
  16. I had my dc doing their own laundry, but life got too busy so I mostly do it now. I have them do it during breaks and summer so they know how to do it. They are responsible for getting their dirty clothes to the proper place to be washed. I don't go searching for soccer uniforms, work clothes, etc. I have had several kids learn this the hard way, but they only had to wear a dirty uniform once to learn.
  17. I used it for 3 years when I didn't have time to make lesson plans. It was wonderful. I love the Catholicity of it, the rigorous grammar, the detailed lesson plans, the customer service, the online videos/tests/lectures, and I love how they teach kids to write the standard paragraph.
  18. I used and liked both LC I and II because of the DVD component. Maybe FF has that, I don't know. Also, I created some Latin Games you might want to use to help with vocabulary.
  19. Couch to 5K week 3. Eric Goodman core muscles exercises.
  20. I am glad it is going well overall. You are right; homeschooling is a full time job. And you are right that there are good public schools out there that are challenging and doing a good job.
  21. My kids hate them, and when I put them on, they always end up bunched up at the end of the bed. Dh and I use one.
  22. How was he at the charter school and how was he about the work? It sounds like what you are doing now with him is easier? Some kids tend to complain more for mom.
  23. I just toured a Great Hearts and I was very impressed. It is too far of a drive from where we are, but I would put mine in if I could. All of the kids and teachers looked happy. I like the curriculum.
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