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Everything posted by LLMom

  1. That does seem insane. How do those parents who work outside of the home do it? Are you close enough to walk them to school? Or like someone above said, drop them off on a street close and let them walk the rest of the way?
  2. what about K12 teacher? I think you can work mostly from home. Tutoring is another option as well as teaching at a homeschool coop or hybrid school.
  3. Mine started today. I am worried about my dyslexic 4th grader. She is very shy and unsure of herself. All of my other children did fine academically and socially last year and I was so worried.
  4. I was an introvert homeschooling parent but not anymore. Just an introvert
  5. You would need a lot of them. Also, they teach that some sounds have 2or whaterever number of letters but only one sound so that is why they have sounds like ay or igh on one tile. They say the one sound as they move their finger. It might be hard to say while having to move your finger across 3 seperate letters.
  6. My curly girl daughter had hers go stick straight with her first pregnancy. She wants her curls back! Mine never changed that way; I just lost handfuls of hair and had these irritating little hairs grow back around my forehead. I looked like a 5 year old who had taken scissors to their bangs.
  7. I left my 10 year old that long. I start leaving them for short periods of time (less than an hour) at 9. Never been a problem. It makes my kids feel grown up to have that independence.
  8. We get pink eye every year, at least once. Almost every time, the home remedies have not worked. The drops make a significant difference in just a day or two.
  9. It will take time for everyone to adjust to it all. It can be a bit overwhelming to a homeschooled student to go into a brick and mortar school. I tried to give tips to my kids but only when asked or if they appeared flustered. It took a few weeks to get used to getting up early. They were exhausted for that time and would come home and just veg out. But like children do, the adjusted quickly.
  10. I just keep thinking toilet paper will be next. It's crazy. Never brought that kind of stuff to school when I was a kid.
  11. I hope your dc has a good experience. It has been wonderful for our family. Middle school and high school were so hard for me.
  12. Most of mine didn't like them. I thought it would be a fun way to learn. Mine were a "just let's get through with this" type so they could play.
  13. I wish I had kept up my hobbies and possibly a part-time job at least some of the time. I am at a loss as what to do now that I am putting all of mine in school this year. I know I won't have a job outside of the home for at least a year. I need some down time from homeschooling 19 years. But I have no idea what I want to do because my degree is in early childhood, and I do not want to teach. I also wished I would have put my oldest son in school.
  14. Alternative things did not work for me. Wellbutrin along buspar have helped me for depression and anxiety. I tried Lexapro and Celexia and both made me want to sleep all day, gained weight, and severely decreased my libido and abilities. Wellbutrin has the opposite affect on me: I have a lot of energy, lost weight although I don't need to and gave my husband a run for his money. :lol: Sometimes it takes a while to get the right medication and dosage.
  15. Both of you will get used to it. It just takes time. Some of my kids had a hard time adjusting to getting up early, but they did. I wouldn't push on talking either. She will probably open up soon.
  16. It is a hard decision to make, and I know some kids really crave school with other kids outside the home. Those look like some very good options. I wish more places had things like this. Remember, nothing is permanent.
  17. I would go too. Now I probably wouldn't have said that when my dc were little, but I have learned a lot about myself after 24 years of being a mom. Self-care is so important (not saying you are not doing this) that I would jump at that kind of opportunity.
  18. I will pray for you. My 21 year old son is bipolar and chooses not to be medicated. Life can be a living hell with him at times. I second trying to find a NAMI group. They also have classes they offer to understand mental illness better. I wish I could get my dh to go.
  19. My least favorite weekly chore is mopping. My least favorite occasional chore is cleaning out fridge. I am known not to do it until a science experiment is growing or my MIL is coming to visit. :huh:
  20. Not sure yet. My degree is in teaching and i have had enough of that. I want quiet and someone or something that doesnt talk back.
  21. Sometimes it is harder on the moms. It will probably be a good experience. I completly understand the sadness.
  22. I really wish this option was more widely available especially for core classes.
  23. Thanks. I know what you mean about missing your buddy. My youngest was home with me last year and will be going this year. I will miss her, but she needs to go so we are letting her.
  24. I am sending all 5 of my children to school this fall. Last year, 4 were in. Check out my blog---it is for people like you. I have a lot of posts on feelings moms go through as well as tips for schooly things you may not be used to. Here are a few links to get you started. How to stay connected with your child Benefits of school Preparing homeschooled kids for school Common misunderstandings of children who go to school part 1 and part 2
  25. What are your current local prices for: * a gallon of (dairy) milk? 2.98 * a gallon of almond milk? don't know * a pound of beef? 3.50 * a pound of boneless skinless chicken breasts? 1.00 on sale which is quite frequently * a pound of bananas? .39 c * a head of lettuce? 1.58 romaine * a loaf of wheat bread? 1.88 regular price. It was on sale for .88 c this week. I bought a lot and froze it. * a box of icecream? 4.00 for half gallon store or off brand. Good stuff 5.00 I live in Texas
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