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Everything posted by LLMom

  1. I have 2 friends that I have known for 15 years (both long time homeschoolers). We were each other's support most of those years. One put her children into school, but we vowed to keep a connection and we did because we had been friends for so long. We didn't see her nearly as much because of differences in schooling choices, but we still got together occasionally. I think it depends on how close the relationship is. Since ours had been so long, I think that made the difference. Now, all 3 of us have our dc in school so we are seeing each other a lot again.
  2. What about paper goods until maybe she has had some time to "forget" about it or change to something else. Pack the others away for now. My dad had Alzheimer's. He did some really weird things, but they came and went in phases. Hopefully she gets out of this one quickly.
  3. Special needs and mental illness are so hard. I have both. I became too burnt out to do any kind of schooling because of both of these issues in my children. High school has not been a success with the 2 I did homeschool all the way through. One child in particular likes to remind me of that. :crying: Take care of yourself. What does your dh think?
  4. Mine were tired, but since they have been in 2 weeks, they seemed to have adjusted. It does take time to get in the swing of things.
  5. Things will smooth out. What seems to be stupid things to homeschoolers are sometimes necessary for brick and mortar school but not all.
  6. Once they start driving. We also have one well hidden outside for those that don't drive but may be dropped off by a friend.
  7. When you mean give up sugar are you talking about dessert types of things or all sugar like those in processed foods that we don't think about (ketchup, dressings, crackers, etc) and fruits, drinks, etc.? I want to cut out the dessert types of sugar, but not so much the other kinds. I don't have a weight problem; in fact, I am quite thin, but I eat way too many emotional desserts. :huh: I want to feel better since I am prone to anxiety and depression.
  8. I'm right there too. It is awful. :grouphug:
  9. I have feet of a reptile. It is terrible. I am going to have to try some of these things. Thanks!
  10. My busiest part of the day is from 3:30 until bedtime. But there is all of the down time before that. Yes, I am doing the same things I was before like laundry and cooking (I avoid the cleaning asap :blush:). I am trying not to feel guilty for enjoying my quiet, but my severely introverted self needs to soak it up.
  11. Most of my children never liked school and especially my boys. It took me many years to come to grips with that. I wanted them to love to learn, I felt like I was failing because it is really touted in the homeschool world that one of the advantages of homeschooling is they keep that love of learning. I tried every approach known to man and to make school fun but no luck. They just wanted to get through it and move on to whatever they enjoyed.
  12. How many of you have homeschooled before and now have your dc in school? What did you do once your children went to school? Work, stay-at-home mom (If so what did you do to replace the teaching time)? I am new at this no kids to homeschool. I am not going to work this school year; it is my year of rest, but I am not sure what will fill my time besides the obvious things like cooking, cleaning, laundry, picking up kids after school, etc.
  13. On the days we come straight home (no after school activities) I let them choose the order of doing things. Most of the time, they play first, have a snack, wind down. After supper, they are doing homework and chores. I read a loud to them before bed. This is our "after schooling." I pick the read a loud (a classic) and we read and discuss it. They shower, get things ready for the next day and go to bed (littles 8:30, middle 9:30 and bigs 10:00)
  14. I am great at planning and making lists too; it is the follow through that is difficult for me. I lack motivation to actually do it. I'm a bit lazy and something like the computer, reading, or playing games is so much more fun. Self-control and lack of desire especially when it comes to the unpleasant stuff like mopping and cleaning the fridge.
  15. candle making, soap making, refinishing/restoring old furniture, biking, hiking, home made gifts, making jewelry, photography
  16. I homeschooled just one last year. It was a joy in that I finally had some alone time with my youngest child (of 7). Both of us enjoyed that. I also liked that I didn't feel rushed because there wasn't someone else to get to. This allowed us lots of hands on projects, field trips, and spur of the moment things. The down side was that she became lonely because she was used to her siblings being around to play with. She wanted me to play with her after school time which I did a bit, but there are other things mom has to get done. Another factor in her loneliness is that we live in a small town that doesn't have many homeschoolers. She is in school this year with everyone else. Enjoy your alone time with this child! It is special.
  17. 7 of the 9 in my family (myself, dh and 7 dc) have blue eyes, dark brown hair, and dark skin. (very French) We have one blue-eyed lefty. People think he is Hispanic until they see his sky blue eyes.
  18. I think her article is too simplistic. Some moms need to put children in school, many high school age children want to go to school, but none of this means we are giving up and are quitters. Homeschooling is not always best, and mothers who determine this don't need to feel like failures.
  19. These are my reasons plus I was/am severely burnt out and wasn't the mom I want/need to be. Anyone can be a child's teacher, but I am their only mom.
  20. I think if they can read and comprehend then they don't have to enjoy it. Of my 7, only 2 love to read. The rest got their father's distaste for reading. :huh: I have a hard time understanding that because reading is like breathing to me. It used to really bother me until I realized everyone is not the same.
  21. I tried the natural routes, and they didn't work for me. I finally (after a year) tried meds and they were great. Just keep an open mind. Natural ways help some but not always.
  22. I think it is staged and funny. I used to feel that way about moms who sent their kids to school. But now that I am in their shoes, I understand. For a highly introverted person, constant children (or anyone) can be very difficult. Sometimes we are better moms when we aren't their teacher and when we aren't with them 24/7. That can't be selfish if it is real.
  23. Three of my 7 are like this. One is an adult and no longer lives at home and is still sucking the life out of me when he can, but he is mentally ill. It can be draining. Make sure you take time to recharge.
  24. Yes, it is hard. I have 3 teens under my roof right now along with 2 tweens.
  25. Mine don't go to public school but private and most of these things have been true for us. The exhaustion and learning to be organized have been hardest for most of my dc. But like kids do, they adjust well. We adults tend to have a harder time with stuff.
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