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In your wildest dreams, if money were no object, what "household help"

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would you employ? I know this sounds stupid, but I think about this from time to time.


If money were no object, I would love to hire the following:


1. Housekeeper - For every day! I would love to be relieved from chores. It would be ideal if the housekeeper could cook as well!


2. Cook--Just in case Housekeeper in #1 above can't cook!


3. Math/science tutor - especially for my two older daughters, as they're starting to tackle these harder subjects!


4. Gardener -- I love beautiful flowers and well-tended gardens; I just hate to do it myself!


Anyone else want to try?



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I would just have a housekeeper. I like all those other things (well, no matter what kind of money we have, we will outsource math in high school... um, because we love our kids! LOL) and they are only burdensome when combined with the daily keeping of the house. But I suppose that will even get easier once my kids are older. Still don't think I'd argue with having a housekeeper though! :D

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1. Housekeeper. She would keep up the house - laundry, bathrooms, kitchen, etc.


2. Cook (preferably one experienced in healthy cooking!). I LOVE to cook, but I really don't like to HAVE to cook. Make sense? So, on the days I want to cook, she'd get the day off, but the housekeeper would still need to be around so I could make all the mess without having to clean up!


3. Tutors in everything. I'd still do the read alouds and discussions, but I'd love for them to have the BEST teachers around in their respective subjects. You know, the ones who would teach them to love a subject, not just teach them so that they learn it. KWIM?


4. A live-in nanny. She would be around when I need to run errands so that the weekends could truly be family time. She would also be around for the occasional evening when dh and I need a sitter.


5. A handyman. You know - for all the odd jobs I need done around the house. It would help if he were good looking!!:D


6. A cabana boy. Of course, this would mean that I'd have a pool and a never ending supply of drinks and umbrella straws! LOL


I think that's it!!

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...I would employ a cook/nutritionist who would prepare really healthy meals, and clean up after them! lol. I actually like to cook, but I know I would eat better if someone else was making the choices. I loathe cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. Sometimes the dc have that task, but as they have gotten older they have other responsibilities like work or homework for college courses. I expect less of them at this season in their lives.


I would also employ a personal trainer to get me moving!


Then, someone to vacuum the cat hair off the floors every other day and clean the bathrooms at least twice weekly. Also, someone to bathe my dog would be great. I can handle all the other stuff.;)


Wow, I'm feeling immensely spoiled!

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than a housekeeper to come 2x per month. I would consider a cook b/c I hate to cook (love to bake, hate to cook) and dh, although he likes to cook and does well, is often too tired. Oh, and I would definitely have a babysitter on retainer so dh and I could go on a date at least 2x each month.


Ah....I can dream, can't I?

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would you employ? I know this sounds stupid, but I think about this from time to time.


If money were no object... Anyone else want to try?




Since you asked... *grin*


I want a Hedgekeeper. Seriously. I'd love to have thick, healthy English manor-style hedgerows instead of fencing for our creek and livestock. But... well, that's a LOT of work, and I'm, well, I'd say I'm overworked, but I'm lazy and don't have the ability to keep a philodendron alive, let alone maintain hedges that'll contain animals.


And then I want Jennifer's cabana boy. Or one of his buddies. I'm not picky, now that I've got a Hedgekeeper. :D

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would you employ? I know this sounds stupid, but I think about this from time to time.


If money were no object, I would love to hire the following:


1. Housekeeper - For every day! I would love to be relieved from chores. It would be ideal if the housekeeper could cook as well!


2. Cook--Just in case Housekeeper in #1 above can't cook!


3. Math/science tutor - especially for my two older daughters, as they're starting to tackle these harder subjects!


4. Gardener -- I love beautiful flowers and well-tended gardens; I just hate to do it myself!


Anyone else want to try?





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I had a friend do some cleaning once every other week during my difficult pregnancies and recoveries. On the one hand, it was a help at that time of my life. On the other, I generally prefer to do housecleaning myself since I think I do the best job.;) Which is not to say I'd turn down a deep cleaning once a month. That would be helpful. Beyond that, though, I would rather just deal with things myself (or have my family work on it) than pay someone else. And I definitely wouldn't go for live-in help. That's what my husband grew up with and it is so-o-o-o not comfortable to me.

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I think I'm going to go in a different direction than most of you...


The first professional I'd employ would be an interior designer. I'm really tired of the results of my lack of skill/interest in that area. Close behind that would be a landscape designer and gardener. Again, I'd love to have a beautiful outdoor space, but dh and I are not going to be the ones to make that happen. Finally, I'd like to have a personal shopper. I like nice things, but hate shopping for them.

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A lot of extroverts here. I wouldn't want that many people in my house. ;-)


See - that's the other thing - they'd have to be invisible. And, I'd want them to live here. As long as we're dreaming, they can be available 24/7 - right? And that'd mean that my house would be big enough to hold them all - in the west wing, of course.

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If money was no option I'd go for the works, nanny for the kids to keep them entertained while I worked with one at a time, a private tutor to take over the subjects I'm not great at, a butler, a maid, a cook (or would the butler do the cooking?), even chauffer for the kids, a coach for the kids for whatever sport they want to learn, a gardener, a handy man (so dh could concentrate on his work-love: cars), and any other useful help. ;D

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I would get a housekeeper and a yard man/handyman. Both would work full-time, have lots of experience, and not have criminal records. If they needed helpers, I'd hire helpers for them to supervise.


the inside of our house. After he prolonged the job an extra two weeks (we paid by the job, fortunately, not by the hour!) and he finally finished up, we checked his criminal record. He had one! Not terribly serious stuff, but it was there. Freaky! :eek:

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Someone who would teach me to clean my own house properly and efficiently. Once I was a better everyday maintainer, I would just like to have someone come once every month or two for more deep cleaning.


I like to do things like laundry, cooking, and gardening. Although someone to mow the grass would be nice. Neither dh or I likes to mow.

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As I understand it, butlers don't cook. They supervise the household help, not including the cook who supervises herself and her kitchen staff. Now you may be able find a cooking butler, but don't count on it if you want one who has been to a school of butlery.


If you work it right, you'll just have to supervise the cook and the butler and the head gardener (if you have one), and they can supervise everyone else. Unless you like supervising, of course. I don't.


Also, since money is no object, we'd have to move -- all those extra people wouldn't fit into my house.


If money was no option I'd go for the works, nanny for the kids to keep them entertained while I worked with one at a time, a private tutor to take over the subjects I'm not great at, a butler, a maid, a cook (or would the butler do the cooking?), even chauffer for the kids, a coach for the kids for whatever sport they want to learn, a gardener, a handy man (so dh could concentrate on his work-love: cars), and any other useful help. ;D
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If money was no option I'd go for the works, nanny for the kids to keep them entertained while I worked with one at a time, a private tutor to take over the subjects I'm not great at, a butler, a maid, a cook (or would the butler do the cooking?), even chauffer for the kids, a coach for the kids for whatever sport they want to learn, a gardener, a handy man (so dh could concentrate on his work-love: cars), and any other useful help. ;D



Why not go for broke? After all, money is not an object! I like some of the other ideas, too----they wouldn't need any direction from me, but would just intuitively "know" what needs to be done, plus if they could be as "invisible" as possible! Maybe that's why all those old British movies show the help as silently gliding in and out of rooms, performing their assigned jobs.

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Just a weekly cleaning service (so the kids and I could be out of the house and let them do their thing without bothering them), a weekly yard service, pool service, maybe a personal trainer who would come to my home gym, and I would LOVE to have an occasional driver. (Well really, I would prefer a really good public transit).


Possibly a chef working in his/her own kitchen that would stop by to deliver meals.


I'm with those of you not liking that many people in the house all the time. I could do the weekly cleaning service, though. ;) And all the other help would be mostly outside anyway.

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Jeeves :D


Seriously though, my mother-in-law has an ex-Gurkha as a valet. He looks after her every need. He really is the most amazing man and can turn his hand to anything. He is patient, hard-working, resourceful and totally wasted in his job (I shouldn't say that but Gurkha's go through so much to get where they are).

Anyway, if there is another one of him on this Earth and I was really rich and with no morals, this is who I would choose.

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See - that's the other thing - they'd have to be invisible. And, I'd want them to live here. As long as we're dreaming, they can be available 24/7 - right? And that'd mean that my house would be big enough to hold them all - in the west wing, of course.



Might as well go for the gold! :D

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  • housekeeper for general cleaning and laundry
  • my own dh as my handyman, for all those "to do's" he never has time for
  • weekly masuesse (sp?) for all three of us
  • yard man
  • pool boy (oh, we'd have to get a pool first ;))
  • dog walker once a day (or maybe now I'd have time for that)
  • chef - I'd retire from the kitchen

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Dh has promised when the house is paid for (16 months from now - yes I am counting) we can get a housekeeper.

Interior decorator - I have no clue how to decorate, I go for comfort over style.

Window Washer we have a road in front and in back of use the windows always need washing and I hate doing it.

weeder - I love to garden, but hate to weed

we do have a lawn cutting service as part of our association fees. Basically this just saves dh work as I never did grass cutting on weed wacking.

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