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So *somebody* I know just got tenure... And I'm looking for celebratory ideas...

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"Somebody" is currently out-of-town, so I've got most of a week to figure out some ideas...


But I'd like to express how very pleased and proud I am. :) "Somebody" also has an anniversary coming up the next week, so I need ideas for that *too*...


Anybody? :D (Can you see me bursting with pride?!?)

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How exciting!!!!




Go "somebody"!!!


No ideas. If I ever get tenure, I'm going on a wine tour of France. Yes, another one, because you can't have too many of those. Or maybe a cruise.


Either of those swingable? Which anniversary is it? Does it have a 0 or a 5 at the end? 'Cause you could totally justify it. "Honey, it's our 15th anniversary, AND you got tenure. How could I NOT book a cruise? The travel agent wouldn't take no for an answer."

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Um, a cake? (Totally kidding, but I could not resist after reading ETL.)


Hm...I guess a front-end loading tractor wouldn't be the ne plus ultra like 'tis here...



Roflol! :) Actually, we're going up to my parents almost the instant he gets home, and I emailed them already and suggested we had to at least have cake "or something". My dad called to tell me that "cake" was pretty pathetic in comparison to getting tenure. ;) (He was very, very pleased and proud too.) But dh put in his 6 weeks, and he tells me he has graduated from Eat to Live ;), so there's definitely going to be at least *some* cake involved. (And I think I'll have to plan for my 10% "cheat" to overlap with cake too!...)


And, um, tractor... I think, maybe... Um... Not. ;)

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How exciting!!!!

No ideas. If I ever get tenure, I'm going on a wine tour of France. Yes, another one, because you can't have too many of those. Or maybe a cruise.


Either of those swingable? Which anniversary is it? Does it have a 0 or a 5 at the end? 'Cause you could totally justify it. "Honey, it's our 15th anniversary, AND you got tenure. How could I NOT book a cruise? The travel agent wouldn't take no for an answer."


I bet he would *love* a trip to France, but I think he might strangle me if I spent money on one... And the anniversary is only 9 (he only got his BA ten years ago in May! can you believe it?!?), so not a great excuse for me to really blow the budget... But man it's tempting!


I should at least find a really nice restaurant in town (with lots of wine) and plan for babysitting, etc.. Oh, I *wish* I had endless funds! :) (But the recent house-hunting has proven quite how far from reality *that* is, sigh...)

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...I'm just trying to figure out why you'd go to so much trouble for your neighbor. taunt013.gif

















I say you buy yourselves something you've always wanted for your home (see, all my celebrations have practicality built in), like a leather chair, or...or...a baby grand piano. Then celebrate all over it complete with a bottle of your favorite wine.


Just a thought.



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OK, I hear what you're saying...I really do. :)


But come on! Wasn't it not too long ago that you were talking about how he is always able to surprise you with thoughtful, fabulous gifts and you wished you could return the favor?


Sure, if it were the number 10 this year, that would be awesome. But come on, tenure!?


I say do it - spend the money you don't have and get strangled. Just be sure you're strangled somewhere you want to be. Imagine how wonderful it would be to be strangled on the coast of France! Or better yet, strangled on the islands of Greece. The funds will come later to repay this.


Oh, and you should know that this goes totally against the way we live and handle our money. But my husband wasn't just given tenure. Nor is that in his future. Some things are worth the risk.


Peer pressure, Abbey. Just do it! sign0156.gif (see? Even the smiley agrees with me) :)

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"Somebody" is currently out-of-town, so I've got most of a week to figure out some ideas...


But I'd like to express how very pleased and proud I am. :) "Somebody" also has an anniversary coming up the next week, so I need ideas for that *too*...


Anybody? :D (Can you see me bursting with pride?!?)

Yea and Congratulations! That is very exciting!


We are on the same road, only at the very beginning...graduating w/BAs in May.


I'm with Parisarah...trip to France! Or, maybe just a nice little trip somewhere here...without kids! Whatever you do, you should be a part of the celebration. I am sure there were plenty of sacrifices made by you as well.


Here's to more freedom!

(with regards to his teaching and hopefully financially too!)

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Around here, where I work, nearly everyone celebrates getting tenure with having a baby. It's like it's automatic, get tenure, get bambino. So that's my vote. (Doran would have been more naughty and funny in how she made the recommendation, which would have given you even more wrinkles from laughing, but you see I'm just not Doran - but it's the thought that counts, if you catch my meaning, winkwink!)


There was a dearly beloved music theory professor here who passed away a few years ago. The story came out at his memorial that when he got tenure, he called his mother (naturally) and she, not having had any formal education, asked what the heck "tenure" was. He said, Mom, I never have to look for another job for as long as I live. She actually gasped and burst out, "Well you're not going to take it are you!"


Short of a baby, cake is good. And, uh, any activities that might include the possibility of baby making are good, too.


Hooray, hooray! Congratulations, you two!

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Around here, where I work, nearly everyone celebrates getting tenure with having a baby. It's like it's automatic, get tenure, get bambino. So that's my vote. (Doran would have been more naughty and funny in how she made the recommendation, which would have given you even more wrinkles from laughing, but you see I'm just not Doran - but it's the thought that counts, if you catch my meaning, winkwink!)


There was a dearly beloved music theory professor here who passed away a few years ago. The story came out at his memorial that when he got tenure, he called his mother (naturally) and she, not having had any formal education, asked what the heck "tenure" was. He said, Mom, I never have to look for another job for as long as I live. She actually gasped and burst out, "Well you're not going to take it are you!"


Short of a baby, cake is good. And, uh, any activities that might include the possibility of baby making are good, too.


Hooray, hooray! Congratulations, you two!



This suggestion gets my vote! Now how to make sure he thinks a baby is a gift FOR him, not just for you. ;) We need some statistics, number of professors who have children a year after making tenure, or something. :D

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Around here, where I work, nearly everyone celebrates getting tenure with having a baby. It's like it's automatic, get tenure, get bambino. So that's my vote.


Roflol! That's awesome. ;) Somehow, um, I'm not sure how to convince him that that's the "appropriate" way to celebrate tenure... Maybe Jami's right -- maybe I need some statistics to back this up...

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When my "somebody" finished his PhD, his mother gave me the Kitchen Aid mixer I always wanted. We all know it is the spouse that deserves a big gift for surviving things like dissertations, tenure, etc. ;)


Are you near major airport and have babysitters readily available? If so, buy two cheap tickets to anywhere with a really nice hotel. Not as expensive as a wine tour of France or the Greek islands, but spontaneous and romantic none the less.

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When my "somebody" finished his PhD, his mother gave me the Kitchen Aid mixer I always wanted. We all know it is the spouse that deserves a big gift for surviving things like dissertations, tenure, etc. ;)


Are you near major airport and have babysitters readily available? If so, buy two cheap tickets to anywhere with a really nice hotel. Not as expensive as a wine tour of France or the Greek islands, but spontaneous and romantic none the less.


Grove Park Inn in Asheville.


Mountains, wine, and if you need to hear French, just call Brigitte.



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Now there's a place you'd never forget! Brigitte...is your French for hire or do you do French gratis for WTMers celebrating their tenurversary? :D




I know for a fact that she could be bought with a couple glasses of good French wine and the chance to sit and chat in French in a comfy chair at The Grove Park Inn.


Right, Brigitte?



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I know for a fact that she could be bought with a couple glasses of good French wine and the chance to sit and chat in French in a comfy chair at The Grove Park Inn.


Right, Brigitte?




My French is much better after a couple of glasses of wine. :D And, it doesn't even have to be good French wine - cheap will do, too. You don't want to over pay for this French.

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while he's out of town, I'd contact all of his friends, family, colleagues, old profs, whoever you can think of, and ask them to send a note, card or email by a certain date. You can have them sent to a neighbor's house (with their permission, of course) so *somebody* doesn't find them. Then, wrap them up in a big, ostentatious box, buy a cake, and surprise him with a huge box of well-wishes from everyone. Don't forget to buy a scrapbook and put all the cards and such into it for *somebody* to have as a keepsake.


I did this for my dh when he graduated grad school, and he loved it. He was really touched by it and still mentions how special it was to him.




Edited to add: Don't forget to take pictures of him opening the box. I had lots of requests for pictures from the well-wishers.

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(If you go with Tutor's idea, I would probably toss in a jacket with those patches on the elbows. That seems like that would make it really official.)


Ha! It's funny you mention that because my dh DID get a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches along with his box of cards. There happened to be one at the thrift store in his size, so I snagged it. :D


He gets teased some for wearing it around campus (he was told it was illegal since he's a PhD student and not a prof :) ... plus it can get really hot down here for tweed), but he loves it and wears it all the time.

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Ha! It's funny you mention that because my dh DID get a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches along with his box of cards. There happened to be one at the thrift store in his size, so I snagged it. :D


He gets teased some for wearing it around campus (he was told it was illegal since he's a PhD student and not a prof :) ... plus it can get really hot down here for tweed), but he loves it and wears it all the time.


:DROFL - this is why I love you guys! That's awesome.

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Um, a cake? ;):D (Totally kidding, but I could not resist after reading ETL.)


Hm...I guess a front-end loading tractor wouldn't be the ne plus ultra like 'tis here... :rolleyes:


Congratulations and kudos!


in the front end loading tractor category too!


Congrats to Somebody and Abbeyej!

This definitely calls for the best champagne, lox and brie (even better if the guys in the family don't like it, that leaves more for you) and a weekend away at a resort. Easy stuff. If you're closer to the East Coast, how about Hilton Head or the Outer Banks? If you're closer to the West Coast, San Francisco if you like city life or Sea Ranch if you like it quiet but beautiful. :D

There, I solved all your problems!

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Oh abbey... I am so happy for you and proud of your brilliant dh!! Gosh, I remember those days back in California when his laptop got stolen with all his work, and the psycho neighbors who kept reporting you... To think he went from that to tenure in this amount of time... I mean, it was just yesterday, wasn't it?!!!


HUGE congratulations (belated, I know... my apologies... didn't have internet for a couple of weeks due to a move).


What did you end up doing to celebrate?

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Thanks, Robin! (And did you have to remind me of the psycho neighbors?!? I think my blood pressure just shot up thinking about that crazy woman! lol...)


He gets back tomorrow evening, we all go to "school" on Thursday morning the drive to VA in the afternoon. So nothing *major* is going to happen quite yet for his celebration.


I *am* going to make a big meal tomorrow with "soul food" veggies (cooked according to our Eat-to-Live diet) and then present him with a bouquet of flowers to congratulate him... Except, lol, my bouquet is going to be a glass vase stuffed with green tissue paper, then with bamboo skewers sticking up as "stems" with fried chicken "flowers" stuck on the ends! (Fried chicken is one of his absolute favorite foods, and something we rarely ever have -- especially on this vegan, low-fat, low grain diet we've been on...) I may experiment with sticking some slices of different colored bell peppers on some of the skewers too, to see if I can make it more flower like. ;)


It's not "big", but he'll know I was thinking of him, and it's silly enough that he should be amused. :)


I'm also in the middle of trying to make a "practice run" for F's birthday cake, because I knew it was going to be more than I had done before and... Well, I've made a huge mess in the kitchen and it's clear it's a good thing I decided to go for a practice run... But maybe the end result of this one, while not looking much like I'd planned, will at least be fun to come home to.


I can't believe you remember all those details -- they've gotten awfully fuzzy for me over the years. But just like you, I'm shocked and awed that he has tenure already, that he has come so far in so few years. And I'm bursting with pride. As I think I may have mentioned once or thrice already, lol...

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Except, lol, my bouquet is going to be a glass vase stuffed with green tissue paper, then with bamboo skewers sticking up as "stems" with fried chicken "flowers" stuck on the ends!


Oh, PLEASE tell me that you will post pictures of the chicken flowers! That is hysterical! :D

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I can't believe you remember all those details -- they've gotten awfully fuzzy for me over the years...



All I can say is beware what you tell the hive. We'll remember what you've paid good money to a therapist to forget :). I also remember trying to figure WHO the psycho neighbor was, and the gay couple was the primary suspect for quite a while...


I think your dh is one of the luckiest guys around.

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Oh, I don't *think* we ever seriously suspected the gay couple... It was their landlord (who lived next door to us -- they rented rooms in the first floor of her house). She *wanted* us to think it was anyone but *her*, and tried to implicate them, but... (Abbey's eyes narrow in lingering anger...) Anyway, I think they were just unwitting scapegoats.


I was telling the kids the story just the other day. The policemen coming to the door, "We had reports of a child screaming." Little ds (then 3), eyes wide, "That was Me! I was screaming 'cause my mommy wouldn't give me chocolate pancakes!" Dd thought it was hilarious.


Then there was the time "someone" reported "a baby crying". The policeman took one look at dd (10mo, red-faced, both fists in her mouth, copious drool) and offered to go explain teething to the neighbors...


Oh, my! lol... (It's a testament to the City of Angels that I miss it so much despite those experiences!) :)


Ok, now I've done the crumb-coat on my cake. I made "rolled buttercream". Everything's sitting till tomorrow... I'm making a very foolish attempt at a "whimsy cake" for F's "Alice in Wonderland" party. I tried to make the cakes without eggs (thinking T could tolerate a little wheat occasionally, so maybe he could have the cake), but they're falling apart. Oh, that also has something to do with the fact that I forgot to flour half the pans. I greased 'em. But I didn't flour 'em. I'm an idiot, and I should go to bed. ;)


I'll try to get Ian to take pictures of my cake-disaster and my fried chicken bouquet... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, for those of you who wanted to know what I ended up doing...


A lovely "bouquet" of fried chicken:



A "happy tenure" cake


(It was actually my "practice" cake for dd's Alice in Wonderland birthday party. I'll link to her cake below.)


The Alice in Wonderland tea party cake:



Alice herself:


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Okay, for those of you who wanted to know what I ended up doing...


Wow. I'm impressed at both the silly humor and the lovely baked creations. Totally fun!






We have birthdays in mid-June, mid-July, early-August, and late-December here. Let me know which day you'll be arriving...with cakes. :)





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